My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 429

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:44:55 AM

Chapter 429: Dream Divination

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Chapter 429: Dream Divination

It was late at night, and Qin Feng, who had returned to the Qin Mansion, was lying on the bed, thinking about the possibility that Emperor Ming would take a fancy to the imperial examination system.

Naturally, the imperial examination system couldn’t be entirely beneficial without drawbacks.

Its benefit lies in breaking the monopoly of the powerful in court, allowing scholars from poor backgrounds a chance to rise, thereby changing the imbalance where martial prowess overshadowed scholarly achievements in The Great Qian, and enabling the court to recruit capable individuals from various backgrounds.Read latest chapters at novelbin(.)co/m

Its disadvantages are also obvious, that is, it will imprison the minds of scholars to a certain extent and become a means for those in power to control scholars.

However, this drawback also has an impact on future generations. At least for now, the pros and cons of the imperial examination system are both advantages to the Ming Emperor.

In other words, as long as Emperor Ming’s mind wasn’t clouded, there was a high probability that he would favor the imperial examination system.

“The only question is how Emperor Ming will implement this policy.” Qin Feng pondered with a thoughtful expression.

It was widely known that reforms throughout history often involved facing considerable challenges and resistance. When facing opposition during the implementation of new policies, emperors usually resorted to reshuffling the court, suppressing dissenting voices.

They might punish those who opposed, or even make an example of the most vocal ones to serve as a deterrent.

However, even an emperor couldn’t set traps without a seemingly reasonable pretext.

Finding such a pretext was not an easy task.

Qin Feng thought about it for a long time, but couldn’t think of a good entry point.

He couldn’t help but sigh and said with emotion, “If you put yourself in the emperor’s shoes, it’s not an easy task.”

“If one lacks foresight, it’s challenging to manage the officials and military commanders in the court. Well, I’ve done what I can; whether the imperial examination system will succeed depends on fate and Emperor Ming’s methods.”

With these thoughts, Qin Feng entered the realm of dreams, and in his Divine Sea, the reflected destiny stars emitted a brilliant light.

Meanwhile, Qin Feng had an extraordinarily realistic dream.

In the dream, he was on his way to the Poor Scholar Academy and witnessed officials and scholars from the National Academy harassing his students and their families.

After seeing this scene with his own eyes, he naturally would not sit back and ignore it, and stepped forward to fight off the officials.

The National Academy scholars didn’t attack him directly, but they continued to mock him, the Poor Scholar Academy and the poor scholars with their words.

They spoke disdainfully of the different classes of people, ridiculing the commoners for studying and treating it as a source of amusement.

The onlookers, including the commoners, hesitated to speak out, but did not dare to show their anger. The students of Poor Scholar Academy hung their heads in despair.

In the dream, Qin Feng could clearly sense that the other party was deliberately provoking him.

And that was indeed the case!

Just after turning the corner, Qin Feng heard a stall owner pleading, “Dear sirs, please have mercy. Today’s breakfast is a small token of gratitude from the humble.”

Three patrolling officials took a bite of her rice cakes, declared them disgusting and spat them in the stall owner’s face.

Other townspeople eating breakfast nearby witnessed the scene, dared not linger, and hurriedly dispersed.

Despite the humiliation, the stall owner tried to force a smile. The young boy assisting him could only clutch his father’s sleeve tightly and look anxiously at the three men.

The young boy was a student at the Poor Scholar Academy. Before classes, he helped his father with the breakfast stall.

The old stallholder didn’t dare wipe the dirt from his face and continued to apologise: “My skills are lacking, I disrespected you sirs. Here are some copper coins I earned this morning. I offer them to you as a sign of respect. Please don’t hold it against me.”

The three officials looked at the offered coins and sneered, “Do you think we are beggars, huh?”

One of them was the closest, raised his palm, and was about to take action.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning passed through his forehead, singeing a few strands of his hair.

This scene stunned everyone present. The official who raised his hand was stunned on the spot, frightened and at a loss.

If that white bolt of lightning missed by even two or three centimetres, it would have probably taken his life!

“Who is it?” The other two officers snapped back to reality and quickly looked in the direction of the white lightning.

All they could see was a handsome young man dressed in black approaching step by step.

When the young man clearly saw the face of the newcomer, he was both excited and worried as he said, “Master Qin?”

Qin Feng replied with a gentle smile, then coldly looked at the three officials.

“You dare to lay hands on us in broad daylight? Do you want to die?” one of the officials shouted.

Another quietly reminded him by tugging at his sleeve.

“What are you doing?”

“Look at his waist.”

The official then looked around and saw a conspicuous azure jade demon slaying token, and he was immediately frightened into silence.

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