My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 391

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:46:20 AM

Chapter 391: Nine Fold Prison Opens

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Chapter 391: Nine Fold Prison Opens

This unexpected straight shot caught Qin Feng off guard. Even he, the race king of Qiu Mountain, forgot to turn the steering wheel for a moment and fell off the track.

He looked tenderly at Liu Jianli and clasped her delicate hand.

Last year at this time, he was a lonely single man curled up at home with only instant noodles and anime for company.

A mysterious transmigration brought him here, and he gained such a lovely, beautiful, and powerful wife.

In fact, Qin Feng sometimes thought about whether he still had a chance to return to his original world.

But now, he just wanted to stay here and accompany his wife forever.

Their fingers intertwined, and the surrounding noise and clamor seemed to fade away.

They silently felt the warmth of each others hands, with nothing else in their eyes.

Until the heavy sound of the bell echoed in everyones ears, everyone stopped making noise and there was silence for a while.

Following the drumbeat, a large group of people and horses came along the main road toward Yongan Street.

The distance between the two sides was too far, and ordinary people couldnt see what was going on. Only those with strong eyesight could see whats going on there.

Qin Feng had the X-ray ability, so he could naturally see things on the main street.

A group of over a hundred people were marching on foot, led by the royal family, followed closely by the prince, then the current duke, and various civil and military officials.

In the crowd, Qin Feng saw Old Master Liu, his father-in-law, and Lord Deng Mo, the head of the Demon Slaying Office.

As his gaze moved forward, the status of these people became higher.

With a glance, Qin Feng saw the emperors harem. The elegant and luxurious empress didnt need to be mentioned, and there were countless beautiful concubines.

It seemed like this emperor was still strong and healthy. Qin Feng sighed in his heart, then looked at the group of princes and princesses.

Emperor Ming, who had so many concubines, naturally had many children. In addition to the five princes, there were also three princesses.

As Qin Feng swept through them, he suddenly widened his eyes, his gaze fixed on the eldest princess.

It wasnt her beauty that attracted him, although she was indeed beautiful. What really surprised him was that the Elder Princess appearance was quite familiar.

Those eyebrows, that nose, that face, they were all similar to that girl who disguised herself as a man.

Especially under the long dress, the seemingly ordinary chest was the same!

Especially tonight, with the head of the Demon Slaying Department, Lord Deng Mo, attending the New Years Ceremony, they had to be on high alert.

Zhan Qingfeng glanced at the Prison Department team and suddenly exclaimed.

Unexpectedly, among the eight members of the Prison Department, there was a figure wearing a black cloak, covering his face, and carrying a black coffin on his back.

Being in the Demon Slaying Department of Imperial City, one naturally had a broad perspective.

Its actually someone from the Tomb Clan? Zhan Qingfeng was a bit surprised.

Mu Youqian looked around at the surrounding formation, swallowed nervously, and under the guidance of the Prison Division officials, he arrived at an open space surrounded by stone pillars from all directions. The stone pillars looked like some kind of formation.

Eight officials from the Prison Division stood in each corner, forming hand seals.

In an instant, a white light penetrated the stone pillars under their feet, and the open space surrounded by the stone pillars was also filled with a blinding white light.

At the same time, the entire Nine-Bend River underwent a change.

If there were high-level beings by the river, they would notice that the Nine-Bend River unexpectedly reflected the image of a tall tower.

And that tower was the legendary Nine-Fold Prison!

Which level should we put Fei Yi in? asked one of the officials from the Prison Division.

The leader, a man with a pale face, thought for a moment and replied, Fei Yi is infected, lets just put him in the fifth tier.

The Nine-Fold Prison is divided into nine tiers, each corresponding to a specific prisoner. The lower the tier, the more dangerous the entity confined within it.

Even with Fei Yis strength, he could only be sent to the fifth layer of the Nine-Fold Prison, indicating the terrifying entities in the bottom four layers.

Moreover, there were rumors that the lowest layer of the Nine-Fold Prison contained the remains of an ancient god or demon!

Okay! The officials of the Prison Division took order and transformed their hands in the air.

Suddenly, a strong wind rose, and a crack appeared in the void, revealing a pitch-black and silent space inside. A terrifying aura emanated from the crack, and in the darkness, countless pupils of various colors and shapes lit up.

They watched the outside world with malicious, cruel, and mocking gazes.

Mu Youqian trembled with fear as his corpulent body shook.

Open the soul-sealing coffin and release Fei Yi! The leader of the prison division ordered.

Ah? Oh, okay. Mu Youqian dared not hesitate and immediately followed the order.

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