My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 420

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:45:09 AM

Chapter 420: Uninvited Guest

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Chapter 420: Uninvited Guest

The fanboy Xiao Nai sneered, Dont brag if you dont know what youre talking about. What a nerve you have to say that.

Xiao Bai! Luo Yu shouted, then explained, Brother Qin, you may not know, Master Zhens accomplishments in the Dao of Blades are profound. Countless people seek to learn from him.

But Master Zhen explicitly stated that he would not take any disciples in this lifetime.

Qin An nodded in response, Thats right. Big brother spent a lot of effort to get Master to agree to take me in as a disciple.

Master set a challenge, requiring big brother to get Old Master Yuan to forge another blade. Big brother went to great lengths and spent a lot of time and effort to finally get it.

Luo Yu shook his head and smiled, Brother Qin, your second brother is quite a storyteller. Elder Yuan has set a rule that he would never forge the same weapon twice.

We already have the Sky-Cutting Tooth among the Supreme Twelve Weapons; how could there be a second blade?

Second brother saw that no one believed him, so he was about to take out the Tiansuo Zhanyue to show it to the other party.

However, Qin Feng stopped him. He had promised Elder Yuan not to spread the news casually; otherwise, many people would come asking for weapons, breaking Elder Yuans rules.

Brother Luo, lets not talk about these irrelevant matters anymore. Lets just drink. The Drunken Immortal in this Moonlit Pavilion is famous far and wide. Qin Feng urged.

Luo Yu glanced meaningfully at Qin Feng. Among intelligent people, many things didnt need to be explicitly said. Qin Fengs actions had already confirmed the truth of his previous words!

However, Luo Yu didnt expect Brother Qin to be so resourceful, not only breaking Elder Yuans rules but also making the Mad Blade take on a disciple against the norm.

He shook his head slightly and then raised his glass in response. Thats right. I just had the pleasure of witnessing such a thrilling martial arts battle. How fortunate I am!VIsit n0(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

After three rounds of wine, they drank to their hearts content and naturally started to talk more.

Qin Feng said with a hint of drunkenness, Now that everyone has seen the strength of the Four Regions Thirty-Six Stars and Twelve Divine Generals, the people of the Great Qian will surely have more confidence.

I wonder when the human race will be able to permanently rid itself of the threat of the demons and live in peace.

Luo Yu waved his hand. Although demons are a sword hanging over everyones heads, sometimes humans can be even more terrifying than demons.

The officials in the imperial court are corrupt. When the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam will be crooked. The low-level officials are naturally not much better.

I once saw a small town in poverty where the officials ate human flesh.

The main reason was that he had similar values to Luo Yu and they had a good conversation, so he naturally drank a few more glasses.

Qinger asked, Old Master and Madam have already finished their breakfast. Would Young Master like me to bring some food from the kitchen?

No need, I dont have much appetite now. Qin Feng pinched his forehead and was about to go out to bask in the sun when he heard commotion outside the Qin residence.

Is someone visiting the mansion?

When the gatekeeper of the Qin residence opened the door, he was stunned by the scene before him.

A man dressed in luxurious yellow attire stood at the forefront with an expressionless face.

Next to him was a middle-aged guard, whose presence felt like a mountain pressing down, making it hard to breathe.

Behind them were a group of followers, at least twenty people.

The gatekeeper, feeling a sense of pressure, dared not be negligent and asked, May I ask who you are looking for in the Qin residence?

The man at the front didnt answer; the middle-aged man beside him replied with a formidable aura, His Royal Highness, the Third Prince, has arrived. Why havent you come out to greet him?

His voice was like thunder, resounding in the ears of everyone in the Qin residence.

In the hall, the Second Mother expressed surprise, Third Prince? Why did he come to our Qin Mansion?

Father Qin stood up with an expressionless face, Since the Third Prince has arrived, we should go out to welcome him.

In no time, the people of the Qin Mansion arrived at the main gate.

As the head of the family, Father Qin stepped forward and respectfully bowed, Third-ranked assistant general, Qin Jianan, pays respects to His Highness the Third Prince.

Upon hearing this, the Third Prince merely gave a faint hmm and didnt pay much attention.

This attitude annoyed Qin Feng. Previously, in the palace while treating a curse to save Anya, this guy was causing trouble at every turn. Now, here at the Qin Mansion, he is still maintaining this annoying demeanor.

Father Qin asked again, I wonder why His Highness Third Prince has graced us with his presence?

I came here to find the Southern Region Divine Generals Mad Blade Zhen Tianyi. Where is he? Take me to see him. The Third Prince said calmly.

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