My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 410

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:45:19 AM

Chapter 410: How Can You Attack Without Understanding Defence?

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Chapter 410: How Can You Attack Without Understanding Defence?

The treasures that can be included in the Imperial Palaces treasure chamber are of course extraordinary, but with such a large amount, how should one choose?

Qin Feng looked at the dazzling treasures and felt a bit worried.

Currently, besides the Hairpin Treasure given by Miss Cang, he only had the strange Eight Trigrams Jade obtained from the Demon Slaying Department in Qiyuan City.The most uptodate novels are published on n0velbj)n((.))co/m

However, with his current abilities, the Eight Trigrams Jade has yet to prove its usefulness.

Sister Mos true manifestation has been used, and the Sword Qi of Yue Hexuan and Lord Sword Emperor have also been used. Therefore, finding a life-saving treasure is of the utmost importance to me.

Thinking about this, he turned to ask, Chief Steward Li, I want to choose a defensive treasure. Can you give me some advice?

Eunuch Li, not wanting to refuse, replied, I dont know much about such things. I can only take you to have a look.

Eunuch Li led the way while sharing his knowledge.

Qin Feng wasnt idle either. As he walked, he observed and occasionally picked up items to assess their quality.

This Imperial Palace Treasury has three layers from the outside to the inside. The further inside, the better. In the past, the treasures given by the Emperor to those divine generals were all selected from the innermost layer.

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng pulled his gaze away from the survey and looked somewhat disdainfully at the treasure in his hand before putting it back in its place.

His philosophy was not to seek the most practical, but the best! He had already lost interest in the treasures of the outer two layers.

As he followed Eunuch Li into the innermost layer, the number of treasures decreased significantly.

Moreover, the treasures here were no longer as colourful and eye-catching as those outside; instead, they seemed quite ordinary.

Despite their ordinary appearance, Qin Feng could sense that the aura emanating from these treasures was far superior to those outside!

The treasures here are all extraordinary. Young Master Qin, youre cultivating the tradition of the literary saint, so its natural to choose treasures that are activated by Literature Qi.

For example, this one is called the Green Lotus Lamp. When Literature Qi is infused into it, it can create a light shield to protect the person inside. Its an excellent choice for self-preservation because its impenetrable to blades and impervious to fire and water.

Qin Feng looked at the green light and shook his head. Literary Saints were naturally good at defence rather than attack.

Pairing them with a defensive treasure would be like adding another layer of armour to a tortoise shell, which is superfluous?

Chief Steward Li, can you recommend some offensive treasures?

Although the Great Qian Divine Sword Ranking List was known, there were various rumours about the top-ranked divine sword. Now, he learned its full name.

It is said that this sword can kill gods. The founding emperor of the Great Qian used this sword to establish the empire. Eunuch Li said with emotion.

A sword that can kill gods? Qin Feng raised an eyebrow, curious about such a divine weapon.

However, such a treasure was not something he could covet. He pushed his thoughts aside and once again examined the other treasures in the vault.

It was then that he felt a strange attraction to a dirty, palm-sized box.

As he approached it, Qin Feng asked, What is this thing?

Eunuch Li looked at it and said, This item has been in this vault for who knows how many years. We dont know its specific effects, but its placed next to the Green Lotus Lantern, so its function should be similar.

Another defence treasure? Qin Feng felt a bit disappointed and decided to look elsewhere.

However, for some reason, as he turned away, the box seemed to have an inexplicable attraction to him.

Unable to make up his mind, Qin Feng channeled his spiritual consciousness into his Divine Sea and sought guidance from Elder Xuan.

The light on the Heart Questioning Platform emitted a white light, and the shadow of Xuan reappeared.

Looking at the box in the crystal bowl, Xuan Yi said, I didnt expect to see this item. You might as well take it with you; it will greatly benefit your cultivation.

A valuable item? Qin Feng looked surprised and asked, Elder Xuan, do you know this box?

Its not the box itself, but whats inside. Ill tell you the details after you open the box when you return.

With these words, the figure of Xuan Yi disappeared into the Divine Sea once again.

Qin Feng understood, then pointed at the box and said, Eunuch Li, I want this thing!

He believed that as a saint, Senior Xuan would not lie to him.

When Eunuch Li heard this, he looked puzzled, Didnt you just tell me that for men, the best defence is a good offence? Why do you want a defensive treasure now?

Qin Feng calmly replied, Eunuch Li, you dont know everything. Sometimes, without understanding defence, how can there be a good offence?

Eunuch Li: .

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