My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 399

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:45:54 AM

Chapter 399: The Clear Profound Formation

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Chapter 399: The Clear Profound Formation

In the main hall, Emperor Ming frowned as he listened to the reports of the imperial physicians in the audience.

Your Majesty, this disease is unheard of. If we are to cure it, Im afraid it will take some time.

We have made every effort, and for now we can only alleviate the symptoms of the officials and generals. However, the princess condition is much more serious than that of the officials.

Before the words could sink in, Emperor Ming angrily shouted, Incompetents, all of you are incompetent! What use do I need you for?

Originally, it was New Years Eve, a time to celebrate the grand ceremony and display national prestige. Due to an unexpected incident that occurred, this left Emperor Ming furious.

The imperial physicians in the audience were helpless in dealing with the sudden illness, so they naturally became the outlet for Emperor Mings anger.

When the daughter of the Liu family, Liu Jianli, suffered from meridian damage, you were helpless and made all kinds of excuses. Now, with this disease brought on by these criminals, you are just as helpless. Do I have to behead you all before you find a solution?

We are not afraid of death, Your Majesty. Please calm your anger. Although these imperial physicians were not skilled in politics, they were all experienced, so they hurriedly knelt down and confessed.

After hearing this, Emperor Ming pointed at them, intending to continue his rage, but he suddenly thought of something.

Liu Jianlis meridian damage was cured by the eldest son of the Qin family, Qin Feng.

Could Qin Feng find a solution for this disease? After some thought, he immediately ordered, Where is the eldest son of the Qin family, Qin Feng? Bring him to me!

The chief eunuch immediately accepted the order and retreated.

Then Emperor Ming added, Also, bring Chief Deng Mo of the Demon Slaying Department here. Send someone to inform the National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower about todays events.

Yes, Your Majesty.

After the Chief Eunuch left, the Imperial Physicians remained on their knees with their heads bowed in remorse.

Emperor Ming paid no attention and asked directly, Someone told me that the root cause of todays disaster was the demon that was being escorted into the Ninth Prison. Do you have any explanation for me?

As he finished speaking, several figures wearing white masks and red robes appeared; they were from the Prison Division.

How are they doing? At Yongan Street, civil and military guards looked at the pain of their superiors and asked the Imperial Physicians for information.

The imperial physicians were already frustrated, faced with this helpless situation. Now that they heard someone urging them on, they became even more irritated.

An elderly Imperial Physician scolded, Are you a Physician or am I? We are still here thinking about a solution. If you have nothing to do, tell those commoners outside to shut up. How can we concentrate and discuss a solution with all this noise?

The guards looked unhappy at these words.

Is it that simple? Qin Feng was a bit surprised.

Yes. This formation is the Clear Profound formation that I have studied for a long time. It is the nemesis of evil and curses.

Such a powerful formation is not easy to understand and set up. Even Xuan Yi, who had experienced countless ages, was shocked to see Qin Feng successfully set it up in one go.

Lian Jianli and Lan Ningshuang looked at each other in confusion.

Lan Ningshuang curiously asked, Young master, what are you doing?

From her perspective, she only saw the young master inexplicably turn around for a moment, and then he started drawing formation diagrams and setting up formations.

Youll find out later. Qin Feng said, and then asked the man to carefully move his mother directly under the formation.

Then, he lightly exhaled and released the thunderous Righteous Qi from his body into the Clear Profound formation.

The Righteous Qi circulated within the field, causing the original white light of the Clear Profound Field to turn into a light purple glow.

The man and the people around him were puzzled and confused. The young master was supposed to be healing and saving people, so what was he doing?

But the next scene surprised everyone and gave them a huge surprise!

The mans mother, who was originally in critical condition, was baptized by the light of the formation. The red color on the surface of her skin faded away, and even her heartbeat and breathing slowly stabilized.

After some time had passed, the woman slowly opened her eyes and called out the mans name.

Mother, youre finally awake! The man cried with tears of joy.

This young master has actually cured a disease that even the Imperial Physician couldnt treat.

Does that mean theres hope for our family members as well?

At this moment, the onlookers erupted into excited cheers.

Qin Feng said, Your mother has lost a considerable amount of fluids and blood. First, give her some water, then go to the pharmacy and get some blood replenishing herbs to help her recover.

Upon hearing this, the man knelt down and repeatedly expressed his gratitude, Thank you! Thank you, young master, for saving her life!

As Qin Feng helped the man to his feet, he heard the worried voices of the people around him, Young Master, please save our family members as well.

Dont worry, take the patients here. Qin Feng reassured them.

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