My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 441

Published at 30th of May 2024 11:47:07 AM

Chapter 441: Warning?

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Chapter 441: Warning?

After reciting the entire contents of Sun Tzus Art of War, Liu Tianlu closed his eyes and pondered, as if savouring its secrets.

On the other side, Lie Ying rubbed his chin, looking like he was in deep thought.

Seeing this, Qin Feng nodded slightly. Although General Lie was impulsive, he had years of experience in leading troops in major battles, and he was indeed in tune with the Art of War.

Unexpectedly, Lie Ying showed his true face after a short while: Damn it, why is your military strategy so obscure and hard to understand? Cant you just be straightforward and tell us when we can attack directly?

Feeling a sense of disappointment, Qin Fengs expression stiffened.

At this moment, the old man opened his eyes and sighed lightly, Such military strategies are impossible to understand unless one has been in constant warfare and has deduced the art of warfare to the extreme. How did you come to understand it?

As the God Of War of the Great Qian Army, Liu Tianlu naturally understood the value of this military strategy. He believed that given Qin Fengs age and experience, he would not be able to understand such a strategy.

Prepared with a ready excuse, Qin Feng replied, There is a place in the National Academy that houses a variety of books. This military strategy is one of them. I was also astonished when I saw it.

I see, Liu Tianlu nodded slightly, agreeing with this explanation.

This military strategy is too profound. I have only memorised its contents and have only a partial understanding. Later, I can write down the strategy, and I believe with your ability, the strategy will surely shine in your hands. Qin Feng said.

Good. Liu Tianlu nodded in agreement; indeed, this military strategy could be of great use to him.

Upon hearing this, Lie Ying became worried and scratched his head.

After returning to Imperial City, he had heard many military officers praising how powerful this military strategy was. Now that he had heard it all but couldnt use it, wasnt it all in vain?

Wait, what was the first sentence of this military strategy?

He looked at Liu Tianlu and Qin Feng. After their previous quarrel, it wasnt realistic to shamelessly ask for advice on military strategy. In this case, he had to find a way to bring Qin Feng under his command and make him a more reliable military advisor.

However, when he looked at Liu Jianli beside Qin Feng, Lie Ying felt annoyed. He blamed his wifes womb for being uncooperative and unable to produce a beautiful daughter like the Liu family girl.

The six-year-old girl at home was no match for the Liu familys daughter.

While Lie Ying was lost in thought, Liu Tianlu suddenly asked, Some time ago, a water dragon appeared in the southern region and caused trouble with a group of snake demons. You led the Military War Duke Army to suppress it. Did you notice anything unusual?

Lie Yings train of thought was interrupted, and he replied impatiently, What could be unusual? That water dragon was only at the sixth level of the calamity cycle and couldnt withstand a few of my blows.

As for those snake demons, they were nothing but trash, far from being an opponent for the Military War Duke Army. Wait, what do you mean? Are you looking down on me?

This vulgar speech left everyone unsure of how to react.

Qin Feng smiled, General Lie, this warning is directed at the human race, or perhaps a specific person, not necessarily you.

As for that specific person, according to Qin Fengs guess, its either Commander Nan Tianlong of the Southern Region or the current emperor.

After all, there was such a big commotion in the Southern Territory, but it was just loud thunder and small raindrops. It must be a threat to the superiors.

But what are the Dragon Clan up to?

On the other side, in the Hundred Flowers Valley of the Southern Region, the black-clad beauty reclined lazily on a long bench, her eyebrows tucked into a handkerchief.

As she gazed up at the valley, her multi-coloured eyes seemed to penetrate thousands of miles to reach somewhere else.

Dark clouds covered the sky and thunder roared incessantly.

Cang Mus delicate eyebrows furrowed slightly, her tone carrying a hint of complaint, Are those fellows in the clan so idle that they spend their days flashing lightning and thunder, disturbing my peaceful sleep? Even the old master seems oblivious to it.

Speaking of which, after cultivating by the Heavenly Pool for so long, that girl should have woken up by now, right?

However, I didnt expect that the lad from the Qin family would stir up so much trouble within Imperial City. He seems to have forgotten the favor of a beautiful woman. Does he really expect the woman to take the initiative?

Suddenly, Cang Mu seemed to remember something and stood up from the long bench, Did I tell the Qin lad the method to find Heavenly Pool that girls father asked me to? Did I say it or not?

She vaguely remembered being attracted to the poem written by the young man from the Qin family, but she was so absorbed in it that she forgot to explain anything.

Now that she thought about it, it seemed to be about finding the Heavenly Pool?

At that moment, a bolt of lightning struck above Hundred Flowers Valley and landed directly on her head.

Cang Mu waved her right hand and a message entered her mind.

Her lips opened slightly under the square scarf, Maybe I really did forget. Forget it, its been a long time since I visited Imperial City. Its a good opportunity to take another look.

The old man got angry, and it will be hard to put an end to this matter.

But its not my fault. Having lived for too long, its inevitable that my memory will be poor.Reead latest novels at nov/el/bin(.)com

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