My Wife is A Sword God - Chapter 97

Published at 15th of March 2024 05:15:49 AM

Chapter 97: Conversations Under the Moon

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Chapter 97: Conversations Under the Moon

Qin Feng and his two companions rushed non-stop, finally arriving in Jinyang City from Qiyuan City before the night deepened.

Without wasting any time, Qin Feng, after bidding farewell to Si Zheng and Cang Feilan, hurriedly returned to the Qin residence.

“Three days without seeing them, I wonder if anyone at home missed me.”


At this moment, the gate of the Qin residence was pushed open. Qin Feng stepped in, and to his surprise, he didn’t immediately recognize who opened the door, causing a moment of astonishment.

“Brother-in-law,” a sudden greeting came.Ñ00v€l--ß1n hosted the premiere release of this chapter.

Qin Feng was startled and, following the voice, turned to look. It turned out to be Hei Tan Tou.

He smirked, “Could you wear a white shirt in the evenings from now on?”

Xing Sheng, puzzled, asked, “Is there something wrong with this black outfit?”

“Of course, there’s a problem. You’re almost invisible,” Qin Feng said with a smirk, just about to say something when the sound of approaching footsteps interrupted.

“Feng’er, you’re finally back,” the first to speak was the second mother, her eyes slightly red. Despite her recent complaints in the hall, when she saw him, concern and longing overwhelmed any other emotions.

“Big brother,” the second brother greeted with a smile.

Qin Feng looked at his second brother with surprise. In just three days, the qi within his second brother seemed even more vigorous. It seemed he was on the verge of breaking through to the sixth rank. Truly, he possessed extraordinary talent. Qin Feng sighed inwardly and nodded in acknowledgment, “Well, it seems that you haven’t been neglecting your cultivation these past few days.”

Xing Sheng, on the side, added, “The current Second Young Master’s control over qi is far beyond what it used to be. Even I might not necessarily have an advantage in a fight against him.”

Qin Feng pondered.

At that moment, a fragrance wafted into his nose. He looked ahead and saw a beautiful woman in blue attire.

“Brother-in-law,” Lan Ningshuang greeted softly, her furrowed brows relaxing slightly. The worry in her heart finally eased.

Qin Feng examined the beauty in front of him and expressed concern, “Miss Lan, even if you’re eager to improve your cultivation, you should still pay attention to rest. Look at you, there are bloodshot veins in your pupils.”

Upon hearing this, Lan Ningshuang blushed, but the darkness of the night concealed it well. She quickly turned her head, “Miss has something to discuss with you. If Brother-in-law has time, you might want to visit her.”

With that, she hurried away.

Qin Feng was puzzled by her urgency.

However, after examining the internal energy of Second Brother, Xing Sheng, and Lan Ningshuang, he found that these three individuals were already approaching the peak of the seventh rank of divine martial arts.

If they don’t break through to the sixth rank soon, the blood and energy in their bodies will be unable to condense into internal energy.

“They are only one breakthrough away. I wonder if I can help them find it.” Qin Feng stroked his chin, lowering his head into contemplation.


“He’s here.” A cold voice spoke.

Lan Ningshuang turned her head to the corridor and indeed saw Qin Feng.

“Miss, I’ll leave first.”

Liu Jianli nodded slightly, “Rest early. You’ve been worrying too much these days.”

“Alright, Miss.” Lan Ningshuang hesitated for a moment, her voice soft as a mosquito. Her face blushed, and she quickly left, brushing past Qin Feng.

“Miss—” Qin Feng was about to greet her, but before he could finish, she was already far away.

“What’s the rush?” Qin Feng shook his head, striding towards the lakeside pavilion.

Watching that stunning profile, Qin Feng couldn’t help but sigh, recalling a poem from the past life — “In the vast expanse of time, there is no unparalleled beauty; pleasing to the eye is the true beauty. The appearance that captivates a nation, stunning all people under heaven.””

This poem seemed tailor-made for Liu Jianli.

“I’m back.”


After a brief exchange, the night returned to tranquility.

Qin Feng stood not far from Liu Jianli, hands behind his back, gazing at the lake as if enjoying the scenery. In reality, he felt awkward, not knowing what to say. Come on, Qin Feng! What kind of beauty haven’t you flirted with? Especially your own wife!

Taking a deep breath, he began searching for a topic to chat about.

“Recently, a delicate young man arrived at the mansion, dressing as a man, thinking no one could tell. Quite interesting.”

Liu Jianli glanced at him and then turned her head away.

Misjudged that. How could he bring up another woman in front of one? Qin Feng’s face stiffened, and he continued, “She suffered a similar injury to yours, her right arm meridian was shattered a while ago. She asked me to treat her, and if successful, there might be hope for your recovery too.”

“Thank you.” The usual calm voice sounded, but there was a hint of something unusual.

The topic ended, and Qin Feng retreated, “If there’s nothing else, I’ll leave and not disturb your rest.”

No response from Liu Jianli.

Qin Feng felt a bit disappointed and turned to leave.

At that moment, Liu Jianli suddenly spoke, “Tell me about the experiences in Qiyuan City.”

Qin Feng’s heart lifted, “Since you want to know, I’ll tell you.”

Moonlight flowed like water as Qin Feng spoke at length.

Liu Jianli listened silently, her calm eyes seemingly transformed by the moonlight.

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