My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 414

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:45:16 AM

Chapter 414: What's going on in that mansion?

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Chapter 414: What's going on in that mansion?

That sword qi was too fast, and it carried an incomparable aura.

The man practising Yin Yang didnt even react, and the painter accompanying him died instantly!

The realm of the Sword God? The Yin-Yang man was deeply shocked. Despite his many misdeeds, he could naturally see the power of that sword.

As he spoke, another figure in white slowly descended and stood in front of the handsome man in black.

Liu Jianli asked quietly, Are you alright?

Qin Feng shook his head. With his wife protecting him, he became more confident and shouted, If there is a path to heaven, you will not take it; if there is no door to hell, you will rush in!

Know the truth ! Yes, just tell me the locations of the other fugitives. I can ask my wife to make your death more pleasant.

Heaven? Liu Jianlis eyes showed a hint of confusion; it was a term she had never heard before.

Looking at Liu Jianlis formidable aura, the man was shocked. When did such a young third-tier sword god appear in Great Qian? And why did such a stunning and powerful woman marry this seemingly useless man?

Hiding behind a woman, is that a skill? The Yin-Yang man said through gritted teeth. He was trying to provoke the other person and delay the time for the technique he was about to use.

But Qin Fengs shamelessness was beyond his imagination.

What? Envious? Wife, since he wont speak, you can attack him. Qin Feng said.

Okay. Liu Jianli nodded slightly.

On her right hand, two fingers were used as swords. The moment she gathered her strength, the powerful energy instantly swept through the entire Qin Mansion, directly dispersing the illusory formation of the skin painter!

Seeing this, the Yin-Yang man dared not hesitate any longer. He could feel the power of this sword, and if the other party were to swing it, he would undoubtedly die.

Black and white energies manifested around him, and under Qin Fengs surprised gaze, the man split into two a handsome man on one side, and a charming woman on the other.

This was the Yin and Yang technique, it was truly scary!

Run! The man and woman shouted simultaneously, fleeing in different directions.

Judging by their actions, it was obvious that they were planning to abandon one in order to help the other survive.

Without hesitation, Liu Jianli pointed her sword in the direction the man had fled. Another sword light cut through the night, and with a scream, the fleeing man was instantly engulfed by the sword light.

But in that brief moment, the woman had disappeared without a trace.

Qin Feng said anxiously, These are prisoners who escaped from the Ninefold Prison. Wife, we cant let her go..ReAd latest chapters at n0v(e) Only

Liu Jianli glanced at them and looked away. Its all right, someone has already gone to hunt them down.

Across the courtyard, the second brother and the Balck Charcoal Head looked warily at the burly man wielding a large machete not far away, who was the executioner.

A sixth level warrior and a fifth level warrior, not bad. Tonight my decapitation knife can feast on some blood. the executioner sneered.

Just then, a sword light caught his attention, and not long after, the green mist shrouding the Qin Mansion was dispersed by a surge of energy.

But he never expected that his seemingly inevitable strike would be blocked by the opponent with a black long knife.

Looking around, a strange space enveloped this place.

Domain?! The executioner was shocked.

Of course, Zhen Tian wouldnt allow too much of a gap in strength between the two sides.

He used domain techniques to suppress the executioners strength to Fifth Calamity Strength, the equivalent of a Divine Warrior of the Fifth Rank.

However, the Executioner had been imprisoned outside the Ninefold Prison, constantly fighting with the Demon Slaying Department.

It was rare for him to meet someone of the same level.

Qin An was still at a disadvantage.

Bankaii, Heaven-Locking Moon Slash! The second brother grabbed the long black knife and dispelled the giant decapitating knife.

He recalled the method that his eldest brother taught him and shouted.

Then he lunged at the executioner. The sound of gold rang out, echoing over the Qin Mansion.

Zhen Tianyi landed next to Black Charcoal Head and asked curiously, What was the move he just shouted?

Xing Sheng shook his head, Its not a move, its the knife bestowal ceremony that the young master was taught by the elder master. The young master is probably boosting his own morale by shouting that phrase now.

I see.

On the other side, the corpse stitcher, who was the most cautious among the four, always hid in the shadows and never came out.

Originally, he had intended to emerge only after confirming that the area was safe, and then take his share of the reward.

However, the situation had developed far beyond his expectations.

In addition to the young third-tier sword god, there were also the Thirty-Six Stars and Twelve Divine Generals.

Whats going on in this mansion? The Corpse Sewers face was extremely gloomy.

This place was obviously not suitable for a long stay, but he also didnt dare make too much noise to avoid attracting attention, so he planned to leave quietly under the cover of darkness.

Suddenly he felt a strong killing intent surrounding him.

It was the threat of death, an overwhelming power that couldnt be resisted!

This power surpassed even that of the Divine General in the Mansion!


Before the word who could be uttered, the physical body of the corpse sewer turned to dust and vanished.

In the hall, Qin Jianan looked in the direction of the courtyard and sighed, not knowing what he was thinking.

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