My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 383

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:46:30 AM

Chapter 383: New Year approaches

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Chapter 383: New Year approaches

At first, Fei Xun didnt take it seriously. He just felt that the other person in front of him was talking about military strategy, which simply overestimated his abilities.

But after a few sentences, he changed his mind.

They were simple words, but they vividly summarized the essence of military strategy.

One is Dao, two is Heaven, three is Earth, Fei Xun muttered, and then as if he had unearthed a treasure, he eagerly asked, Whats next?

Yang Qian raised an eyebrow, finding the others reaction exactly as he had expected.

He carefully listened to the words just spoken, and even though he was not well versed in military strategy, he vaguely understood something.New n0vel chapters are published on

Fei Xun was impatient, and Yang Qian was curious.

However, the one who initiated all this suddenly fell silent.

Qin Feng looked around and then pretended to say, Maybe Ive been lecturing too much lately, Im feeling a little thirsty.

Fei Xun placed a cup of tea on the table without saying a word.

Seeing this, Yang Qian was about to speak, but Junior Brother Qin had already finished the tea in one gulp.

This is the tea I just drank. Yang Qian had a strange look on his face and felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. It was absolutely impossible for him to use that teacup again.

Why is there so little tea in this teacup? Qin Feng raised his eyebrows, put down the teacup, and spoke again, reciting the story of Sun Tzus Art of War from his memory.

Fei Xun concentrated, sometimes lost in thought, sometimes full of excitement. When he heard the phrase The art of war is deception, he completely disregarded his usual image.

and shouted, Good! Whats next, whats next?

Qin Feng looked at the empty teacup on the table. Fei Xun understood and quickly filled it with tea.

After comfortably finishing the tea, Qin Feng calmly said, Thats it.

Finished? Fei Xuns eyes widened, How could it be finished? The Art of War has just reached the exciting part. Are you trying to tease me?

Qin Feng moistened his throat and explained, Actually, there is more, but I have to go to the Poor Scholar Academy to teach my students. Im afraid there wont be enough time.

When can you finish? I can wait for you.

You really dont understand, or are you pretending that you dont? Qin Feng glanced sideways, It should take at least until dusk.

After the establishment of the Poor Scholar Academy, he faced students who were eager to absorb knowledge every day. Although he was tired, he felt fulfilled.

And his efforts were not in vain; Fei Xuns initial suggestion proved useful.

After becoming a teacher and passing on his philosophy to the students every day, changes occurred in his Divine Sea.

Not to mention the purple Righteous Qi surging like a sea of clouds, and the bright stars emitting dazzling white light. Lets focus on the Heart Questioning Platform, which was bathed in a faint golden light.

Qin Feng felt that once the golden light covered the entire Heart Questioning Platform, he would be close to entering the fifth level of the Magnificent Virtue Realm.

Speaking of which, Ive been busy with the affairs of the Poor Scholar Academy. I havent asked about the fireworks yet, and I dont know if the old man made them.

Well, Ill visit the Divine Workshop tomorrow if I have time. Anyway, there are people who can take care of things at the Academy.

Otherwise, if theres still no news from my side, that guy might get worried.

Im really looking forward to this years New Years celebration.

At the same time, the four great princes of the Great Qian Dynasty in the four regions had already started preparing gifts and were on their way to the Imperial City.

At this time of the year, it had long been customary to make pilgrimages, offer gifts, and tell stories about the border wars.

The Four Domains Demon Slaying Department will also send available Divine Generals and the Thirty-Six Stars to compete in the Imperial City.

This is to use the mighty power of the great figures to increase the peoples confidence in the Great Qian. Second, it is to help colleagues in the Demon Slaying Department of their own realm get more resources.

At the same time, people from all directions were converging on the Imperial City.

On the other side, on the border between the southern and northern realms, is Hunsu Mountain.

There should have been a Beiliu River running through the border between the southern and northern regions, but now there is only a dry river, like a natural trench.

In the river, all living things have disappeared, and vitality has ceased to exist. Only two long, sinuous traces resembling snakes can be seen stretching all the way to Mt. Hunsu.

A figure dressed in black, carrying a coffin on his back, is cautiously lurking among the trees, complaining incessantly, Why is it always me who has to do this dirty and tiring work? Its really annoying.

This person is none other than Mu Youqian of the Tomb Family.

Hiding behind the trees, he looked at the monstrous double-headed snake on the mountainside not far away and muttered, Its actually Feiyi. How did this monster get out? No wonder the Beiliu River has dried up. Besides, this guy hasnt even breathed his last. How could the old man think of calling me?

Feiyis innate divine power will evaporate the moisture after his death, causing a severe drought. If not handled properly, it will cause untold disaster!

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