My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 393

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:46:16 AM

Chapter 393: The Big Shots Takes Action

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Chapter 393: The Big Shots Takes Action

This was also a signal to all the prisoners that the restrictions within the Ninefold Prison had indeed been broken!

All the beings could no longer contain the excitement in their hearts. They used various means to shatter the cage that had kept them imprisoned for so long.

Brutal murderous intent filled the fifth layer and almost became a reality!

A handsome man who practiced the evil way, the Yin and Yang way, asked curiously, Why do you want to save us?

The Ghost Buddha spoke first, smiling, Ive stated the reason from the beginning to let you all escape and turn the city of the Imperial Capital upside down.

The prisoners who could be sent to the fifth layer were not at all easy to deal with.

How could they believe such words? But the reasons did not matter to them.

Whatever the reasons may be, they dont care. In fact, they have been trapped and oppressed for too long!

Seeing that the spatial cracks in the Ninth Fold Prison were about to close, all the prisoners did not hesitate and disappeared in a flash.

The paper-thin craftsman floated away. As he was about to leave, he turned around and saw the Ghost Buddha standing still.

He couldnt help but be curious and asked, Arent you leaving? Once the entrance to the Ninefold Prison is closed, it will be difficult to escape.

The Ghost Buddha remained silent, turned around, and struck six palms on the ground. A black aura surged, and the ground of the fifth layer made cracking sounds.

In an instant, a large bloodthirsty mouth appeared in the black mist, and the Ghost Buddhas figure instantly disappeared, seemingly falling to the layer below!

The thin paper craftsman showed a surprised expression. At this point, he finally understood everything.

The pitch-black Ghost Buddhas target this time was not them, but the existence in the lower layers of the Ninefold Prison!

The only reason he was saving them was to make it difficult for the high-level beings in Imperial City to handle the situation!Updated from n0velbIn.(c)o/m

Only a palm-sized crack remained at the entrance to Ninefold Prison. Strong fluctuations emanated from outside the crack, indicating that a fierce battle had already begun.

The thin paper craftsman didnt hesitate any longer. He rolled up his human skin and passed through the tiny cracks.

Somethings wrong! Zhang Qingfeng looked at the prisoners escaping from the crack and felt his scalp tingling.

The burly hungry ghost, as tall as a small mountain, had wreaked havoc in the northern region years ago, devouring all living things within a twenty-mile radius in just seven days!

The handsome man who practiced the Yin and Yang ways had used forbidden techniques in the eastern region, turning the people of three towns into genderless corpses to satisfy his twisted psychology and his lust for slaughter!

The sight of the Hungry Ghost frightened the common people, who screamed in panic.

The Hungry Ghost had already extended its claws toward the nearest villagers, seemingly eager for a hearty meal.

At this critical moment, a massive figure descended from the sky.

Then there was a loud bang!

It was like a massive mountain collapsing, and the formidable Hungry Ghost was instantly crushed into a bloody mess!

A middle-aged man in a black and gold robe turned his wrist and frowned slightly.

Its the Divine General of the Eastern Territory, the War God Lord Ning Zhan! The people who had narrowly escaped death shouted excitedly.

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng suddenly understood. No wonder this person could vanquish the Hungry Ghost with a single blow; it turned out to be the rumored War God of the Eastern Domain.

The Hungry Ghost was already death, but its blood seemed to come alive and spread in all directions.

This was his after-death divine ability!

A person from the Prison Division flashed to Ning Zhans side and said, Lord War God, we cannot allow this blood to spread, or else the flesh and blood of the people will be melted, and new Hungry Ghosts might be born!

Without hesitation, the middle-aged man waved his right hand violently. The gushing green blood on the ground was splashed into the sky. Then, with a firm grip, a golden light appeared, and the blood disappeared in an instant.

Seeing this scene, the personnel of the Prison Division sighed with relief.

However, before one wave could subside, another rose.

Just as the hungry ghosts had been destroyed, the figures of demons who had escaped from the Nine Fold Prison appeared in the sky not far away.

These demons had originally followed the scent of human vitality along with the hungry ghost. However, when they saw how easily the hungry ghost was crushed, they no longer dared to harbor covetous thoughts. Instead, they scattered in all directions.

Having been imprisoned for too long, they had forgotten that this was the Imperial City, the gathering place of the Great Qians supreme fighting power!

If they didnt escape now, they would suffer the same fate as the hungry ghosts!

Unfortunately, they realized this too late.

Infinite Void, rise! The voice, though not loud, seemed to echo in everyones ears.

In the blink of an eye, an azure-colored barrier enveloped all the demons that tried to escape.

This was a domain technique that could only be used by those who had reached the third realm!

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