My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 385

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:46:28 AM

Chapter 385: Dare to be angry, but not to speak

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Chapter 385: Dare to be angry, but not to speak

As the New Year approached in Imperial City, everyone was busy preparing to welcome the new and bid farewell to the old.

The streets were filled with decorations and the air was filled with the sounds of joy.

Officials were in high spirits and worked diligently every day. After all, if they made a mistake at this crucial time, they might become the target of political opponents. If things went wrong, spending the New Year in a prison cell wouldnt be far-fetched.

Inside the Qin residence, Qin Feng opened the window, took a deep breath, and felt the refreshing touch of the winter air. The scent of a womans scent lingered, a scent emanating from his wife.

Under Qing Ers care, Qin Feng finished his morning routine and headed towards the lakeside pavilion.

From a distance, he saw Ningshuang dressed in blue practicing breath control techniques with his wife. They were refining their mastery of Martial Qi.

To his surprise, he noticed that Ningshuang could now stand in the air, indicating that she had precise control over Martial Qi. His wife had mentioned earlier that if a sixth-level martial artist could stand in midair, it meant that they were not far from reaching the fifth level, the realm of Divine Movement.

The two people in the lake pavilion heard the noise, looked at the corridor, and then stopped practicing.

Lan Ningshuang asked, Young master, are you going out?

Qin Feng nodded. With the New Year approaching, the Poor Scholar Academy was giving the students a break, so he had plenty of free time.

Im going to the Divine Workshop today, and on the way, Ill visit the famous Imperial Excellance Shop in Imperial City to buy some jewelry and clothes for the women at home.

Upon hearing this, Ningshuangs eyes lit up. There were many bookstores near Imperial Excellance, and she could also buy the latest story books to relieve her boredom when she had free time.

Okay, Young Master, but since we are going to buy clothes, do you want to take the lady with you? After all, you have to measure her size. Lan Ningshuang suggested.

Measuring? Qin Feng glanced at the graceful figure beside him. He had estimated her height countless times, even with his eyes closed, he could roughly guess her height. Whether she left or not didnt matter.

However, since arriving in the Imperial City, except for visiting his father-in-laws house together, he had never gone shopping with his wife.

The first reason was that Liu Jianli was busy practicing and looking for an opportunity to enter the second level. Besides, he was often involved in all kinds of trivial matters, so it was difficult for the two of them to have any free time.

Another reason was Lian Jianlis reputation. With her appearance, if she walked the streets of the Imperial City, she would likely attract a crowd and it will be troublesome.

After some thought, Qin Feng replied, Sure, but before we go, its best for Miss to disguise herself a bit.

Due to someone maintaining order, the line was orderly. When it was almost Qin Fengs turn, a sudden commotion erupted from behind.

Queue? From childhood to now, Ive never known what queuing was. Get out of my way! The voice was arrogant, accompanied by a loud slap.

Qin Feng and the others looked at the source of the sound and saw a young man dressed in purple, accompanied by an alluring woman, with a strong man as his bodyguard.

Although the seductive woman had a good figure and appearance, it was obvious that she was not from a respectable family. After all, who would dress so scantily in this freezing weather?

Its him. Qin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly as he recognized the young man in purple.

Back at the Start Seizing Tower, he had met Tang Fei, and if he remembered correctly, this was the son of the Minister of Finance, Zhou Yanli!

The girl who kept order covered her cheek, her eyes red with grief. She had only kindly reminded the other party to stand in line, but who would have expected such an outcome?

The disturbance at the back of the line attracted the attention of many. Some recognized the identity of the young man in purple, whispered, Son of the Minister of Finance, and silently moved aside.

Others, upon hearing his identity, also stepped aside, thinking its better to avoid unnecessary trouble.

As the saying goes, its unwise for commoners to confront officials; naturally, they preferred to keep a low profile.

And Zhou Yanlis reputation as a playboy is notorious in Imperial City. Who would be willing to touch his forehead for a girl?

With a cold smile, Zhou Yanli walked forward, accompanied by the charming woman and the bodyguard.

On the way, the charming woman flirtatiously said, Young Master Zhou, you have quite a presence. In the past, every time I came here, I had to wait in line. Never before has there been a day like today, where everyone is willing to make a way.

Upon hearing Zhou Yanlis words, he embraced the womans waist, gently pinching it, and said, As long as you serve me well tonight, you can use my name whenever you come here in the future.

The glamorous woman covered her mouth and laughed, Tonight, I guarantee that Young Master Zhou will feel like hes in heaven.

In this corrupt world, manners are on the decline. People lowered their heads and showed their disgust.

However, when Zhou Yanli and the women arrived at the Imperial Excellences entrance, they found several people blocking their way.

Zhou Yanli frowned and said, Get lost!

Others thought that the young man in black would retreat with the two girls, but unexpectedly, without looking back, he remarked, On such a cold day, why are there still dogs barking in the streets?

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!