My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 440

Published at 30th of May 2024 11:47:08 AM

Chapter 440: The Brave and Fearless Hero

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Chapter 440: The Brave and Fearless Hero

Qin Feng returned from the Peaceful Academy to find several carriages parked outside the Qin residence.

Unable to bear the insincere flattery he had received earlier in the day, he had fled under the pretext of teaching.

Unexpectedly, when he returned, these people hadn’t left yet?

When Lan Ningshuang saw one of the carriages, she exclaimed, “Young Master, it seems someone from the lady’s family has arrived.”

Because there was a symbol engraved on this carriage, the emblem of the Divine Marquis army flag!

Qin Feng raised an eyebrow at the words and entered the residence accompanied by Ningshuang.

After hearing the news from the gatekeeper, Qin Feng and Ningshuang hurried to the main hall. It was dinner time, and the atmosphere in the hall was somewhat strange.

Father-in-law Liu Tianluo sat calmly on one side, his expression indifferent.

On the other side, a stocky and imposing middle-aged man in military fatigues with a black beard was staring at him with his eyes wide open.

Qin Feng didn’t recognise this person, but Ningshuang did and exclaimed, “General Lie, War Duke!”

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng raised an eyebrow.

War Duke, Lie Ying!

Although he didn’t know him, it didn’t mean that he hadn’t heard of him.

The Great Qian Army had numerous units, the most famous being the Divine Marquis Army Army led by his father-in-law.

However, following the principle of one thing leading to another, the second most famous army after the Divine Marquis Army was the Military War Duke Army commanded by War Duke!

With his personal martial prowess at Divine Martial Third Rank and a bold marching style, he would personally lead the charge in battle.

The most talked about event was when the War Duke’s military army marched to eliminate the demons and ghosts in the Eastern Domain. The opposing demon king was a seventh calamity cycle, a force not to be underestimated.

Normally, when facing an unknown demon king with an unknown divine power, the correct approach would be to cautiously investigate first.

But General Li didn’t say a word, he raised his azure dragon sword, leapt into the air, and directly engaged in battle with the demon king. The battle lasted for a day and a night before he finally killed his opponent.

Perhaps due to the influence of this general, his subordinates were also a group of fearless warriors.

Adhering to the principle of ‘killing one doesn’t hurt, killing two earn blood’, they faced demons and ghosts without hesitation.

‘By the way, didn’t you come to me to learn military tactics? Why are you eating alone?’

Qin Feng smiled, offering his father-in-law a cup of wine politely.

“Fill mine as well.” General Lie filled his cup, downed it in one gulp, and extended it to Qin Feng.

Qin Feng: .”

After a cup of wine, followed by a mouthful of hot soup and meat, General Lie sighed, “The food at your villa is really good. I’ll come to visit often in the future.”

Upon hearing this, the members of the Qin family wore extremely unpleasant expressions; he really didn’t consider himself an outsider, did he?

At that moment, General Lie slapped his forehead and said, “Look at my memory. After enjoying good food and wine, I almost forgot about business.”

“Boy, I heard that earlier you were competing academically with those guys from the National Academy, creating a series of military tactics on The Hundred Battle Martial Arts Board. I came here this time to ask for the complete contents of your military tactics so that I can study them carefully when I return.”


War Duke is not a family member after all. Qin Feng naturally understood the importance of Sun Tzu’s Art of War, so he did not dare to spread it around casually, so he looked at his father-in-law beside him as if asking for help.

Liu Tianluo gently shook his wine cup and said indifferently, “Even if he tells the art of war, with your ability, how can you understand it?”

Qin Feng looked up in surprise when he heard this. How could the gentle father-in-law, the god of war, say such strange words?

Remembering Ningshuang’s words earlier, Qin Feng could roughly guess the situation. Even with the father-in-law’s demeanour, it seemed difficult to tolerate General Lie’s rough attitude.

Lie Ying slammed the table and stood up, “General Liu, what do you mean by that? Keeping secrets for yourself is one thing, but inciting your son-in-law to do the same?”

“Do you really think I’m easy to bully? If you have the courage, come and fight me. If you win, I’ll avoid you whenever I see you in the future!”

Liu Tianlu remained unmoved, raised his wine cup, drank it in one gulp, and then said, “Since he wants to hear it, just tell him. I came here for this military strategy anyway.”

With his father-in-law’s words, Qin Feng no longer hesitated.

Upon hearing this, Lie Ying grinned and said, “I thought the Divine General of Great Qian knew everything.”

“In the end, they are no different from me, seeking guidance in military tactics from a young man. These so-called divine generals of The Great Qian are just a facade, nothing but a facade?”

‘It’s just a facade after all for a stubborn man.’ Qin Feng silently muttered to himself.

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