My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 412

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:45:18 AM

Chapter 412: Primordial Immortal Qi

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Chapter 412: Primordial Immortal Qi

After arranging a guest room for Mu Youqian, Senior Zhen Tianyi went to the Qin familys courtyard to find his second younger brother. It seemed like he wanted to check on the progress of his cultivation.

As Qin Feng watched the two seniors leave, he muttered, The second brother has already reached the Divine Martial Arts Fifth Rank, the Divine Movement Realm. I believe that when Senior Zhen Tianyi leaves the Imperial City this time, the second brother will also follow him.

After feeling a little emotional, Qin Feng returned to his own room, closed the doors and windows tightly, and took a box he had brought back from the Imperial Palace Treasury.

However, after fiddling with the box for half a day, no matter what method he used, he couldnt find the mechanism to open it.Updated from n0velbIn.(c)o/m

Helplessly, Qin Feng directly awakened Senior Xuan.

Xuan Yis white shadow appeared, and then he glanced at the box: This box is sealed and imprisoned, so its normal that you cant open it.

With those words, the white phantoms finger pointed at the box.

With a clicking sound, white light patterns appeared on the surface of the box.

In an instant, the square box opened like a blooming flower, releasing colourful gas.

Qin Fengs eyes widened in anticipation, feeling that something hidden so securely must be an extraordinary treasure.

However, when he looked closer, he was stunned to find that the box contained only those colourful clusters!

Senior Xuan, is this the thing you mentioned earlier that would greatly benefit my cultivation? Qin Fengs expression stiffened.

Yes, youve really got yourself a great bargain, Xuan Yi replied with a hint of amusement in his tone.

Qin Feng was stunned. No matter how he looked at it, it was just a bunch of gas, right?

Perhaps sensing his confusion, Xuan Yi continued, I found a spatial artefact in your Divine Sea, and it contains numerous books. During this time, I have been reading the books inside and have gained some understanding of the current Dao Tradition of the human race.

The Dao you practise belongs to the cultivation of the Literature Saint. Literature Qi flows into the Divine Sea, circulates throughout the body, and is then tempered into Righteous Qi to strengthen oneself.

Its similar to the cultivation method I used in the past, but back then we didnt call it the Literature Saint Dao Lineage, we called it the Immortal Path.

Immortal Path? Qin Feng was extremely surprised. Was it supposed to sound so high-end?

But it didnt make sense. Before entering the high-grade realm, practitioners of the Literature Saint Dao Lineage were all mere weaklings in battles, supposedly not worthy of such a high-class and sophisticated name.

However, as Qin Feng thought about it carefully, he suddenly remembered the Immortal Technique of that cheap master.

Immortal Technique, Immortal Path how could these two not be related?

At that moment, Senior Xuan spoke again, Only by keeping your heart and original intention clear can you overcome all difficulties.

Hearing this, Qin Feng thought about the loneliness in the academy for a hundred years. His mentality changed instantly and he became as calm as an old monk in meditation.

After relentless efforts, a strand of Righteous Qi finally pierced through Primordial Immortal Qi.

This strand of Righteous Qi became even purer, emitting a brilliant purple light.

Then came the second, the third

Senior Xuan glanced at Qin Feng, nodded in satisfaction, and the white phantom once again entered the white pearl of light on the Heart Questioning Platform.

Each time Qin Feng successfully tempered a strand of Righteous Qi, a halo would emanate from his body, purifying the surrounding air.

Time passed quickly, and Qin Feng was completely unaware of it.

In Imperial City, in a dark alley, a voice suddenly sounded from the black shadows: There is no way out of Imperial City, and the Demon Slaying Department and the Prison Division are searching the entire city. What should we do?

The voice was hard to distinguish between male and female, and was sharp and piercing.

You cant escape anyway. Its better to find a place and kill happily. My decapitation knife is thirsty for blood. A rough voice said.

Hehe, I can find a body and maybe get through by changing my appearance.

Dreaming in broad daylight. another voice sneered.

How about it, Corpse Sewer? Judging by your tone, do you have a good solution? The skin painting craftsman said in a cold voice.

The corpse-sewing craftsman was about to reply when he suddenly sniffed in a certain direction, Did any of you smell a scent?

A pure spiritual qi is a great tonic for us. the male and female voices said in unison.

Now that the whole city is on high alert, hiding like this is no solution. I have a plan.

What plan?

Kill one family, take their place! As for which family to choose

Four shadowy figures darted out of the alley, weaving through the darkness towards the source of that spiritual aura.

And that destination was none other than the Qin Residence!

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