My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 432

Published at 23rd of May 2024 10:44:35 AM

Chapter 432: Which Book, Which Page, and Which Line?

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Chapter 432: Which Book, Which Page, and Which Line?

The voice was emitted with Righteous Qi flowing into the chest, resonating and stunning the audience.

This shout not only made the people of the National Academy timid but also boosted the confidence of the surrounding citizens, prompting excited cheers.

Some even exclaimed, “Indeed, Master Qin is extraordinary, even in his entrance.”

“Yes, the person from the National Academy floated onto the platform, while Master Qin descended directly from the sky, suppressing the opposition!”

“Master Qin must have deliberately chosen this entrance style to show that he has the confidence to surpass everyone in the National Academy!” Some people speculated.

No, you are overthinking it. Qin Feng on the Heavenly Heart Platform naturally heard these words. Although he appeared calm on the surface, his inner thoughts were much more complicated than what he showed.Discover new stories at novelbin(.)c/om

He has been in the Qin Mansion for the past three days, browsing the books in Listen To Rain Pavilion and enriching himself.

After finishing his breakfast this morning, he hurried to the National Academy.

However, he never expected that there would be so many people here to watch the battle, and even five streets away was crowded with common people.

Helpless, he returned to the Qin Residence, and asked his wife to give him a ride.

As he thought about this, Liu Jianli also descended from the sky to the bottom of the Heavenly Heart Platform .

That white-clad figure naturally attracted the attention of everyone present.

“Liu Jianli,” the people from the National Academy said in a deep voice.

The Crown Prince in the carriage couldn’t help but sigh, “Clouds yearn for elegant attire, flowers long for a beautiful countenance, Spring breezes brush the doorstep, dewdrops enhance the richness.Using this to describe Liu Jianli at this moment is truly appropriate.”

The three young ladies in the sedan, upon hearing this, felt quite uncomfortable.

This beautiful poem caused quite a stir when it first entered Imperial City’s brothels.

Many courtesans were speculating about which talented scholar could have such literary talent.

Of course, they were also pondering which woman in the world could be worthy of such poetry.

Now, hearing the Crown Prince’s words, although they felt uneasy, after all, how could a man praise another woman in front of them? But since the Crown Prince praised Liu Jianli, they felt it was only natural.

In the brothels, they were also well-known courtesans, but compared to Liu Jianli, they felt a bit overshadowed.

A pearl among grains of rice, how could it compete with the brilliance of the moon?

They all looked out the window, gazing at the black-clad young man on the high platform.

Was he Liu Jianli’s husband?

What extraordinary ability did he have to marry Liu Jianli?

“We each ask each other ten questions, and whoever answers more correctly is the winner. How about it?”

After a moment of contemplation, Qin Feng nodded and said, “Okay.”

“Good, I’ll start!” The man didn’t talk about martial virtue and first asked about a rather obscure historical event. He wanted to take the initiative and sweep away Qin Feng’s dignity!

On the side of the National Academy, everyone, upon hearing the question, fell into contemplation.

Mo Siye smiled while stroking his beard, and said the answer to the question, “This question is indeed rare. It’s worthy of being a question about history. For students aspiring to be historians, if I hadn’t happened to read that history book, I wouldn’t have been able to answer it either.”

“Master Mo is incredibly knowledgeable. There’s no question that can stump you. But for this question, even that guy might not find the answer even if he breaks his head.” Everyone patted the horses and stepped on Qin Feng.

Hearing this, Tang Fei smiled and nodded.

However, in the next moment, Qin Feng spoke directly and revealed the answer, matching exactly what Mo Siye had said!

The man on the questioning platform was astonished. Wasn’t the other person supposed to excel in medicine and craftsmanship? Why did he also know about such an obscure history?

‘No, he must have luckily read this history book. There’s no need for me to panic.’ The man comforted himself.

But the subsequent development surprised everyone at the National Academy. The man and Qin Feng asked each other ten questions, and they both answered all of them correctly.

Even Mo Siye didn’t know some of the obscure knowledge.

“How is this possible? Does this person also have a profound understanding of history?”

“I thought we could humiliate him in the first round, but unexpectedly, it ended in a draw.”

The common people, who were originally worried, cheered and rejoiced one by one.

Inside the carriage, a woman exclaimed, “Young Master, could this person also be extremely knowledgeable about history?”

The Crown Prince chuckled, “Brother Qin, you always have a way of surprising people.”

The man on the stage gritted his teeth with anger. However, at this point, even if he was unwilling, he could only leave the stage. After all, he had agreed on the ten questions previously.

But just then, Qin Feng spoke again, “Ending it with a draw is a bit too dull. How about we each ask one more question to each other?”

There’s another chance?

The man was overjoyed in his heart, but he remained calm on the surface, “I agree. I won’t take advantage of you. This time, it’s your turn to ask first.”

“Sure.” Qin Feng pondered for a moment and then asked, “For your first question earlier, which page and line in which history book was it?”

“What?” The man widened his eyes, looking utterly confused.

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