My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 402

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:45:52 AM

Chapter 402: Ya'an? An Ya!

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Chapter 402: Ya'an? An Ya!

Following Chief Steward Li into the study room, Qin Feng felt like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, feeling that the trip was worthwhile.

Back at the Star SeizingTower, he had learned the meaning of luxury.

But after entering the Imperial Palace, he understood what it meant to see the big picture.Folloow current novÊls on nov/3lb((in).(co/m)

After all, he was in the presence of the Emperor, where even tea sets were precious objects that nourished vitality and spirit!

After Emperor Ming left Yongan Street and returned to the Imperial Palace, he shed the ceremonial robes and donned the dragon robe, exuding the majesty of an emperor.

I heard that you cured that strange disease?

Qin Feng clasped his fists and replied respectfully: Yes, Your Majesty.

Good, there is someone here I would like you to treat as well.

As expected. Qin Fengs heart skipped a beat, after a moments thought, he guessed that it wasnt difficult to figure out why the emperor had summoned him here.

What remained unknown was who needed his treatment.

Was it the Empress, the Mother of the Nation, or the charming Imperial Concubine?

It wasnt that Qin Feng had any inappropriate thoughts, but most of the men in the palace had cultivated to resist the erosion of curses. Thats why most of the cursed people were ordinary citizens or officials without cultivation.

The palace consorts, who were mostly ordinary women, were naturally more likely to be cursed.

His speculation was reasonable.

Then he heard the emperor speak again, The person in question is my princess Anya.

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng suddenly raised his head.

Outside the Main Hall, the Crown Prince was still pacing back and forth, waiting anxiously.

At that moment, a man dressed as a guard hurried over.

How is it, have you found him? the Crown Prince hastily inquired.

The guard replied respectfully, I report to Your Highness that Master Qin is not at his residence; he has gone to Yongan Street to witness the celebration of the New Ceremony.

Why didnt you go to Yongan Street to find him? the Crown Prince exclaimed, unable to contain his concern for his sisters safety.

I did go, but by the time I arrived, Master Qin had already been taken away by someone.

The Crown Prince furrowed his brow, Who dares to take someone away from me? Theyre asking for trouble.

A handsome young man dressed in black. According to Eunuch Li, he is addressed as Lord Qin.

The Crown Princes eyes lit up and the Third Imperial Prince narrowed his eyes.

Yaan, Anya, well, as a princess of the dynasty, not only did she disguise herself as a man to travel, even her chosen alias is so casual. Is she that bold?

On the way to Anyas palace, Qin Feng couldnt help but mutter.

Looking back now, all these unreasonable aspects could be perfectly explained.

No wonder Wang Xu and Mo Lintian were so powerful. No wonder she always had such a proud demeanour.

As a princess of a country, how could she not be proud?

He felt deceived, or rather, he felt that he had deceived himself miserably.

The young master of the Gathering Treasure Pavilion in Yulin City, Im afraid the entire Gathering Treasure Pavilion belongs to her.

Speaking of which, besides the demons running amok, there are bandits everywhere in the Great Qian. How can she dare to wander around as a princess? Isnt she afraid of being kidnapped by bandits and becoming the wife of their leader?

You know, this kind of colourful plot was not uncommon in the novels he read in his past life.

Theres always a delicate young lady who catches the eye of the bandit leader, gets kidnapped back to the mountain stronghold, and then lives a carefree, ahem, miserable life with no one paying attention to her even if she screamed at her throat?

Oh, wait, shes dressed as a man. Qin Feng suddenly realised.

Unless the bandit is as good as Long Yang, he shouldnt be able to kidnap a handsome young man.

She is both a princess and the young master of the Gathering Treasure Pavilion, and she still insists on wrangling with me over the profits from those few taverns. Truly hateful!

If it were in my previous life, she would definitely be a ruthless capitalist, ruthlessly exploiting the lower-class working people.

No, after lifting the curse for her this time, the next time I see her, I must reclaim both the principal and the interest.

The profits from the tavern are absolutely non-negotiable, and I also need to carefully consider the rewards promised for the fireworks and firecrackers. By the way, I once saved her life.

Qin Feng calculated various things in his mind and decided to go back and think carefully about the compensation he should demand.

Suddenly, Eunuch Li, who was leading the way, turned around and said, Master Qin, we have arrived.

Qin Fengs figure stopped, looked up, and saw the three large characters of An Ya Palace.

Qin Fengs figure paused, looking up, only to see the large characters of Anya Palace.

Outside the palace, two men were standing, and from their attire, Qin Feng could roughly guess their identities. His expression turned serious.

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