My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 450

Published at 30th of May 2024 11:46:53 AM

Chapter 450: Dragon Clan Women Are Not To Be Trifled With

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Chapter 450: Dragon Clan Women Are Not To Be Trifled With

It doesn’t hurt to stand and talk. Who is talking nonsense? Qin Feng turned around and stared, then his eyes widened.

The other bystanders who followed the sound wore shocked expressions as they pointed at the speaking woman with a trembling voice, “Dragon Clan’s daughter!”

Wearing a black dress with cascading black hair, her face covered by a square scarf, she couldn’t hide her beautiful face, especially her light blue eyes, which were enchanting.

The person who arrived was the one Qin Feng wanted to meet today, Cang Feilan’s aunt – Cang Mu!

“It’s been a while, are you okay?” Cang Mu lifted up her dress and her buttocks fell on the bench.

She stretched lazily, revealing her well-proportioned body.

“Why are you here?” Qin Feng asked in surprise.

“If I didn’t come, wouldn’t that girl’s heart be broken?” Cang Mu replied with a smile.

Qin Feng’s eyes widened, “Miss Cang is here too?”

“Otherwise, who do you think this matchmaking is for?”

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng stood up from his seat, his mind reeling. Whoever wins the competition will marry the Dragon Clan’s daughter, was that Miss Cang?

His brain seemed to shut down, leaving him in a blank state.

He had been relieved not to see Miss Cang’s figure in the Dragon Clan before, thinking that the matchmaking had nothing to do with her. But sometimes what you fear comes true.

Images of Cang Feilan flashed in his mind, reminding him of the moments they had shared together. Qin Feng’s expression changed and emotions surged within him.

Of course, he didn’t want Miss Cang to marry someone else. A surge of impulse made him want to climb onto the platform and complete the three challenges.

However, aside from his ability to defeat the Dragon Clan defender, the bigger issue was whether his current wife back home would agree to another marriage.Geett the latest novels on no/v/elbin(.)c/om

‘So I’m also a henpecked husband.’

Qin Feng sat back in his seat without saying a word, feeling extremely tangled in his heart.

Seeing this, Cang Mu didn’t speak either. She just emitted an aura that shielded the space around them.

The originally shocked and curious onlookers blinked, but in the blink of an eye, where could they see the figures of Young Master Qin and the Dragon Clan woman?

After a moment, they forgot about this incident and turned their attention back to the platform.

After the third prince’s failed attempt, a few scattered individuals appeared on the stage, all of them returning in defeat.

As time passed, after noon, there were less than three people who dared to step onto the platform, and each of them was defeated in a single move.

However, Qin Feng, observing from the stage, wore a nervous expression. If Mr. Qian won again, would Miss Cang be forced to marry him?

“You have to lose the next round,” Qin Feng muttered inadvertently.

As anticipation built for the Dragon Clan’s second challenger, Cang Mu rose slowly and approached the window.

Qin Feng inquired in surprise, “What are you doing?”

“Exactly as you wished.”

“Wish? What wish?”

Before Qin Feng could react, Cang Mu tiptoed and gracefully leaped onto the raised stone platform.

His eyes widened in realization. The second challenger for the platform was Cang Mu!

The “as you wished” naturally referred to Cang Mu, who had overheard his earlier words.

“The second challenger for the platform is... unexpectedly a woman from the Dragon Clan?” The people in the restaurant didn’t see Cang Mu leave; they just saw her appear out of nowhere.

Some expressed relief, “Even if the Dragon Clan is strong, she’s still just a woman. Mr. Qian will surely triumph this round.”

Nearly everyone in Imperial City shared this sentiment.

“Perhaps today is the day the Dragon Clan’s arena will be breached.” someone excitedly exclaimed.

After his defeat, Cang Min returned to the Dragon Clan ranks.

Upon hearing the crowd’s cheers, he wore a curious expression. Sister Cang Mu’s strength ranked her foremost amongst the entire Dragon Clan.

Thirty-six stars? They were no match for her. The human race’s joy would soon turn to despair.

And that’s the reality.

Mr. Qian, seeing that the strength of Cang Mu was unusual, chose to take the initiative. As soon as she came up, he concentrated his energy on his right palm and attacked the opponent.

However, this incredibly powerful strike was effortlessly stopped by a single finger from Cang Mu!

In the next instant, Mr Qian was sent flying out of the arena, and the onlookers couldn’t even comprehend what had happened.

The entire Imperial City fell silent as if you could hear a pin drop.

With a quick movement, the instigator of all this arrived back at the restaurant and stood in front of Qin Feng.

She calmly said, “Your wife is not easy to provoke, just like the women of the Dragon Clan. I’ll give you one more night to go back and explain this to Liu Jianli. If I don’t see you challenging me again tomorrow...”

Before she finished speaking, the wine glass in front of Qin Feng shattered into pieces, startling him.

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