Published at 4th of June 2024 11:48:04 AM

Chapter 222: A Village in the Dark

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Chapter 222: A Village in the Dark

In five days, Haru did nothing but play with the little girl.

Of course, it was impossible to patrol the island, and it was impossible to patrol the island in this life!

In addition to playing on the island, the two of them also secretly ran to the sea to play. The speed of the mermaid in the water was amazing. Moreover, Haru also found that she could emit some kind of sound wave to control all kinds of sea creatures.

However, there was a limit to this ability. The little girl's ability could only affect the current sea area, and she could not control real sea people like Dori and Turtle Prime Minister.

But according to the little girl herself, her mother had a power that was thousands of times stronger than her. She was the true master of the sea, the god of all the sea races.

After hearing this, Haru couldn't help but imagine the scene of the lazy mermaid gathering all the sea races and following the tsunami, destroying one country after another.

Alright, as the king of the sea race, what was the use of occupying land

Haru was still somewhat skeptical. After all, he had never personally seen the power of the merman.

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On this day, Haru was ready to leave, so before he left, he found Uzumaki Ashina and explained his intentions.

"Amegakure is now under my rule. Not long ago, he reached a temporary non-aggression agreement with Konoha and Suna and ended the war in advance."

"But there are too few available people around me, so I hope you can help me. And the promise I can make is that I will never force you to do anything. Everything depends on your willingness."

"If you still want to restore your country, when the time is right, I will fully support you."

"Of course, I won't force you to follow me in the name of Senju. This is just a selfish thought of mine. But I really think that Uzumaki Clan should not become history. Some people should pay the price!"

What should come must come.

Although he had vaguely guessed it, when Haru really revealed his cards, the expression on Ashina's face was still difficult.

Logically speaking, Senju's clan had gone all out to fight for them, fighting for the fire seed and continuation for their Uzumaki Clan.

Now that Tobirama-sama's child had come looking for them and hoped that they could help, they naturally wouldn't refuse and immediately agreed.

"Don't worry. Although I was a step late, I still saw what happened and saved the little girl who had just become Kyuubi, Jinchuriki."

"What's more, I found a red-haired child in Amegakure. After confirming it, he does have the blood of you, Uzumaki Clan."

"Now the two little guys are settled in my place. They are very safe. After you go, you will see them."

Sure enough, after listening to it, Ashina immediately showed a grateful look.

Compared to the clansmen who were stranded outside, these people were truly too lucky.

However, there was nothing they could do. At that time, it was impossible for them to transfer all of their clansmen away.

Thus, the guilt in their hearts was truly difficult for outsiders to understand.

"What are the names of those two children? It really has been hard on them." Ashina asked with some anticipation.

The little girl who was forced to become Kyuubi, Jinchuriki, was called Uzumaki Kushina. She looked just over ten years old this year. The little boy only knew that her name was Nagato. Her father was probably an outsider. She was already over five years old this year.

After Haru finished speaking, Ashina suddenly became very excited. "Kushina? Kushina is actually still alive"

Seeing Ashina like this, Haru immediately understood that the other party should know Kushina, or maybe even relatives?

"Do you know each other?"

"If the name is correct, then she should be my big brother's child! I thought they were all. I didn't expect to hear news of them."

This was the second time that the fierce man in Ashina shed tears.

Haru was a little embarrassed. The first time, he didn't think much of it, but the second time, it was a little bit strange.

"I'm sorry, I lost my composure a little. Actually, it was my big brother's family who was chosen at that time, not me. However, my big brother gave me this chance to live. I only found out later. If I had known earlier, I would rather be the one to die!"

"So I let my big brother's family down. I originally thought that I would never have the chance to make up for it in this life."

"Thank you. Thank you for telling me that Kushina is still alive."

Haru sighed, not knowing how to comfort the other party.

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