My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 380

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:46:34 AM

Chapter 380: The Remnant Soul of a Saint

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Chapter 380: The Remnant Soul of a Saint

In just a few days, the reputation of the Poor Scholar Academy spread among the common people, especially the phrase, Heaven will give this person great responsibility, which resonated with countless people and brought tears to their eyes.

Before, they had no choice but to hope that their children would learn martial arts or earn a living early on so that they would have a chance to survive in this world.

After all, the National Academy was not a good place for those from humble backgrounds who wanted to study.

But with the Poor Scholar Academy, things changed. Perhaps the path of the literary saint was also a viable option for children from humble backgrounds.

As a result, the number of students in the Poor Scholar Academy grew to the point where they could no longer be accommodated in one academy.

This also caused Qin Feng to teach from morning till night, leaving no time for rest.

Despite being very tired, Qin Feng was also very happy. Seeing those students soaking up knowledge like sponges, he felt that all his efforts were worth it.

Of course, there were times when he couldnt hold out any longer and let the students read and recite from the books on the Academys shelves.

At night, Qin Feng returned to the Qin Mansion after a busy day.

He opened the window and expanded his spiritual awareness to look at the sky. The white fate stars seemed to be more numerous than before.

Moreover, there were many white fate stars that emitted a blinding white light, making it difficult to look at them directly.

The most surprising thing was that these white fate stars didnt require him to activate his righteous qi. They automatically drew the energy and merged with the Divine Sea to form the projection of the Destiny Stars!

At such times, sporadic images would flash in front of his eyes like a slide show.

A woman waiting at home would see a man returning from battle and burst into tears of joy.

There were demon slayers who had survived battles against demonic creatures and were toasting with their colleagues in a tavern.

These people are all those who have been blessed by gunpowder.

In addition, there were Poor Scholar Academy students who returned home and shared what they had learned with their parents.

One young man stayed up late reading the books borrowed from the Poor Scholar Academy, his face filled with a happy smile.

These were all students of Poor Scholar Academy.

Watching these scenes, Qin Feng smiled with satisfaction. He knew that everything he had done was not in vain.

When he activated his spiritual consciousness to enter the Divine Sea, the sea of clouds of Righteous Qi had already covered the sky.

The white figure pointed a finger, and the surface of the Heart Questioning Platform, tinged with a faint golden light, rippled like a lake, and golden characters appeared in the void.

To establish a heart for heaven and earth, to determine the fate of living beings, to inherit the wisdom of the ancients, and to bring peace to all generations.

Interesting, with your talents, it is no wonder you have not yet entered the realm of the Fifth Level Magnificent Virtue. Your aspirations are so great.

Looking at this white figure, Qin Feng finally confirmed that the Saint had indeed infiltrated his body!

Saint, youre not dead?

Saint? Is that what the future generations call me? There are no saints in this world, I am just a scholar.

My body has long since turned into smoke, and what you see now is just a wisp of remaining soul that could vanish at any time.

Qin Feng was somewhat moved by these words. In the illusion of the academy, he clearly saw that the saint had willingly sacrificed himself for the sake of mankind, in order to strengthen the seal of heaven and earth.

Such a noble cause was truly admirable.

I thought the remaining soul would be sealed in the humble abode forever, until your appearance led me away.

A humble abode? Its the academy palace.

Could it be that you couldnt get out because no one could pass the Academys test of will throughout the ages? Qin Feng asked curiously.

Test of will? The white figure was slightly stunned, then shook his head, I have been reading and thinking in the humble abode for years. My aura has tainted the humble abode, turning it into a spatial treasure.

Reading there is like a fleeting dream, a hundred years inside, but only a moment outside.

This is also to allow future readers to enter my humble abode and learn all my knowledge in a short time.

Ah, Qin Fengs face stiffened, So thats how it was!

Although the sages intentions were noble, after a century of solitude, accompanied only by books, the almost desperate suffocation, is it something an ordinary person can endure?

Fortunately, my will is strong enough, and I didnt destroy the Heart Questioning Platform within myself; otherwise, Qin Feng would have embarrassed himself.

As for why my remaining soul can leave the cold abode with you, its only because I sensed a familiar aura from you, the white ghostly figure spoke again.

A familiar aura? Qin Feng was confused.

It was your eyes that took away my remaining soul.

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