My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 387

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:46:26 AM

Chapter 387: Fireworks and Firecrackers

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Chapter 387: Fireworks and Firecrackers

You dont need to make up stories with me. Even if the Poor Scholar Academy is not well known in Imperial City, it is still not far away.

I know youve been busy lately, but with the upcoming New Ceremony celebration, those firecrackers, can they really be executed? Yaan said seriously.

A man should never say that he cant. Qin Feng thought to himself before replying, Dont worry, some time ago, Master Yuan of the Divine Workshop sent someone to deliver a message to me. The production of the fireworks went very smoothly. You can witness it tonight at the Divine Workshop.

Good, Yaan nodded.

After buying some local snacks, Qin Feng wanted to part with Yaan and explore Imperial City with his wife and Lan Ningshuang. However, Yaan seemed to have no intention of leaving and followed behind.

Qin Fengs face stiffened and he turned around to ask, What are you doing?

Just taking a leisurely stroll with you all since there is still some time to go to the Divine Workshop. Yaan replied truthfully.


This guy doesnt seem to have the self-awareness of being a third wheel, Qin Feng thought, then hinted The New Year is approaching and the Gathering Treasure Pavilion should be quite busy. Dont you need to help out? Take care of things?

Of course, there are people under my command.

Cough. Wang Xu, who was standing next to them, suddenly coughed.

Brother Wang, are you okay? Qin Feng turned his head and asked.

Im fine, I just feel a little cold. Wang Xu waved his hand.

Then you should pay more attention to keeping warm. By the way, what were you going to say?

Yaan, aware that he almost slipped up, changed the subject, As the young master of Yulin City, whether the Gathering Treasure Pavilion in the Imperial City is busy or not has nothing to do with me. The Gathering Treasure Pavilion in Yulin City has people in charge to take care of it.

Reasonable, Qin Feng nodded slightly and asked again, By the way, has your sister finished buying everything? Is there anything missing?

Yaan frowned slightly: She has already bought all her things, but why do you care so much about my sister?

I care about your sister, Qin Feng twitched the corner of his mouth. Could it be that the way he spoke was too tactful, so the other party didnt understand the underlying meaning of his words?

If he was too direct and asked him to leave, it would seem very rude.

In this dilemma, Yaan seemed to have figured it out, Is my staying here bothering you?

The firecrackers contained gunpowder and some metal fragments, the prototype of ancient fireworks.

Qin Feng looked inside, and there were only about twenty or thirty firecrackers in the box. If they were for personal use, it would be fine, but for a grand celebration, this display was clearly insufficient.

Elder Yuan, is this all you have? Where are the others?

Yuan Zhai replied, The current demand for gunpowder exceeds the supply. Most of it is allocated to the military, the court, and the Demon Slaying Department. Theres hardly any surplus gunpowder left to make your so-called fireworks and firecrackers.

Besides, the mere celebration drains people and wealth every year. Whats the point?

Qin Feng admired, Elder Yuan, you truly understand fairness. If every official in the court had the same attitude as you and advised the emperor to abolish such extravagant and wasteful celebrations, things would surely improve.

Yuan Zhai raised an eyebrow, pretended not to have heard and continued to tinker with the gadgets.

Yaan looked curiously at the firecrackers in the box, as she had never seen them before. Is that the thing you mentioned before? Can it really explode in the sky and release beautiful display?

When Qin Feng heard this, he smiled and replied, You will know once we try it. Lets go outside and test it.

The group arrived at the courtyard of the Divine Workshop, and the night was slightly chilly.

Qin Feng called over the busy craftsmen, cleared a piece of land, and then placed the fireworks and firecrackers on the ground.

As long as you light the fuse below, this thing will rise up into the sky and burst into a fireworks display. At that time, the entire people of the Imperial City will be able to see the magnificent fireworks! Qin Feng exclaimed excitedly.

Give me some room, Im going to light the fuse.

The others stepped aside accordingly.

At this moment, Qin Feng thought of something and said to Liu Jianli, Madam, this thing makes quite a noise. However, its better to keep it secret before the ceremony. Can you help me hide the noise?

Liu Jianli nodded slightly. After that, a faint blue aura spread out like waves and turned into a barrier that enveloped the Divine Workshop.

Third-level realm, Domain Technique. Yaan said casually, but her heart was filled with turmoil.

No one could predict how high such a young third-tier sword god would reach in the future.

No wonder the Emperor once said in a drunken state that whoever could marry Liu Jianli would ensure the familys prosperity for a hundred years.

This statement was not just a casual remark.

When she thought about it, she looked at the man in black who was lighting the fuse out of excitement, no one knew what she was thinking.

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