My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 378

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:46:35 AM

Chapter 378: Bearing the Will?

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Chapter 378: Bearing the Will?

Arrived? What has arrived?

Curious, Qin Feng followed the gaze of the white phantom and looked outside to witness the shattering of heaven and earth!

The golden rapeseed blossoms glowing with light were burned to ashes by intense flames, and the vast farmlands appeared desolate and in ruins.

Countless people, filled with fear and screams, ran madly as if possessed.

A huge vertical pupil appeared in the sky, coldly gazing at the human world.

Clawed hands covered with scales tore through the sky, and the colossal giant shook the earth with each step.

The land shook, and ghostly creatures covered in rotting flesh devoured the living.

Fierce winds cut like knives, winged beasts on their backs howled toward the sky.

Single hoofed beasts leapt thousands of miles and landed with thunder that shook the heavens.

Single-eyed dragons, in the blink of an eye, brought changing weather, alternating day and night.

This was an unstoppable force, a despair-inducing apocalypse.

Qin Feng, who was trapped inside the academy palace, could only stare blankly at everything, a deep sense of powerlessness surging within him, until

The white phantom stepped out of the academy.

People always say that studying is useless; I have studied for more than a hundred years, striving day and night for this moment.

The words seemed to have the power of silence, and everything in the world returned to silence.

The white phantom ascended step by step, as if walking on level ground.

The white light on him became more and more intense and spread out like waves in all directions.

The white light engulfed countless ghosts and demons, burned the hooves of giant beasts, and blinded the solitary eyes of colossal dragons.

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng looked extremely shocked as if he remembered something, Gods, demons, and saints.

These were fragments mentioned in ancient books that recorded the night of the Divine Feasts!

When a saint descended into the void, all the ghosts and gods had to avoid its sharp edge.

However, just as Qin Feng was silently cheering, thinking that everything had been settled, the sky was ripped open by an unknown presence, revealing a dazzling golden light that exuded an irresistible pressure.

A majestic voice echoed, Futile struggle. How long can you protect the human race? A hundred years, a thousand years, ten thousand years? The outcome has long been determined, only a matter of time.

The scene in the courtyard turned to dust and disappeared, even the gate gradually vanished under the astonished gazes of everyone.

This sudden change left Lan Ningshaung at a loss: Young Master is still inside, whats going on?

The poor youths around also showed worried expressions.

Master Mo, has this kind of situation happened before? Tang Fei slowly suppressed his smile and asked.

He didnt like unexpected things to happen.

Mo Siye shook his head with a solemn expression.

No, I have to go inside to find my brother-in-law. Just as Lan Ningshuang was about to rush into the academy, a burst of white light flashed and an arm blocked her way.

Why are you so anxious? I already said that I would come if needed. Qin Feng looked at the crowd and said with a smile.

Its you?! The young man surnamed Li shouted. Not only did the other person enter the academy, but he also walked out unharmed. How could he not be shocked?

Qin Feng held out his palm and casually said, According to the agreement, you should give me the certificate now.

Mo Siye wanted to refuse, but there seemed to be an inexplicable power in the others words, causing the words he wanted to say to be stuck in his throat.

Internally, he was shocked, how could he, a dignified fifth-tier cultivator of the Magnificent Virtue Realm, be intimidated by a youth with words?

After the shock, he felt an immense sense of shame!

Tang Fei also noticed the teachers unusual behavior and looked at Qin Feng with a serious expression.

He always felt that the current Qin Feng was different from before, but he couldnt pinpoint the exact difference. He just vaguely felt a bit uncomfortable.

At that moment, a strong wind suddenly blew up.

Everyone turned to look at the Academy Palace. The Academy Palace, which had existed for countless years, even longer than the National Teacher of Heavenly Tower, had completely dissipated like dust in the wind, leaving behind a barren emptiness.

Seeing this scene, Qin Fengs heart skipped a beat. Did he cause trouble?

Tang Fei glanced at him, and the young man surnamed Li understood.

He shouted, You have the audacity to actually destroy the Academy Palace of the National University!

The young man was about to continue his accusations, but before he could, Qin Feng immediately bowed to the empty space and respectfully said, Seniors guidance, junior will always remember it.

Rest assured, Senior, Junior will surely carry out your will, promote what he has learned, and let the human race rebuild a clear and bright world!

Master Mo, this The young man swallowed hard, feeling that Qin Feng might indeed have an extraordinary encounter in the Academy Palace, and didnt dare to speak further.

Mo Siye was also unsure as he watched the interaction between Qin Feng and the empty space.

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