My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 417

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:45:13 AM

Chapter 417: The Battle Begins

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Chapter 417: The Battle Begins

Uh. Qin Feng twitched the corner of his mouth, and he didnt need to turn around to guess who the newcomer was.

After all, in this world, only one person would add the words amazing and stunning before their title Luo Yu, whom Qin Feng had encountered in the Hundred Flowers Valley!

He turned around and saw that it was indeed him.

Liu Jianli and Lan Ningshuang glanced to the side and saw a young man in azure robes with a warm smile.

They didnt go to the Hundred Flowers Valley at that time, so they didnt recognise Luo Yu.

But of course, Black Charcoal Head remembered him. At that time, he even had a competition with the others servant.

Brother Luo, how come youre here? Qin Feng asked curiously.

A great event like the Four Realms Demon Slaying Competition is rare. Of course, I want to find a place with good wine and meat to join in the fun. Luo Yu replied with a smile.

He turned his head to see Liu Jianli and couldnt help but admire her, Clouds yearn for elegant attire, flowers long for a beautiful countenance, Spring breezes brush the doorstep, dewdrops enhance the richness.This poem is truly worthy of her.

Only the amazing and breathtaking Brother Qin can describe the appearance of the proud Liu Jianli in such a delicate and elegant manner.

Qin Fengs expression stiffened, Thats enough, I had no choice back then. It wasnt my sincere intention to deceive you.

Luo Yu pretended to be confused, Brother Qin, what do you mean by that? My admiration for you is sincere and heartfelt!

If you continue like this, we can only hurt each other. Dont think that I dont know your true identity. Qin Feng gritted his teeth and spoke in a low voice.

Luo Yu pulled away and didnt take it seriously, Luo behaves honourably and sits upright. If the amazing and talented Brother Qin has anything to say, just say it in front of everyone.

Fine, you brought this on yourself. Qin Feng exhaled and began to describe the appearance of a carriage.

While the others didnt understand Qin Fengs intention behind these words, Xiao Bai and Luo Yus expressions changed.ReAd latest chapters at n0v(e) Only

Young master, the carriage he mentioned, isnt it the one you

Before Xiao Bai could finish his sentence, Luo Yu interrupted, then put his arm around Qin Fengs shoulder and smiled, Brother Qin, why bother? It was just a joke between us. Wait for me to punish myself with three cups and apologise to you.

Seeing this reaction, Qin Feng confirmed that the person sitting in the luxurious carriage in the Southern Domain Prince Luos procession on the eve of the New Year was this person!

And the rumour that Prince Luo had a son about the same age as Luo Yu made Luo Yus identity a foregone conclusion.

On the battlefield, various phenomena manifested endlessly. The aura of the swords and knives crossed, the yin and yang energy collided, and the space trembled.

And this was just the thirty-six stars making their move!

The people in the Imperial City watching the battle forgot about the fear and anxiety of the previous night when the demons invaded.

They just felt that with these people in the Great Qian, the rampaging demons were nothing to worry about!

This is also the reason why the Emperor decided to hold the martial arts competition at this time.

On the other side, in the Imperial City Palace, the Emperor and the four princes were naturally also watching the battle.

The Suspended Martial Platform is right above the Imperial City, and no one can better witness the strength of the Demon Slayers from the Four Realms of the Great Qian better than them.

If it werent for the people from the Prison Division guarding the Imperial Palace and neutralising the residual shockwaves from these battles, the Imperial Palace would probably be in ruins in a moment.

The Emperor watched the duels on the Suspended Martial Paltform with great pleasure, This time, each of the Four Realms sent three Thirty-Six Stars and one Divine General.

The Thirty-Six Stars alone have such power, so how formidable would the Divine General be? What do you think, which realm can win in this martial arts competition?

The Emperor asked the four princes.

Just by observing the duels between the thirty-six stars, it can be said that they are evenly matched. Even if there is a difference, it wont be too significant.

However, the Southern Empire has always been plagued by demons, so their overall strength is slightly stronger than the other three empires.

Lets not forget, among the thirty-six stars, Yu Mei from the Southern Realm is definitely in the top three. She has fought three times and has never been defeated.

The princes spoke truthfully.

The Emperor nodded thoughtfully, However, the outcome of this martial arts competition will ultimately depend on the strength of the Divine Generals.

In the past, the Divine Generals from the Southern Empire have always failed to make it to the Imperial City because they were too busy to participate in the competition. I wonder if they have sent someone this time?

Zhen Tianyi was not accompanying Prince Luo of the Southern Territory. In addition, Emperor Ming didnt have time to pay too much attention to the Ninefold Prisons, so he didnt know about it.

Prince Luo of the Southern Empire replied, This time from the Southern Region, Mad Blade Zhen Tianyi is in charge.

Upon hearing this, the expressions of the princes from the other three realms changed.

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