My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 409

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:45:20 AM

Chapter 409: Golden Dragon Movement

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Chapter 409: Golden Dragon Movement

The Gathering Treasure Pavilion was not founded by the princess, which means that the princess is also working for someone!

How many people in the world are worthy of having a princess working for them?

There is only one truth: the Gathering Treasure Pavilion was built by the Emperor!

No wonder a princess of a country can freely enter and leave the imperial palace, and even travel in mens clothes.

At first, I thought that the guards in the palace were all useless, but it turns out that someone just made them turn a blind eye.

Wait, if you think about it, the prosperity of the Great Qian Treasury under Emperor Mings reign could also be attributed to the Gathering Treasure Pavilion, right?

The Gathering Treasure Pavilion has countless rare treasures from all over the world. Some of the items traded inside could very well be from the Imperial Palace Treasury! After all, only the royal family can collect so many treasures in the world.

Qin Feng suddenly understood a lot, and felt his heart pounding.

He recalled the solemn and dignified demeanor of the emperor in the study, feeling that the emperors thoughts were truly unpredictable.

Anya, seeing Qin Fengs changing expression, knew that he had figured out something and casually said, Dont spread this matter outside, or no one can save you.

Qin Feng smiled bitterly, Next time, just dont mention these things directly.

Although he said so, he also understood that Anyas disclosure of this information was a sign of trust in him and an attempt to bridge the gap between them, overcoming past deceptions.Thi/s chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

However, Anya seemed to have overthought it because Qin Feng wasnt concerned about being deceived; he was more concerned about

Cough, since you are a princess of a country, you probably dont care about the monthly profits of my restaurants. How about

Anya immediately frowned and said coldly, The profit promised before must not be less. If you dare to deceive me, be prepared for the consequences.

Qin Feng opened his mouth wide in disbelief.

Damn it, a princess of a country wants to exploit me, a commoner from the market? Is this really reasonable? Is this person really so greedy for money?

Give me back that thing.

What thing? Anya asked in confusion.

The illusion box I lent you some time ago, so dont pretend you dont know.

I will return it to you naturally after I leave the palace.

As for the promised gratitude for the fireworks and firecrackers, as well as the reward for treating you last night, you will have to settle that with me. Qin Feng said.

Anya paused and looked sideways, her beautiful eyes slightly widened, Lets talk about this later tonight.

Inside the Floating Dragon Hall, a group of men and women dressed in white sat around the Coiling Dragon Column.

Their job was to guard the Coiling Dragon Pillar and record the changes in the golden dragons every moment.

Suddenly, the originally silent Coiling Dragon Pillar, with the open-eyed golden dragon at the top, roared with teeth and claws, breaking the silence.

They all remembered this golden dragon that had opened its eyes only recently.

At that time, the golden dragon soared into the sky, and left the Floating Dragon Hall, not knowing where it was going.

As a result, it was blocked and forced to return by a burst of white light.

Whats going on? Is this golden dragon going to leave the Dragon Palace again?! All the men and women in white were shocked.

How could the Golden Dragon, representing the countrys fortune, leave the Dragon Hall? Fortunately, the Golden Dragon calmed down after roaring.

However, some people noticed something unusual because the Golden Dragons eyes kept moving as if it was staring at something.

Eventually, its gaze stopped, and it was clearly looking in the direction of the Imperial Palace Treasury!

I have some business to take care of, so Ill be going. After reaching the destination, Anya left those words behind and turned elegantly to walk back the way she came.

Qin Feng didnt pay much attention, instead looking at the magnificent treasury in front of him.

Of course, the Imperial Palace Treasury was heavily guarded.

Qin Feng even saw a figure in a red robe with a white face outside the treasury.

He knew that this person was from the Prison Division, and anyone who served in the Prison Division must have considerable strength.

Eunuch Li stepped forward, took out a token from his chest, and respectfully presented it, Lord Bing Mian, by order of His Majesty, take him to the Treasury to select a treasure to tak

en away. This is the Emperors mark.

The man with the white face, who was addressed as Lord Bing Mian, looked at the token and then stepped aside.

Qin Feng saw him sweep his right hand through the void, and golden light circulated on the door of the treasury, indicating some kind of seal.

After a few cycles of golden light, the door opened with a sound.

Its ready. A hoarse voice came from beneath the white face.

Thank you, Eunuch Li said, leading Qin Feng into the Imperial Palace Treasury.

They were greeted with splendid and magnificent scenery, filled with a variety of treasures with dazzling colours.

Qin Fengs eyes widened as he felt a rush of heat in his heart.

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