My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 392

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:46:18 AM

Chapter 392: Escape from Nine Fold Prison

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Chapter 392: Escape from Nine Fold Prison

The grand ceremony on Yongan Street was still in progress.

After Emperor Mings sacrifice to heaven was completed, dignified melodies filled the air and echoed in the ears of the onlookers.

Yaan, in the procession of sacrificial rites, glanced to the side. A nearby eunuch understood and gestured to a young eunuch, whispering a few words.

The young eunuch accepted the instructions and left in a hurry.

In about the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, accompanied by several thunderous noises, the firecrackers that had previously been arranged around Yongan Street shot up into the sky!

The citizens of Imperial City, still unaware of what was happening, looked up to see a magnificent display of colorful fireworks lighting up the sky.

The spectacle was beyond words!

The magnificence of the fireworks lighting up the sky above Imperial Street was clearly visible even to those who hadnt come to witness the ceremony.

What is that?

There are actually fireworks in the sky. Could it be a sign of heavens approval of the emperor?

Many citizens whispered to each other, extremely shocked.

In the crowd, Qin Feng and his companions also looked up at the dazzling fireworks with smiles on their faces.

On the sacrificial platform, Emperor Ming was delighted, Is this the surprise Yaan prepared for me? I really liked it!

The Empress and the Imperial Concubines beside him also admired the scene. Although they had seen various rare treasures in the palace, this was the first time they had seen such a sight.

It should have been the happiest moment, a nationwide celebration with everyone in the Imperial City enjoying the beautiful scene.

However, at that moment, a sudden change occurred.

Thunder rumbled in the sky, and a terrifying roar echoed in the crowds ears, causing the entire Imperial City to tremble!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

In the blink of an eye, more than ten prison guards appeared and surrounded the imperial familys procession.

At the same time, the Demon Slaying Department of the Great Qian Four Domains, who had been watching the celebration on Yongan Street, all turned their attention to the direction of the Demon Slaying Department in the Imperial City.

Atop the Heavenly Tower of the Grand Literature Academy, the white-robed National Teacher remained indifferent.

At the Nine-Bend River, the old man who had been fishing silently packed up his fishing rod and stood up.

Whats going on? Mu Youqian staggered and collapsed on the ground in fear.

He had only followed the orders of the prison guards to release Fei Yi from the soul-sealing coffin. How could he have expected such a sudden turn of events!

When the Ghost Buddha entered the Ninefold Prison, his solid black arms suddenly closed, and the golden light of the swastika manifested, dispersing the endless darkness.

At a glance, there were continuous cages on both sides, containing all kinds of terrifying and strange beings.

A hungry ghost with a huge red body, exposed white bones, and a mouth full of fangs.

Executioners with blood-red bandages covering their faces, wielding blood-soaked cleavers, practitioners of dark and sinister arts.

A paper-thin artisan with only one layer of skin remaining.

A mortician with varying skin tones and distinct facial features.

At that moment, all of existence turned their attention to the Ghost Buddha.

The Ghost Buddha lifted the straw hat on his head, revealing three faces-one glaring angrily, one smiling playfully, and one crying sorrowfully.

He said, Do you all want to leave this ghostly place and turn this Imperial City upside down?

Upon these words, no one responded. The gazes of the various beings towards the Ghost Buddha were filled with disdain and mockery, some even with sarcasm.

Just when everyone was silent, a handsome man with a fair and clean appearance and a face like an ordinary person said, Even if the seal of the Nine-Bend River is weakened, we still cannot break the restriction within the Ninefold Prison and escape from this cage.

What you say is meaningless to us.

The paper craftsman scoffed, The Ninefold Prison is not a place you can just leave at will. I have never seen anyone who can leave after coming here.

The Three-Faced Ghost Buddha looked around and said slowly, What if I can help you break the restriction?

At that, the expressions of the various beings in the fifth dimension changed unpredictably.

The mortician said in a hoarse voice, Anyone can talk big.

As soon as the words were uttered, the six arms of the Ghost Buddha suddenly closed, and a black and golden light spread out from him, melting away with a hissing sound.

Wherever the light passed, a sizzling sound erupted.

On the cage holding a group of prisoners, the red lines faded and then disappeared.

And those red patterns were exactly the restriction of the Ninefold Prison!

The prisoners looked at each other in astonishment, their eyes full of surprise, but no one dared to make a move.

After all, they had tried to break free from the restriction countless times, and the backlash triggered by touching it was unbearable.

After a moment, a burly and sinister-looking hungry ghost couldnt bear it any longer.

He swung his right claw forcefully, accompanied by a loud roar, and the cage instantly shattered into pieces!

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