My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 407

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:45:23 AM

Chapter 407: Unremarkable Qin Jian'an

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Chapter 407: Unremarkable Qin Jian'an

Qin Feng saw Xing Sheng moving things around and asked, Black Charcoal Head, where did all these things come from?

Young master, these are all sent by the people you treated last night. We told them not to send any more, but they didnt listen. Right now, theres still a lot piling up outside the Qin residence. Black Charcoal Head said helplessly, but he also admired Young Master in his heart.

Back when the Lord of the Liu Family led the Divine Marquis Army to suppress the demons and save a city, the people of that city also expressed their gratitude by sending gifts to the Divine Marquis Army.

Unexpectedly, Young Master had already earned such admiration from the people of the Imperial City at such a young age.

Young Master, with so many things, if theyre stored properly, our Qin residence probably wont need to buy food for half a year. Black Charcoal Head joked.

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng looked at the gifts covering the floor and smiled happily, Yes.

Who treats the common people well is known to everyone in their hearts.

Even though Qin Feng felt emotional, he didnt linger here. After all, Chief Steward Li had been waiting for him in the main hall of the Qin residence for a long time.

Upon entering the hall, he immediately saw Chief Steward Li sitting there, gently blowing on the steaming tea and occasionally chatting with the unreliable old man.

When the Second Mother was Qin Feng she made a quick gesture.

Qin Feng approached and apologised, Im sorry for being late. Please forgive the delay, Chief Steward Li.

Upon seeing this, Chief Steward Li put down the teacup and smiled, No problem. Last night you treated the people in the city and also went to the palace to rescue Princess Anya. Its normal to be a little tired. Taking a little extra time to rest is reasonable.

This politeness was quite unexpected for Qin Feng. He thought that Chief Steward Li, who usually stayed at the Emperors side, might be difficult to get along with.

Chief Steward Li has come to find the junior. May I ask what its about? Qin Feng asked curiously.

Of course, I came here following His Majestys decree to summon you to the palace and present you with rewards. If there is nothing else, you can leave with me. Chief Steward Li stood up.

Alright, Qin Feng immediately agreed.

However, on his way out, Chief Steward Li deliberately looked at Qin Jianan.

The Emperors remark last night about a tiger father having a tiger son was still on his mind.

However, after spending some time in the hall with Qin Jianan, Chief Steward Li could only feel that apart from his acceptable appearance, he was quite unremarkable.

As the Chief Steward who served the Emperor all year round, he had seen all kinds of people high-ranking officials who held sway, generals with profound martial arts skills, practitioners of mysterious arts, and martial arts experts.

Even if these people didnt speak, he could sense their extraordinary qualities.

After all, this treasury had been established since the founding of The Great Qian, and the items inside could be said to be diverse and extensive.

In the Demon Slaying Department of the Four Domains, most of the treasures obtained through meritorious service were eliminated items from the Imperial Palace Treasury, which was a clear indication!

Qin Feng exclaimed excitedly, Thank you, Your Majesty!

The Emperor Ming nodded and spoke again, Your intelligence is outstanding, and you are skilled in craftsmanship.

You have invented gunpowder, thus enhancing the power of The Great Qian. I value your talents and would like to appoint you as the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Construction, in charge of management and construction affairs. What do you think?

Upon hearing this, Qin Fengs expression stiffened. The Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Construction was a fifth-ranking official!

For a commoner to directly take up such an official position was like a pie falling from the sky, demonstrating the emperors favor.

But he didnt want to do it!

Officials of the court were different from demon-slayers. The former had strict working hours and were far less free-spirited than the latter.

Moreover, within the court, officials are entangled in political maneuvering, always guarding against being caught in compromising situations. One small mistake could lead to family ruin and personal catastrophe.

And he also needs to improve the cultivation of the followers of the Literature Saint Dao Lineage, and teach at the Poor Scholar Academy. Where is the time for all these?

Seeing Qin Feng hesitating to answer, Eunuch Li reminded him in a low voice, Qin Feng, His Majesty is asking you!

Qin Feng immediately came to his senses, pondered his words for a moment, and then began to express himself eloquently.

He began by expressing gratitude for the Emperors favor, then elaborated on his young age, limited experience, and inadequate abilities. Even though he wanted to take on this official position, he felt he lacked the necessary experience.

In summary, the implicit message between the lines was he couldnt handle it.

After hearing these words, the Emperor looked at Qin Feng with a meaningful gaze.

Just this glance caused Qin Fengs adrenaline to surge, and cold sweat poured down.

Did I say something wrong?

When Eunuch Li saw this, his heart skipped a beat and he sensed trouble.

However, what followed was the Emperor saying, What you said does make some sense. Forget about the position of Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Construction for now. Eunuch Li, take him to the imperial palace treasury.

As you command, Your Majesty.

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