My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 400

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:45:54 AM

Chapter 400: Your Words Are A Bit Too Much

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Chapter 400: Your Words Are A Bit Too Much

Cure the disease? Thats ridiculous! The old imperial Physicians scoffed when they heard the commotion.

Even they were powerless against this strange disease. How could it be cured by a mere young man?

However, as time went by, the voices of skepticism and contempt faded away, because the ordinary people who were brought under the Light Formation quickly regained their mobility, and even their physical conditions improved significantly!

The old imperial Physicians and others looked at each other in disbelief. When did formations become a method for curing diseases? It completely undermined their understanding!

But faced with the facts, they had no choice but to believe!

What should we do? asked one of the Imperial Physicians.

Everyone had no idea and all looked at the eldest Imperial Physician.

After thinking for a moment, the old Imperial Physician scoffed and said, Since the disease can be cured there, lets take all the civil and military officials there.

But wont that make us look inferior? A man said with an ugly expression

Inferior? Who said that? The recovery of people is due to our medical skills. If the people dont recover or even get worse, we can blame it on them. the old Imperial Physician said casually.

After this statement, the imperial Physicians smiled knowingly.

After all, it all depended on how they presented it. As for the testimonies of the common people, who cared?

On the other hand, the number of commoners who had been cured was increasing, and their gratitude was being expressed with cheers.

However, as Qin Feng continued to channel the righteous energy into the Clear Profound Formation, even with the healing effects of the treasure headband, it became increasingly difficult for him to endure.

His face grew pale, and large beads of sweat dripped from his forehead.

Young man, take a break. With only a sixth-ranked Fate Divination strength, you cant sustain this constant consumption. Your body wont be able to handle it. Xuan Yi said.

Qin Feng understood this logic very well. However, when he saw the large number of people on Yongan Street who still hadnt received treatment, he couldnt stop.

Remember, the curse of the Drought Demoness covered almost half of Imperial City. Besides Yongan Street, there were countless people who needed treatment.

Not even a single second could be delayed!

Senior Xuan, its okay. After my wife and Ningshuang bring back Senior Yang and Senior Fei from Grand Literature Academy, I can rest. Qin Feng replied in his mind.

Just then, there was a commotion in the crowd.

Qin Feng looked towards the source of the sound and saw the Imperial Physicians leading civil and military officials towards them, driving away countless commoners along the way.

At that moment, the old imperial physician suddenly remembered that when Liu Jianlis meridians were damaged and she could not seek medical help, she had followed her ancestors promise and married in a faraway place.

Later, there were rumors that someone had healed Liu Jianlis meridians.

Looking at it now, the one who healed her energy channels was probably the black-robed young man in front of them!

You are Qin Feng of the Qin family? The old Imperial Physician revealed his identity with a bit of regret in his heart.

This was the son-in-law of the Liu family, and he was not a person he could offend.

Qin Feng ignored him and said, Madam, if someone dares to disturb the order, dont be polite.

Alright. Liu Jianli agreed and then looked at the old Imperial Physician and others.

Those beautiful eyes were filled with a cold intent, and she would show no mercy to those who bullied her husband in his absence!

The old imperial physician was startled, but he still changed his attitude and said softly, Those behind us are important court officials. If the treatment is delayed and the emperor blames us, we wont be able to bear the consequences. We hope that Miss Liu and Mr. Qin will consider the overall situation and not make things difficult for us.

A sword aura immediately swept past the old Imperial Physicians ear, cutting off a strand of his hair and leaving a faint blood stain.

Your words are a bit too much. Liu Jianli said lightly.

Everyone stood stunned, even Qin Feng was momentarily surprised.

Xuan Yi smiled and said, Drawing a sword at the slightest disagreement, your wifes character is truly interesting.

Thats natural. My wife is ruthless with few words. Qin Feng raised an eyebrow, feeling satisfied.

You, you, you. The old imperial physician, touching the bloodstain on his ear, stammered in shock.

However, when he saw Liu Jianli frowning slightly, he quickly covered his mouth and slowly stepped back to make way.

Qin Feng could finally continue to cast the Righteous Qi to expel the curse of Drought Demoness for those seriously ill commoners.

Seeing Qin Fengs tired appearance, Liu Jianli showed a look of distress, saying the same words as Xuan Yi, asking him to rest for a moment.

Madam, dont worry. When Senior Yang and Senior Fei arrive, I will stop. Qin Feng replied with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Liu Jianli didnt say a word. She closed her eyes, released the qi within her, and then reached into the empty space with her right hand.

Just as Qin Feng was curious about what the lady was doing, two figures quickly approached from the sky, accompanied by an exclamation.

Qin Fengs eyes widened as he looked closely. The newcomers were Yang Qian and Fei Xun!

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