My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 388

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:46:24 AM

Chapter 388: Matters Settled

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Chapter 388: Matters Settled


Just as Yaans mind was wandering, fireworks shot into the sky accompanied by a loud noise.

The busy craftsmen in the divine workshop in the courtyard were startled and quickly looked in the direction of the sound.

Then they saw in the sky above the Divine Workshop, under a light blue barrier, a light green flame blossoming like a huge blooming green flower.

The scene was truly like a fairyland.

Everyone was immersed in this beautiful moment, but unfortunately, it came and went quickly, like a fleeting flower.

How was it? Qin Feng turned around and asked with a smile, but no one replied.

Obviously, everyone was still recovering from the spectacle they had just witnessed.

The first to speak were Huo Yuan and Gong Liang, who rushed over: Master Qin, were those the fireworks and firecrackers we made according to your earlier instructions?


This is strange. After completing this item, we also tested it in the refining room and didnt see any such scene. Huo Yuan scratched his head.

Gong Liang also spoke, The explosive power of this thing is too low. We treated it as a defective product, but we didnt expect it to have such an effect. But, Master Qin, why did the color of the flame turn green?

Qin Feng replied, Remember the small metal you added to it?

Different metals have different colors under high temperatures. I call this phenomenon flame color reaction, and the color you saw is a result of it.

Flame color reaction? Huo Yuans eyes lit up.

Beneficial, very beneficial. Gong Liang pulled out a notebook from somewhere, which was densely filled with notes.

Qin Feng glanced at it and found that the contents written in it were all the things he had taught before.

If I had taken notes so seriously in my previous life, I might not have failed the college entrance exam , Qin Feng thought with a strange expression on his face.

He didnt pay any further attention to these two people, but turned to the white-robed young man who was bowing his head in deep thought and asked, How is it? If we give this as a gift, it should be more than enough, right?

Yaan came back to his senses, Can you light a few more for me to see?

Qin Feng immediately refused, This thing is rare. If you light it now, what will you have to present to the emperor later?

Elder Yuan looked at the drawings in his hand and asked, Are you asking this as the head of the Gathering Treasure Pavilion or as a princess?

The old master already knew Yaans true identity. After all, the artifact that could hide aura, change appearance, and change body shape was created by him!

Yaan sighed, Elder Yuan, why are you asking knowingly? If I ask as the head of the Gathering Treasure Pavilion, I probably wont even be able to get into your attic, right?

Elder Yuan put down the drawings and looked up, If you can get Emperor Mings approval and withhold some of the gunpowder from the court, the Divine Workshop can make nearly a hundred more fireworks for the princess.

Upon hearing this, Yaan agreed after a short thought.

Compared to her incompetent elder brother, as a princess, she enjoyed even more favor from the emperor. Getting some gunpowder was a simple matter for her.

After taking care of the matter, Yaan was about to leave when she suddenly remembered something.

She paused and asked, Why are you all so respectful to this guy? Is it because of the Drunken Immortal and gunpowder? The last time I was here, I happened to see him giving you a lecture. What exactly does he teach you?

Yuan Zhai didnt answer, but casually threw away the physics book he had recorded earlier.

Yaan took the book with a curious look on her face and started to read it.

She couldnt pull herself away from the fascinating knowledge in the book.

You are studying under the National Teacher at the Grand Literature Academy. You should know how unimaginable this knowledge is. For craftsmen like us, its like a treasure.

Yaan remained silent, and after a long time she spoke again, Did he teach the contents of this book?

According to that guy, it was taught to him by his teacher, but whether its true or not is uncertain. Yuan Zhai replied truthfully.

Arent you curious? The person who wrote this book is undoubtedly extraordinary. Yaan said with a hint of excitement in her tone.

What does it matter? The source of the knowledge is not important. As long as we can learn these things, its enough for us.

Yaan was at a loss for words. The statement made sense, but she still wanted to find out where Qin Feng had learned all of this.

After all, the various brilliant ideas in his mind always filled her with curiosity.

Can I take this book back to read it?

Before she finished speaking, the physics book had already disappeared from her hands.

Yuan Zhai said, I have noted the matter of fireworks in my mind. You can go.


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