My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 444

Published at 30th of May 2024 11:47:05 AM

Chapter 444: A Marriage Challenge?

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Chapter 444: A Marriage Challenge?

Upon hearing this, Cang Xuan became so furious that his beard stood on end as he glared, How can my precious granddaughter marry a human? Is he even worthy?DiScover new stories on nov/e/lbin(.)com

Such a reaction was within Cang Mus expectations. She understood that the old man was trying to find a way out, so she said, Grandpa, you know Feilans temperament. She is just like my late sister, single-minded.

Once she makes up her mind, no one can change her mind.

At first, she refused to leave Jinyang City because she couldnt let go of that guy. Besides, youve seen it the things that guy gave to Feilan, she treasures them all.

Even when I tried to look at them, she wouldnt even let me see. Do you expect her to fall in love with someone else? Not everyone can be like me and live alone.

As she spoke the last sentence, there was a hint of bitterness in Cang Mus tone.

Back in the Hundred Flowers Valley, she was thrilled when Qin Feng wrote the poem Among the crowd, searching a thousand times and more, suddenly turning back, there he is, in the dim light of lanterns.

However, she had done so much for her niece, and her niece wouldnt even let her look at the poem. It really chilled her heart.

At this moment, as Feilans aunt, she was still fighting for her nieces happiness.

With her thoughts scattered, Cang Mu adjusted her thoughts and continued, Besides, not all people are worthless. Ive met this guy a few times. Although hes not as outstanding as the Dragon Clan, hes not far behind, hardly worthy of Feilan.

Grandfather, you love Feilan the most. You wouldnt want to see her spend the rest of her life in tears, would you?

Cang Xuan frowned. When Feilans father did not take the Dragon Bead and explained the situation upon his return, he actually wanted to go directly to catch that boy and take the Dragon Bead.

As for the other persons life or death, what did that have to do with him?

But when he heard that Cang Feilan, who was seriously injured and unconscious, was still chanting the boys name, he softened his heart.

Later, while Cang Feilan was recovering in Heavenly Pool, he waited for that guy to come and apologise or propose marriage.

But it never happened. In his anger, he used a spell that used Feilans aura to attract the Dragon Bead with thunder.

This was both a warning and a reminder.

However, the power of the thunder always inexplicably dissipated. At that moment, he knew that there was a great power protecting this guy.

In the entire region of The Great Qian, such existences were few and far between, mostly in the imperial capital.

Coupled with the mysterious aura, Cang Xuan could confirm that this guy was in Imperial City!

However, the all-seeing eyes proved useless against the concealment of the dark clouds.

Aside from the thunder and ink-like clouds, Qin Feng couldnt see anything.

But for some reason, ever since the golden light entered the Heavenly Tower, his left eyelid had been twitching incessantly.

Suddenly, inside the Heavenly Tower, two golden lights shot out and entered the dark clouds again.

The clouds swirled and the thunder stopped.

Countless huge bodies hidden in the cumulus clouds slowly converged, and the thousands of miles of dark clouds also shrank rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As the dark clouds dissipate, the night sky returns to clarity, leaving nothing behind. Everything that has just happened seemed like a dream.

After the people from the Prison Division arrive at the Heavenly Tower, to meet with the National Teacher, they then quickly return to the Imperial Palace to recapitulate the purpose of the Dragon Clans visit.

After hearing everything, even the Emperor Ming was momentarily speechless: The Dragon Clan is mobilising its forces to come to Imperial City just to arrange a marital challenge?

The envoys from the Prison Division noded, Your Majesty, this was the answer from the National Teacher.

No one could figure out the reason, even if they racked their brains.

Eunuch Li looks surprised, Your Majesty, could the Dragon Clans actions have a deeper meaning?

Of course, the Emperor doesnt believe in such a superficial reason. After careful consideration, he thought of many possibilities.

Perhaps the Dragon Clan is having trouble procreating, and has come to Imperial City in search of strong individuals to continue their bloodline.

Or perhaps the awakening of the Garuda King in the southern realm has prompted the Dragon Clan to forge an alliance with the human race to secure an ally for future battles against a powerful enemy.

After careful consideration, however, the Emperor rejects this speculation. How could the powerful and proud Dragon Clan engage in such absurd activities for their own benefit?

Unable to fathom the reason, the Emperor furrowed his brow: Regardless of the reason, it is a good thing for our human race.

Eunuch Li nodded, understanding the reasoning.

If someone can successfully challenge and marry into the Dragon Clan, it is tantamount to securing such a powerful ally for the human race.

But will the Dragon Clan be so easily defeated?

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