Published at 4th of June 2024 11:48:17 AM

Chapter 214: The Sea Nighthawk is Here

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Chapter 214: The Sea Nighthawk is Here

"To be honest, when Ayaka-sama led all the members of Senju Clan to charge at the forefront and wanted to cover for our retreat, all resentment and unwillingness had already vanished into thin air."

"Even now, I still remember that when the people brought by Ayaka-sama died one after another, it was enough for someone to cry and beg her to take them away. However, Ayaka-sama only said one sentence, and Senju Clan will never betray any allies who believe in us! Before our Senju Clan dies, Uzumaki Clan must live! Otherwise, even if she died, she would not be able to explain it to Hashirama-sama and Tobirama-sama. After saying that, he led the last person and rushed out once again."

"Therefore, Senju Clan did not let us down! Instead, it was us who dragged Ayaka-sama and the others down. Otherwise, they would not have done so."

As he spoke, this strong man suddenly burst into tears.

Men do not cry easily, but they are not sad.

He also did not want to be so 'shameful', but no matter how hard he hit his chest, he could not stop his tears.

Haru also fell silent, his nails digging deep into his flesh. Get the latest novels on novelbin(.)c/om

The hatred in his heart for himself and the coldness and indifference of Konoha became even deeper.

When the two people in front of him finally calmed down, Haru asked, "And then?"

His voice was so dry and hoarse that it made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Then he heard Ashina say, "When Ayaka-sama was also seriously injured, we risked our lives to take her back. We wanted to take her away together, but Ayaka-sama did not allow us to do so. She insisted on staying behind to cover up the rear."

"Then at this time, she said that he had let down Tsunade-sama and Nawaki-sama. She could no longer stay by their side. She said Mito-sama must be proud of her as a daughter, that is, she can no longer do her filial duty..."

"In the end, she also said that her biggest regret in her life was that she couldn't see a certain brat again. She don't know how he has been all these years. Has he been picky with his food? Will he kick the quilt when he goes to bed at night?"

"Don't say anymore!"

Haru suddenly interrupted Ashina and turned around as fast as possible. "Sorry, I'll go in for a while."

After a few minutes, Haru finally came out. Other than some water stains on his body, there didn't seem to be any changes.

However, with their current state, Haru was unable to tell them the purpose of his trip.

If they wanted to take revenge, it would be simple.

Whether it was Kirigakure or Konoha, he could use this as a base point to convince them.

However, the other party did not have this idea. He could not just go up and say, "I will take revenge for you. Let's kill the five big countries together!"

Of course, it was impossible to give up so easily.

Just now, he asked simply. The people hiding here, Uzumaki Clan, were basically all based on their families. Most of them were children and women. Many men were left behind in the last retreat and died in battle.

But even so, there were more than 30 combat forces that had formed!

In addition, so many of Uzumaki Clan's future had not yet matured. When these children grew up, they would definitely be able to reproduce the heroic appearance of Uzumaki Clan and Bijuu in the battle arena!

Therefore, he could not give up just like that. He had to find another way.

But if he really couldn't convince them, Haru wouldn't do anything out of line. Perhaps letting them live here forever was also a choice.

However, just as Haru was thinking about how to open his mouth, the thing he had been worried about before finally happened.

Along with the chaos outside, a boy about ten years old ran in and shouted, "Father, mother, this is bad. God of the Sea broke in and asked us to hand over the outsiders who just entered the village!"

As he spoke, he curiously sized up Haru. He didn't understand how a newcomer like him had offended God of the Sea.

Ashina and Shima were similarly puzzled, and they couldn't help but ask about it so that they could understand what was going on.

Haru didn't hide anything and directly explained the entire process of how he had chased after the shadow underwater and how he had entered.

Ashina was instantly speechless. Since he had alarmed God of the Sea and came over so quickly, then the shadow you spoke of must be Kanna-sama. This is a bit troublesome.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!