My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 408

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:45:21 AM

Chapter 408: I Never Intended to Deceive You

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Chapter 408: I Never Intended to Deceive You

After leaving the study room, Qin Feng slowly breathed a sigh of relief; the atmosphere just now was too oppressive.

The Emperors glance was like the arrival of thousands of demonic soldiers at the city gates, making ones heart pound.

Eunuch Li, did I say something wrong just now? Qin Feng asked cautiously.

I dont know. Eunuch Li distanced himself, and seemed no longer as friendly as before.

Qin Feng felt a sinking sensation in his heart. Seizing an opportunity around a corner where no one was present, he intercepted Eunuch Li.

From his pocket, he pulled out a heavy money pouch.

He understood the rules!

Eunuch Li casually glanced at it and said, Young Master Qin, what are you doing? I wont fall for this.

Qin Feng sighed inwardly at the caution of the eunuch who usually accompanied the emperor. Suddenly, he recalled the bribery scenes in the TV dramas he had watched in his previous life.

Bribery also required strategy and tactics.

If you give a gift blatantly, you will only leave a clue and make the recipient of the gift miserable.

Only fools would accept such gifts.

Eunuch Li was evidently not a fool.

Realizing this, Qin Feng changed his approach. He put the money pouch back into his pocket and took out an exquisite jade pendant.

During the journey, he discreetly threw the jade pendant onto the grass when there was a gap.

Then, Qin Feng pointed at the grass and said, Eunuch Li, you dropped something.

Eunuch Li looked over, then glanced at Qin Feng before crouching down to pick up the jade pendant, smoothly tucking it away.

His actions were fluid and natural.

A smile appeared on his expressionless face, Ive been wearing this jade pendant for a long time, I didnt notice when it fell. Thanks to Young Master Qin for reminding me.

I have been wearing it for a long time, my foot. Qin Feng smiled on the surface, but cursed inwardly.

I just happened to see it.

Eunuch Li hesitated for a moment; Anyas palace and the Imperial Treasury were in two different directions.

Thinking of this, he realized why did Princess Anya appear here? Even if it was a walk, she would not have walked such a long distance.

Qin Feng followed Anyas footsteps closely.

Eunuch Li and the man in battle dress originally wanted to follow, but Anya stopped them, I have something to say to this person alone, you can follow from behind.

The two of them walked for a while, and no one spoke first.

Qin Feng sneaked a glance at her, her delicate side profile was indeed impressive, but when viewed from the side, her flat breasts were even more obvious.

He couldnt help but sigh.

Hearing the movement, Anya looked sideways, her elegant eyebrows slightly frowning, Being with me disappoints you so much?

Still pretending, Qin Feng turned his head and looked, confirming that they were keeping a certain distance from Eunuch Li and the others, then whispered, Princess Anya misunderstood. Its just that seeing you reminded me of a good friend.

Coincidentally, that person is named Ya An, and the only difference is the order of the characters in your names.

Also, Princess Anya looks very much like my good friend. This friend once told me that he had a sister. If you werent a princess, I might have mistaken you for his sister.

Hearing this, Anyas figure paused. After a moment, she finally dropped the pretence and sighed, I I didnt mean to deceive you; circumstances forced me to.

Are you finally willing to admit it? Qin Feng raised his eyebrows.

Since youve already seen through it, whats the point of continuing the disguise? Thank you for coming to rescue me last night. Anya said weakly. Her daughterly demeanour was quite different from her usual self.

When Emperor Ming summoned me to the palace, I didnt expect that the person he wanted me to treat was you. But to be honest, your original appearance is much more beautiful than that of a mans disguise. Qin Feng said, feeling a bit regretful after speaking.

The person in front of him was no longer Yaan, but Princess Anya.

A mere commoner daring to flirt with a princess, thats a decapitation offence!

He glanced carefully at her reaction, only to see Anyas expression unchanged, as if she hadnt heard anything.

However, upon closer inspection, he noticed that her hands holding the hem of her dress were tighter than before.

Qin Feng breathed a sigh of relief and quickly changed the subject, I dont understand. As a princess with wealth and luxury, why do you need to establish the Gathering Treasure Pavilion and travel at great risk?

Who told you that I founded the Gathering Treasure Pavilion? Anya replied.

Hmm? Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, then his eyes widened. An incredible speculation was forming in his mind!

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