My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 424

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:45:06 AM

Chapter 424: No Way to Study

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Chapter 424: No Way to Study

“Senior Brother Fei, is this the first student to leave the academy on his own initiative?” Qin Feng asked with a frown.

“This is the fourteenth time. Since the first student left seven days ago, almost one or two students will leave every day.” Fei Xun shook his head.

Qin Feng was puzzled. These students were once enthusiastic about learning, so why were they leaving one by one now? Could there be some family issues?

But even if it was one or two people, how could so many people have trouble at home all at once?

“Did Senior Brother Yang say anything about this?”

Senior Brother Yang was naturally referring to Yang Qian. He would come here to teach when he had nothing to do. Find new stories on novelbin(.)com

As a fourth stage Literature Saint, Yang Qian’s divination abilities far surpassed Qin Feng and Fei Xun.

Fei Xun replied, “Senior Brother Yang mentioned something to me. Everyone has their own aspirations; you can’t force them to stay.”

Qin Feng fell into contemplation. Senior Brother Yang must know something, but he seemed helpless to stop them.

Time passed quickly, and in the following days, students continued to leave the Poor Scholar Academy.

Initially, it was just one or two, but later on, more and more students left. Sometimes, a dozen or more would depart in a single day.

Qin Feng tried to ask them about their reasons, but no one answered. However, he could see from their reluctant expressions and gazes that leaving the academy was not their choice.

What was once a thriving Poor Scholar Academy now couldn’t even fill half the seats during classes.

Today, after Senior Yang finished teaching at the academy, another student expressed the intention to leave.

Yang Qian didn’t inquire much; he just sighed and said, “Alright.”

After the students left, Qin Feng spoke up, “Senior Yang, do you know why they are leaving?”

Yang Qian turned to look at him and replied quietly, “I know you want to persuade them to stay, but some things are beyond your control.”

“They are children from poor families. Although they love to learn, they also carry the burden of life.”

“For them, the most important thing is to live well and provide for their family. How can they devote all their attention to studying?”

“Just like me and Fei Xun, if we weren’t both lonely individuals back then, we wouldn’t have decided to enter the Grand Literature Academy”.

Qin Feng’s heart was heavy as he left the Poor Scholar Academy.

The original intention of the Poor Scholar Academy was to provide a place of education for ordinary people and students from poor backgrounds.

But he forgot that if the situation of no access to education in Great Qian wasn’t resolved, the establishment of the Poor Scholar Academy itself would be a joke.

The sky had already darkened, night was coming, the starlight was fading, much like Qin Feng’s current mood.

He didn’t go straight back to the Qin residence, but walked through the streets and alleys of Imperial City.

Many ordinary people were still hawking and selling in the cold streets for their livelihood; everything was driven by the necessities of life.

He saw low-ranking officials taking food from the vendors without giving a single coin. Not only didn’t the vendors complain, they had to smile and fawn over the officials. After the officials left, the vendors sighed with regret.

He saw an official going out. The four people carrying the sedan were not only driving away the people who were blocking the way, but even trampling on the vendors’ goods.

The officials showed no remorse; instead, they arrogantly lifted the curtain of the sedan and sneered.

He observed the arrogance of the officials of the Great Qian and the helplessness and misery of the common people.

It made sense when he thought about it. Most of the officials of the Great Qian were appointed by the powerful or selected from the National Academy.

And most of the scholars at the National Academy were also children of the privileged class, enjoying a life of luxury from an early age.

Even if they became officials, how could they understand the suffering of the common people?

Because of this, the officials of the Great Qian were corrupt and useless, leading to the misery of the people.

He remembered the conversation with Luo Yu at the tavern. Although demons were like a sword hanging over the heads of ordinary people, sometimes humans could be more frightening than demons.

In order to change this situation, the official selection system of the Great Qian needed to be reformed.

But how easy was that?

Allowing the children of commoners to become officials would affect the interests of many, and it would undoubtedly be opposed by many.

Qin Feng remembered the oath he had taken at the Heart Questioning Platform and found it ridiculous.

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