My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 447

Published at 30th of May 2024 11:46:57 AM

Chapter 447: What Does This Have to Do with Me Being a Father?

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Chapter 447: What Does This Have to Do with Me Being a Father?

“Is that really all there is, Brother -in-law?” After listening, Lan Ningshuang’s first reaction was that it was too ordinary, with nothing strange at all.

But the more ordinary it seemed, the more suspicious she became.

If nothing happened between the master and Miss Cang, why would they go out of their way to hide it?

“Of course, that’s all.” Qin Feng replied casually, then quickly changed the subject and said, “After talking so much, the food on the table is getting cold. Hurry up and eat it or we’ll have to heat it up in the kitchen.”

This excuse was an often-used method by the old man to change the subject. He had never expected that he would have to resort to such low tactics.Qin Feng sighed with emotion in his heart.

Late into the night, Qin Jian’an donned the mask of the Northern Ghost Head and arrived at the top of the Heavenly Tower of the Grand Literature Academy.

The white-haired, white-robed National Teacher of the Heavenly Tower stood with his hands behind his back, with two wine cups and a wine pot already arranged on the table.

Qin Jian’an was not polite. He sat cross-legged and poured himself a full cup of wine. Then he took off his mask, took a sip of wine, and then said in surprise, “Is this Drunken Immortal?

This was the wine brewed by Qin Feng, and as a father, he naturally knew it very well.

Seeing that the National Teacher remained unmoved, Qin Jian’an raised an eyebrow and said, “I still prefer the way you looked in Jinyang City, no need to pretend all the time.”

The National Teacher turned around and said weakly, “I envy that self, too.”

Without caring about the world, who would be willing to sit in one place and overlook the world regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter?

Living such a life is too tiring.

The two chatted for a while, and Qin Jian’an put down the wine cup and brought up the matter of the Dragon Clan coming to the capital.

“I was originally thinking about how the brat would meet the Dragon Clan girl again, but it unexpectedly turned out like this.”

“Maybe if I were twenty years younger, I would have competed in the martial arts competition...”

Qin Jian’an dared not say the next words, but took another sip of wine.

However, it is normal for a young man to be full of passion. Who doesn’t want to show off in front of others, and who doesn’t love beautiful women?

The women of the Dragon Clan are all incomparable beauties.

Shaking the wine cup in his hand, Qin Jian’an said in a deep voice, “Cang Xuan setting up a martial arts competition for marriage seems like he doesn’t want to marry off his granddaughter. Should I let my son return the Dragon Bead earlier to avoid any trouble?”

That night in Shuliang City, he originally thought that Miss Cang Feilan would definitely become his daughter-in-law. But now he didn’t see it that way.

Coupled with the fact that he was grounded by his father, the two things were connected. It was not difficult to see that this was a warning from his father.

Not only did his plot against Qin Feng fail, but he also lost significant support from the Ministry of War, and even the Emperor became dissatisfied with him. It can be said that he lost in every way.

Thinking of this, the Third Prince became angry and threw everything on the table to the ground. For a moment, the sound of shattered objects was incessant.

His trusted guards stood by, not daring to make a sound.

Until the Third Prince finished venting his anger, he asked coldly, “When I was grounded last night, I heard thunder and the roar of dragons. This morning, I felt an earthquake in the capital. What exactly happened?”

When the guard heard this, he told the truth about the arrival of the Dragon Clan and the marriage challenge.

After listening, the Third Prince became inexplicably agitated. “Will the Dragon Clan suppress their power to the same extent as their opponents?”

The guard nodded and said, “Yes, regardless of the opponent’s realm, the members of the Dragon Clan are all like that.”

“However, with the innate talent of the Dragon Clan bloodline, their physical strength is comparable to a warrior of the fifth realm. Even if they suppress their strength, it is still far from something an ordinary person can deal with.”

“Like today’s challengers, none of them could force the Dragon Clan defender to use his innate divine power; they were all defeated in a single move”.

The Third Prince was not concerned about this, instead he asked, “What do you think is the chance of winning if I go to challenge?”

When the guard was questioned, he racked his brain and gave an answer, “Your Highness possesses an extraordinary talent that is rarely seen in this world. If you were given more time to grow, defeating the Dragon Clan would be a trivial matter.”

“But now...”

The guard didn’t finish his words, but the implication was already clear.

The Third Prince sneered, “Do you really think the Dragon Clan organised this challenge to select a powerful human?”

“What does Your Highness mean?”

“The Dragon Clan is extremely proud; they’ve known for a long time that no one can defeat them unless it’s a high-level being.”

“And why would a high-level being be interested in this so-called marriage proposal from the Dragon Clan? If I’m not mistaken, they already have a target in mind for a son-in-law, and that would be the royal family!”

“They want to form an alliance with the human royal family to counteract some danger that we are not aware of.” The Third Prince’s mouth curled up as he analysed.

The guard suddenly realised, “So if the Third Prince participates in the challenge, there’s a high probability that the Dragon Clan will let you win?”

“Exactly. If I marry a Dragon Clan woman in the future, when I’m competing for the position of heir, I’ll have the support of the Dragon Clan behind me! By then, what can the Crown Prince use to compete with me?”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!