My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 379

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:46:34 AM

Chapter 379: Poor Scholar Academy

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Chapter 379: Poor Scholar Academy

Did it scare them? Qin Feng glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw the expressions of Mo Siye and the others change, it seemed to have an effect.

He gathered his emotions once again, wiped a few tears from his eyes, bowed continuously, and then turned around.

Young master, what exactly happened there? Lan Ningshuang asked curiously.

Qin Feng put a finger on his lips and shook his head.

This appearance made Mo Siye and the others even more uncertain.

Could it be that this young man really had some extraordinary experience at the academy?New novel chapters are published on no/vel(b)in(.)co/m

As for the matter Mo Siye was about to speak, but was interrupted by Qin Feng, Please, Master Mo, according to our previous agreement, give me the certificate book. I need to inherit the wishes of my predecessors and pass on what they have learned to future generations!

This righteous expression seemed truly solemn.

Mo Siye frowned, You destroyed the academy palace and still want the certificate book, its just

Before he could finish speaking, a clear aura swept into the National Academy from the tower.

A middle-aged man in blue appeared out of nowhere in front of everyone!

Mo Siye exclaimed, Yang Qian?

The newcomer was none other than Yang Qian!

Yang Qian looked slightly annoyed as he looked back in the direction of the tower. That shameless Senior Xu actually used the teleportation technique to bring him here and then watched from the sidelines. Truly despicable!

However, regardless of his annoyance, business had to be taken care of. He couldnt let his younger brother be bullied outside.

He calmly said, The dissolution of the academy was fated, and it has nothing to do with him. I hope Master Mo will keep his promise and give him the certificate book.

This statement surprised everyone present. Was Yang Qian actually speaking up for this person? As a disciple of the National Teacher of Heavenly Tower, did it also represent the intention of the teacher?

Mo Siye frowned, and the young mans face turned pale with fear.

As for Tang Fei, the smile on his face seemed forced, and his right fist was clenched tightly under his sleeve.

Since this is Master Yangs intention, of course I wont say much. As he spoke, Mo Siye threw the certificate book in his arms to Qin Feng.

However, after a pause, he spoke again, But I apologize, there are no free classrooms at the National Academy right now. If you want to teach, you might have to find another place.

Yang Qians eyebrows furrowed when he heard this.

Qin Feng said indifferently, No problem. The National Academy is built on the mountain, and it is quite inconvenient to climb here every time to teach. Master Mo, can I build a classroom outside the Grand Literature Academy on my own?

However, after feeling sorry for them, he also felt a sense of satisfaction. He thought about the son of the candy-seller in Jinyang City, and then looked at these kids in front of him.

The future of Great Qian might be carried on the shoulders of these children.

I understand. Three days later, I will inform you of the location of the academy. During those three days, Ill ask Master Yang to take care of them, Qin Feng said, clenching his fists.

Yang Qian smiled faintly, Of course.

You want to set up an academy in just three days? Its really a joke! The young man surnamed Li sneered again. At this point, he was already sure that the other party was just talking big!

Qin Feng looked at him and sighed, as if he was watching a clown perform.

For the artisans of the Divine Workshop, three days was more than enough.

In fact, if the craftsmen of the Divine Workshop went all out, they could build a simple academy in just one day.

The reason for mentioning three days is simply because Qin Feng wanted to make the construction of the school a bit more perfect.

Time passed quickly, and the new school was completed on schedule, located at the intersection of the inner and outer cities.

The advantage of building it here is that the poor students do not have to get up so early every day.

The school is quite large and can accommodate hundreds of people, but Qin Fengs students are only the eight poor students from the National Academy.

This was within Qin Fengs expectations. The purpose of building this school was to open a future path for poor students.

And the name of his school is Poor Scholar Academy!

Han Zhi and other young people looked at the brand new school and were overwhelmed with excitement.

They never thought that they could study in such an environment, and the teacher who taught them was their respected big brother.

Of course, now they have to address each other as Teacher Qin.

Standing at the front of the school, Qin Feng looked at the group of young people and felt emotional.

Although he had taught the Scroll King of the Divine Workshop several times, it was still the first time he had taught a group of children. He really didnt know what to teach them.

After pondering for a moment, Qin Fengs eyes lit up.

He took out a piece of white paper, waved the brush on it, and in an instant, ink characters appeared.

The young people only saw, Heaven imposes great responsibilities on individuals by first testing their minds and hearts, exhausting their physical strength, starving their bodies, and depleting their resources. It disrupts their plans and actions and makes them face adversity. Only then can one cultivate resilience, endure challenges, and enhance capabilities in the face of what was once thought impossible.

This is the first lesson I will teach you! Qin Feng smiled.

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