My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 413

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:45:17 AM

Chapter 413: Actively Seeking Trouble?

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Chapter 413: Actively Seeking Trouble?

As night fell, the moonlight was bleak.

Qin Feng remained immersed in the Divine Sea, refining his Thunderous Righteous Qi with the Primordial Immortal Qi.

This was not an easy task, even though he had spent an entire afternoon on it, the refined Righteous Qi was not even one percent of what he had in his Divine Sea.

It is naturally quite difficult to concentrate for a long time. Qin Fengs stomach growled with hunger, and counting the time, it was time for dinner.

He leisurely opened his eyes, pushed open the door, and walked towards the dining hall.

At this moment, whether it was due to the cold winter night or some other reason, a gust of night wind blew, making him shiver involuntarily.

Sensing something, he turned his head to look at the outer wall of the Qin residence. The rustling of leaves and mottled shadows caught his attention.

The silhouette seemed peculiar at first glance, resembling a human figure.

However, when Qin Feng rubbed his eyes and looked again, the shadow on the wall was clearly just the reflection of the trees.

He pinched his brow and murmured, Could it be that I overworked this afternoon, causing my eyes to play tricks on me?

Shaking his head, Qin Feng didnt pay much attention and continued walking along the corridor.

In the shadows of the Qin residence courtyard, the strange whispers with a peculiar tone echoed once again.

What handsome skin! I want this persons skin; no one should compete with me for it. said the skin painter.

Both the male and female voices chimed in, Before you peel off his skin, let me enjoy myself first.

The corpse stitcher also spoke, I want his soul; using his soul to stitch my corpse, my strength will surely reach new heights.

Qin Feng probably wouldnt have expected that someone had already divided him so thoroughly behind the scenes.

Executioner, what do you say? Leave the head and a body full of fresh blood for you?

The executioner spoke in a deep voice, I smelled a richer blood aroma inside this mansion. There should be warriors of the sixth and fifth ranks. I dont want this kid, but dont compete with me for others. I want to kill with satisfaction!

Okay, but remember to leave some servants and maids. When the time comes, I will peel off the masters skin and put it on for you. From then on, we will be the masters of this mansion.

At this moment, another pale-faced and handsome man appeared and said in a unified tone, Hes under your illusion formation, how could he still hear what youre saying?

According to the previous agreement, let me enjoy myself first, and then you can come and peel his skin.

Do not damage his appearance. the skin painter reminded him.

Rest assured, I know my limits. the man practising Yin-Yang Dao said with a sinister smile as he slowly approached Qin Feng.

Qin Feng shook his head and suddenly said, You really have no idea what youre getting into.

Upon hearing this, the Yin-Yang Dao man immediately stopped in his tracks and frowned, You havent fallen into the illusion formation?

The Skin painter also immediately became alert.

Illusion Formation? Qin Feng scanned the surroundings and realised that the strange green mist was a formation.

Heh, a petty skill. Daring to show off in front of me. When I set up a formation to eliminate a hundred thousand ghosts in Shuliang City, you were still rotting in the Ninefold Prison. Qin Feng said with a smile, displaying a royal demeanour.

One hundred thousand ghosts? The Yin Yang Dao mans tone became serious.

The skinner watched Qin Feng carefully and sneered, Judging from the fluctuations you emit, you should be practising the Literature Saint Dao Lineage.

Besides, your rank is not high, no higher than the fifth rank. Yet you dare to show off in front of me? Hey, Ive changed my mind, feel free to torture this child as long as you dont damage his face.

After a change in the Yin-Yang Dao mans expression, he took a step back and said, Ive suddenly lost interest; just skin him right now.

The skinner said contemptuously, You are truly cowardly. Dont regret it later.

As the words fell, the human skin swelled in the wind and a sharp claw attacked Qin Feng with a swift sound.

How can a being who can be imprisoned in the Ninefold Prison be an ordinary person?

Qin Fengs strength in the Sixth Rank Fate Divination realm is no match for him at all.

However, facing this dangerous situation, he smiled confidently, pointed his finger in the sky and shouted, Wife!

What kind of move was that? Both the skinner and the Yin-Yang Dao man were stunned.

At that moment, a sword aura descended from the sky and instantly split their human skin in two!

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