My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 382

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:46:32 AM

Chapter 382: Reinforcements Arrive

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Chapter 382: Reinforcements Arrive

The next day, on the first floor of Heavenly Tower, the third elder brother, Xu Lexuan, had already disappeared, but Yang Qian and Fei Xun were present.

Heaven gives great responsibility to individuals. Our junior brother always speaks such world-shaking words that make people think deeply, said the green-clad Yang Qian.

Fei Xun nodded and silently recited those words in his heart.

Coming from a humble background himself, these words resonated deeply with him.

Nowadays, the Poor Scholar Academy is overcrowded, our junior brother lectures from morning till night almost every day. Yang Qian said, picking up the teacup and taking a sip.New novel chapters are published on no/vel(b)in(.)co/m

Fei Xun dismissed it, To enter the higher realms of the Scholars Path, these are the challenges he has to endure. Besides, its just teaching, how hard can it be? We went through the same thing in the past.

Yang Qian shook his head and smiled, How can it be the same? Oh?

Whats wrong? Fei Xun asked curiously.

Yang Qian looked at the tea leaves floating in the teacup and saw them rising and falling. He had already reached the fourth level of the Literature Saint, and his control over divination and fortune-telling methods could be said to be extremely proficient.

However, as soon as he slightly closed his eyes, he showed a strange look on his face and said: Trouble is coming.

Trouble? Fei Xun looked up at the sky where the reflection of the starry sky could be seen this was the art of stargazing.

After a short divination, he saw some vague images of the future. In one of them, he was being led away from the Grand Literature Academy by Junior Brother Qin, and they were going somewhere.

Upon closer inspection, that place turned out to be

Poor Scholar Academy? Fei Xun exclaimed in surprise.

Yang Qian sipped his tea and said, It seems like youve anticipated this as well. If my guess is correct, our junior brother is probably finding it too tedious to teach alone and is looking for reinforcements.

Heh, it seems my stargazing skills are not up to par yet, otherwise how could I have agreed to go to this academy? I havent found a way to enter the fourth level on my own, so I dont have the leisure to do that. The same should be true for Senior Brother Yang, right? Fei Xun commented.

Yang Qian raised an eyebrow, but did not give a direct answer. Instead, he turned his head to the entrance of Heavenly Tower and said, Hes here.

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Fengs figure appeared in front of them. He greeted them warmly, Senior Brother Yang, Senior Brother Fei, I havent seen you for a long time. I miss you so much.


Thinking about this, Qin Feng thought, Senior Brother Fei, every Literature Saint pursues a certain aspect in his practice. May I ask, what is your path?

Military strategy. Fei Xun replied lightly.

Military strategy? This was a bit unexpected for Qin Feng. However, after careful consideration, it made sense. With Senior Brother Feis personality, if he were to learn how to rule the country and enter the court, he would probably be accused every day and then become depressed.

Ordinary military strategy, considering Senior Brother Feis abilities, he must have already studied it thoroughly. Even though Ive read many books at the Great Literature Academy, I havent come across many decent military strategy texts. How could that be?

Oh, I almost forgot, in my previous life, when I took the humanities exam, I read a lot of history and military strategy books. In that case

It seemed as if Fei Xun saw through Qin Fengs thoughts and said contemptuously, What? Do you want to use military strategy to make me surrender and help you teach?

Even though I dont know what you experienced at the academy, let me boast a little. In the field of military strategy, even though I havent fully understood it, Ive already grasped about seventy to eighty percent of it.

In the whole of Great Qian, the only one who might have caught my eye is the general of the Divine Marquis Army, Liu Tianluo.

Upon hearing these words, Yang Qian had a strange look on his face. Discussing military strategies on paper and experiencing the real battlefield were two completely different things.

The title of Military God bestowed upon Liu Tianlu was backed by actual combat achievements. However, this Junior Brother Fei was best at the theoretical stage.

There was simply no comparison between the two.

However, Yang Qian, who understood the ways of the world, didnt reveal it directly. Instead, he looked at Qin Feng meaningfully.

In his foresight, after the young junior brother said just one sentence, the arrogant junior brother Feis expression changed drastically, and then he lowered his arrogant head.

However, the words of the junior might have been obscured by the will of heaven. Even though Yang Qian wanted to investigate, he couldnt hear the content clearly.

Remembering the historical books and military strategies he had read in his previous life, Qin Fengs mind flashed through them one by one. After entering the sixth rank of the Divination Realm, his memory was naturally far beyond that of an ordinary person.

In a moment, he opened his eyes again and said with a sigh, Warfare, the most important matter of a nation, the basis of life and death, the path to survival and destruction, is an indispensable matter that must be carefully examined.

Therefore, it is examined through five aspects, measured with calculations, and sought for understanding: First, there is the Dao; second, there is the Heaven; third, there is the Earth; fourth, there is the General; fifth, there is the Law.

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