Mystic Beast’s Journey - Volume 2 - Chapter 7

Published at 21st of March 2023 12:00:27 PM

Chapter 7

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(Aug. 27 580 Imperial Calander 9:00 a.m.)

(12 hours later)

(Groggy) Mmm? What's this? Is someone scratching my belly? Eh, might as well enjoy this dream.

"(Groggy) Mmm... little lower. lower. Ahhhh. Right there."(Rina)

"Kkyyaa! You're so cute!"(Ella)

I then felt something squeeze the air out of me. At that moment I fully woke up.

"(Startled) Huh!? W-What's happening!?"(Rina)

"Ah, you're finally awake."(Ella)

"*Yawn* (Confused) Why are you here?"(Rina)

"Pft, j-just came to wake y-you up."(Ella)

"(Confused) What's so funny?"(Rina)

"Pfft, i-it's just your little yawn. I-It's so adorable!"(Ella)

It was at this point I realized Ella was holding me. At which point I tried to push out of her grip by pushing her face and chest, but she just looked like she was in bliss.

"Ahh, your toe beans are so squishy."(Ella)

I then felt a shiver down my spine at which point I started trying to nip at Ella's hands. After a minute I finally managed to get her finger at which point it started to freeze over much to both of our shock. Ella was so shocked she even dropped me luckily, we were on my bed.


I then turned humanoid before she could pick me up again. When Ella saw this, she seemed disappointed.

"(Disappointed) Aww, and you were so cute. Not to say you're not cute like this."(Ella)

"*Eyeroll* Whatever, why did you come here and thanks for not wearing shoes on my bed."(Rina)

"(Confused) Sure? Anyway, I came to get you for bre-"(Ella)

"(Excited) Why didn't you start with that!? Let's go!"(Rina)

I then grabbed her hand and almost dragged her to her shoes. I then slipped mine on and put my bed in the inventory. While I was doing that, she put her shoes back on and I grabbed her hand but, this time she was prepared, and we sped walked to the dining room. Upon arrival, I found Snow, Izz, Hail, and Selen already sitting there waiting for use with breakfast served.

I then hopped into the open seat with food on it next to Ella's seat and Ella sat down. As soon as she was sat, we all started eating.

(1 hour later)


"'Scuse me."(Rina)

"*Shakes head* *Sigh* So how did things go?"(Ella)

"Hm? Fine, I guess. Though, there was the weird portal that opened but, other than that great."(Rina)

"(Stunned) A what?"(Ella)

"Ah, this weird blue portal opened up and sucked us into it. We aren't sure how or why but yeah that happened. That's how we met Selen."(Izz)

"(Stunned) Can you not talk like this is normal!? What the hell!"(Ella)

"*Shrug* It's not that big a deal. Nothing happened and I got a girlfriend, so I don't see a reason to be panicked."(Hail)

"*Covers face* Ah, I give up with you 4. Trying to make anything you do seem normal will only grate on my sanity. Let's just label you 4 as weird and be done with it."(Ella)

""""*Nod* Glad you finally accepted it.""""

"(Confused) Can I get filled in on what's happening?"(Selen)

"Ah, right. You probably don't know do you?"(Rina)


"Alright then let's catch you up to speed."(Rina)

(40 minutes later)

"So, you 4 along with an army of wolves decimated an entire human city?"(Selen)


"This was revenge for killing your family?"(Selen)


"And you have the slayer in the dungeon to torture?"(Selen)


"There is an entire class from earth in this castle and the slayer is also part of said class?"(Selen)


"Welp, mystery solved."(Selen)

"""""(Confused) Huh?"""""

"You know I'm also a reincarnator, right?"(Selen)



"Well, there was this case a month before I died where a whole class just disappeared into thin air save for 1 student. He was found dead crushed under rubble. There were so many conspiracy theories like it was the government and such. The government one never made sense due to the grie- Did I upset you?"(Selen)

When Selen started mentioning our past family members we accidentally started releasing killing intent. Once she pointed it out, we realized what we were doing and retracted it.

"*Blush* Ahem, sorry about that little outburst. It's just the mention of those bastards pisses me off."(Rina)

"(Confused) Huh?"(Selen)

"Ah, I can answer this one. That 'grieving family' was actually a piece of shit."(Ella)

"(Confused) How would you know that? And why are you using air quotes?"(Selen)

"It's because that dead student was me. And that 'grieving family' was my family on my mother's side. Those fuckers put me through mental and physical abuse since I was, I think 9? And the 'grieving' they did was probably just a public ploy to A. get more votes and B. get donations so they could live extravagantly.

Hell, I wouldn't be shocked if they held a party when I died. I mean, I was pretty much scorned by them. Because I survived a home invasion, and my family didn't. When I say those fuckers have actually poisoned me, I mean it. At some point, everything just became the normal until I was like 15 and a half when they kicked me out.

At that point, I was kicked out and they used the child support money to rent me an apartment in our town's... ghetto. On my way to the apartment, I found a little kitten on the streets which I ended up adopting and made a will with my father's business partner. I also planned to open a life insurance but, it turned out those fuckers already did so.

Well, they were probably pissed when they learned that all they got each was 1 dollar and 100,000 went to my friend's family and the rest was given to my cat."(Rina)

"(Stunned) Okay that's a lot to unpack. So, you were once a boy?"(Selen)


"And you're fine with the sex change?"(Selen)

"*Shrug* Meh, I don't really care all that much."(Rina)

"Alright, then how the hell did you die before me but, end up younger than me?"(Selen)

"*Shrug* Not a clue."(Rina)

"*Sigh* Then out of pure curiosity just how much money did you have?"(Selen)

"Hmm, I think the last time I checked it was somewhere in the hundred millions?"(Rina)

"(Shocked) Pffft, WHAT!!? How?!?!"(Selen)

"Hmm, let's see. Mine and my brother's college fund, my mother and father's savings and bank accounts, their life insurance, the money from my father's law firm, some stocks and crypto, and put the fact that all that money was put into a savings account for 8 years and well, yeah. Oh, and those life insurances in my name."(Rina)

"(Stunned) Wow, just wow."(Selen)

"*Clap* Alright, so what are you guy's going to do now?"(Ella)

"*Sigh* Well, first is breaking this annoying curse. Then I plan to do some alchemy."(Rina)

"Ah, I thought we'd have to drag you to do it."(Snow)

"*Blush* I may not like it but, I'm not going to go back on my word."(Rina)

"Alright, so I'll be watching the show then."(Ella)

"*Cover's face* Please don't. I'll die from the shame."(Rina)

"*Evil smile* Now I REALLY want to."(Ella)

"*Thump* Kill me now."(Rina)

"Uh, is she alright? Wait should I even call her a girl now?"(Selen)

"Yeah, she's just embarrassed about wearing a dress. As for the reference, that is a yes."(Hail)


They all then got up and dragged me to our room while I was still dying from embarrassment.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!