Published at 4th of June 2024 11:48:37 AM

Chapter 209: Out of this World

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Chapter 209: Out of this World

The originally calm sea suddenly became turbulent, revealing a huge vortex, and below him was a violent waterspout-raging.

Under the water, the black shadow was about to escape, but it was firmly sucked in by the rapidly expanding waterspout behind him, and no matter how he struggled, he could not break free.

At this time, even Haru could only barely stabilize his body, no matter how close he was, otherwise, he might be the unlucky one.

Seeing that the black shadow was about to be swallowed by the waterspout, at this critical moment, the black shadow suddenly opened his mouth and let out a voice that was extremely penetrating!

Although the voice was a little anxious and flustered, it could still be heard. It was very sweet and clear, very pleasant to listen to. Find new stories on novelbin(.)com

Then, a strange scene happened.

The water tornado that had been constantly spreading the last second suddenly calmed down, as if it had never appeared at all.

Then the black shadow immediately jumped forward and ran away without looking back.

Haru, who did not expect this change, could only shake his head helplessly and then float to the surface of the water.

But when he revealed his head, he was suddenly stunned!

Because there was a thick fog on the surface of the sea at some unknown time, and the boat that had been left behind had already disappeared.

Just as he stood on the surface of the water and was deep in thought, the fog in front of him finally began to slowly dissipate.

An island appeared out of thin air in front of him!

Almost in an instant, Haru remembered the mysterious island mentioned in the letter - Land of Whirlpools!

The question was, was it because of his praise for the God of the Sea, or was it because of the mysterious shadow just now?

Haru was uncertain, but he felt that the secret of the shadow might be bigger.

However, now was not the time to think about this. He directly ran on the surface of the water and soon arrived around the island.

He jumped hard!

Haru successfully climbed onto the island and looked back. There was no fog on the surface of the sea.

"Mom, someone is coming!"

A little boy who was running and playing suddenly pointed outside and shouted excitedly.

Then, almost everyone looked over in surprise.

"Outsider? How could it be at this time?" Someone was confused and couldn't figure it out.

"So handsome..." This was the subconscious thought of the teenage girl covering her face.

However, Haru found that among so many people, the most surprised and curious were.

On the contrary, they lacked vigilance, fear, and not welcome such reactions.

This meant that no outsiders had appeared in this village for a long time, and the life on the island must be very peaceful. Otherwise, when facing a stranger, their vigilance would not be so low.

Of course, it was also possible that these people were all Kage Level and had sufficient confidence to deal with all the problems.

Well, this joke was not funny at all!

"How did you come in? I mean today is not the day of the ceremony for the God of the Sea. How did you come here from the outside?"

When Haru walked in, a middle-aged man in his forties directly came over and asked in surprise and confusion.

Looking at the expressions of the people around him, this person should have a position similar to the village chief of this village.

Haru also did not underestimate the other party. Since they were in other people's territory, before they completely fell out, it was better to keep a low profile and act according to the rules.

So he replied, "I don't know what exactly happened, but I accidentally fell into the sea. When I finally floated out of the water, I saw the thick fog rising from the sea. After a while, the fog dispersed and I saw a small island here, so I swam over with all my might."

After the other party heard this, he pinched his chin thoughtfully and then muttered to himself uncertainly, "Could it be that Kanna-sama happened to be around and couldn't bear to see you drown in the sea?"

"Kanna-sama?" Haru's hearing was very good and he immediately asked.

The other party was stunned at first, but then he remembered that it was the first time Haru had come here. He did not know who Kanna-sama was, so he explained, Kanna-sama is the gatekeeper of the Land of Whirlpools. He can freely travel between here and the outside world. No matter if the people outside want to come in or the people inside want to go out, they need to get Kanna-sama's permission. Otherwise, the door of will not open.

As Haru carefully remembered, he sighed that the people here were too simple and naive. They did not use any tricks and just asked what they wanted.

If Kanna-sama was not a monster with ulterior motives, this place could really be regarded as a paradise far away from worldly disputes!

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