Published at 4th of June 2024 11:48:35 AM

Chapter 210: Kannasama and the Ocean Sacrifice Ceremony

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Chapter 210: Kanna-sama and the Ocean Sacrifice Ceremony

Haru was very suspicious that the extremely fast black shadow he found underwater was Kanna-sama they mentioned. However, he could not be sure. He was even more afraid of causing any misunderstanding. After all, he had almost given Kanna-sama to him. Cough cough!

"The Land of Whirlpools? I have heard of the related stories outside. Can you tell me more about this place? Oh, right, my name is Senju Haru. How should I address this big brother?"

The big guy seemed a little shy. He scratched his head and said, "My name is Yuma. I came here 20 years ago. I don't know much about the Land of Whirlpools. But if you are willing to listen, you can go to my house to rest. I see that your clothes are wet. If you don't mind, you can wear my clothes first."

"Brother Yuma is too polite. Thank you for your hospitality."

"It's fine, it's fine. There won't be many outsiders here in a year, so everyone is very curious about the outside world."

Haru instantly understood and smiled. "Then you've asked the right person. I'll talk to you later."

A simple and honest smile appeared on Yuma's face, and he even felt a little embarrassed.

Soon, Haru returned home with the other party and changed into the clothes here.

After chatting for a long time, he patted his head and remembered to come and cook to entertain the guests. Get the latest novels on novelbin(.)c/om

Through this simple-minded man, Haru's understanding of the Land of Whirlpools.

Of course, there were more doubts.

For example, according to Yuma, although he could see the sea on this island, he could not reach the outside world at all.

Only through the gatekeeper, which was Kanna-sama, could he pass through.

This reminded him of the three Hidden Sage Lands that existed in the real world and had its own independent fantasy world!

One had to know that the three Hidden Sage Lands, Mount Myouboku, Ryuchi Cave, and Shikkotsu Forest, apart from using the Reverse Summoning Technique to go there, were also able to find the entrance to the outside world to reach the Sage Land.

However, this way, they would become fated people, or only those who passed the test would be able to step into the true immortal land.

Even if the remaining people found the entrance, they would not be able to enter.

Otherwise, even if he found Uzumaki Clan's survivors, he wouldn't dare to act rashly.

After all, this kind of thing sounded quite scary, and he didn't want to capsize in a ditch.

After eating the food sent by Yuma (checked), although Haru still wanted to ask a lot, the other people in the village had already gathered. It seemed that Yuma had promoted him.

Helpless, he could only follow everyone's strange questions and explain what the outside world had become.

Especially after mentioning that outside was still in a chaotic war where everyone was still fighting, Haru found that many people showed dark and disappointed expressions, and there were even people who sighed and said, "Thank you Lord God of the Sea for taking refuge. "

Haru could not help but ask, "Why are you so concerned about the situation outside? Isn't it good here? There is no danger, and there is no need to go through war."

Yuma could not help but sigh. "If possible, everyone is willing to live here for the rest of their lives. However, there are too few people on the island. In the past, there were many outsiders who came to live here every year. However, as time goes by, even during the annual Ocean Sacrificial Ceremony, there are very few outsiders."

"The fewer outsiders there are, the higher the chance of a deformed child being born, so everyone is very depressed."

Haru immediately understood!

Of course, living in such an isolated place had its benefits, but the same drawbacks were also very obvious.

Just the separation of close relatives and reproduction was enough to make the people on the island extinct sooner or later.

Therefore, the people here were looking forward to outsiders joining this big family. The more, the better. In any case, the resources here were very rich. No matter how many people there were, there was no need to fight for them. So naturally, there would not be any conflicts.

Then, Haru felt like crying and laughing. He was wondering why he had noticed from the beginning that the eyes of the big girl and the little girl were very strange when they looked at him.

At first, he thought that his appearance was too attractive, but now he finally understood that they wanted to use his seed to continue their descendants!

No wonder everyone here was so kind to him, and they regarded him as one of their own!

In fact, they would think this way. After all, if they could live happily and carefreely here for a lifetime, what was not good about it?

However, there was one thing that Haru had not figured out.

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