My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 423

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:45:06 AM

Chapter 423: Changes at the Academy

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Chapter 423: Changes at the Academy

People experience joys and sorrows, separations and reunions; the moon goes through phases, waxing and waning, as it’s been difficult to have both since ancient times.

A month after the second brother left the Imperial City, the Qin family gradually got used to it, and no longer missed him as much as they did at the beginning.

During this time, the second brother sent two letters home, reporting on his safety, his experiences along the way, and the demons he had slain.

The demon and ghost troubles in the southern region were still unrelenting, and wandering in the mountains was a common way to encounter troublesome demons.

On this journey, Zhen Tianyi barely moved; the demons he encountered were all left for the second brother to deal with.

In the constant life and death battles, Second Brother’s cultivation naturally progressed rapidly, even reaching the threshold of the fourth level of the Blade Dao, as he mentioned in the letter.

Seeing this, Qin Feng was naturally overjoyed.

In the letter, the second brother also mentioned some strange experiences.

Such as a giant tortoise walking with its back to the mountain, a crane looking up at the sky from the mountaintop on a moonlit night, and a temple that could move.

He also heard from Lord Zhen that not all demons in the world are evil; some demons only seek self-preservation, and some even do good deeds.

At least the giant tortoise, the crane and the temple, Zhen Tianyi did not let his second brother take action.

In these strange stories, the second brother also mentioned something specifically.

For some reason, the major rivers and lakes in the southern region had recently begun to churn.

Whenever this happened, dark clouds would cover the sky, and the silhouette of a dragon could be seen in the dark clouds.

Lord Zhen said that it was the Dragon Clan.

Seeing this, Qin Feng muttered, “Dragon Clan?”

He reached out to his abdomen and immediately thought of a human figure.

Inside his dantian, the Dragon Bead that Miss Cang had fed him to save his life when they were in Shuliang City was still lying quietly.

Unconsciously, it had been so long since the disaster in Shuliang City.

“I wonder how Miss Cang is doing now.”

It’s impossible to say that he doesn’t miss her, after all, Miss Cang has saved his life.

And the relationship between the two of them should be considered more than friends, but less than lovers, of course, far from an ordinary relationship.

Sometimes, Qin Feng also pondered such a question: if there was no ancestral bond between the Qin family and the Liu family, and he had no connection with his wife, will the relationship between him and Miss Cang go further?

“Take his Poor Scholar Academy, for example. He put a lot of effort into building it. If we can ruin the academy, Qin Feng will surely be discouraged.”

The third prince snorted, “That sounds easy. Father has heard about the Poor Scholar Academy and praised it, saying that the talents of the Great QIan should all read the books of the sages.”

“With Father’s support, trying to target the Poor Scholar Academy would be seeking death.”

“Your Highness, you misunderstood.” Tang Fei shook his head.

“What do you mean?”

“To bring down the Poor Scholar Academy, we don’t need to target the academy itself.”

The third prince raised an eyebrow, “Are you referring to the students of the academy?”

“Exactly. These students come from poor backgrounds, with no family background to speak of. If such a large academy has no students, Your Highness, do you think the academy can continue to operate?” Tang Fei asked with a smile.

The third prince paced up and down the hall, a slight smile appeared on his lips. “It seems you are more useful than your late elder brother. I entrust this matter to you.”

“As you wish,” After Tang Fei said this, he bowed and left.

“Today’s lesson ends here. When you return, think hard about what you have learned today and don’t slack off.” Fei Xun said solemnly.

“We will obey Master Fei’s orders.” the students replied in unison.

Fei Xun looked at these students with a smile in his eyes.

He seemed to see the shadow of himself when he was teaching these poor students.

Those were the times of exhaustion, but also the most cherished memories.

After all the students had left the Poor Scholar Academy, a voice beside Fay Xun said, “It looks like Senior Fay has already gotten used to teaching and educating students here.”

Upon hearing this, Fay Xun’s smile disappeared, he turned his head and said in a deep voice, “How many more scrolls of military strategy are there, and how much longer will it take you to finish telling me!

Qin Feng smiled and said, “Senior Fay, be patient. As the saying goes, being too greedy won’t lead to good digestion. Even if I tell you all at once, you won’t be able to fully comprehend it. This is something that can’t be rushed.”

“Don’t give me that. You’re obviously afraid that I’ll leave the Poor Scholar Academy as soon as I learn military strategy.” Fay Xun said with a stern look.

Just as the two of them were talking, another student entered the Poor Scholar Academy, “Senior Fay, Master Qin”.

“Hmm?” Qin Feng was curious and turned around to ask, “What’s wrong? Did you not understand something in today’s lesson?”

The student shook his head, lowered his head, clenched his sleeves tightly, struggled for a moment, then raised his head and said, “Senior Fay, Master Qin, I’m sorry, but I can no longer come to the academy to study.”

After saying these words, he turned and ran away without looking back, leaving Qin Feng and Fei Xun to stare at each other in confusion.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!