Published at 4th of June 2024 11:47:30 AM

Chapter 245: All of Them

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Chapter 245: All of Them

The news that Iwagakure's people and the money Guren had sent back was placed in front of Onoki almost at the same time.

He never thought that the original perfect plan of killing two birds with one stone would have such a big problem.

Onoki was not surprised that Guren could leave Amegakure alive, but Guren actually had such courage to bargain with him just because he caught Akatsuki's financial director?

It seemed that the previous madness was just for him to see!

Onoki sneered in his heart, but his next choice would affect the battlefield situation of the two countries.

Was it for an abandoned son, to make him have one more enemy, or to take advantage of the situation, to eat one fish and fight for the greatest benefits?

Onoki made a decision without hesitation.

Only children talk about right and wrong. Adults only care about benefits.

Of course, he wants all of them!

So he immediately ordered to try to get in touch with Guren to find out where she was and to determine if the woman really had the person, in order to avoid making a mess.

At the same time, he used the spy who was lurking in Amegakure to secretly investigate the specific situation of that day to prevent this trap that was targeted at him in turn.

Onoki, who had considered almost every aspect of the world, finally moved.

Onoki couldn't imagine what would happen next.


Kakuzu regretted it very much!

He had never regretted it like this.

Although he had gotten the money, it was too cheap compared to his sacrifice!

Kakuzu, who was sealed in the blue crystal, still retained his consciousness. As for the current situation, and that bastard 'Yone' cursed loudly!

Moreover, he only understood after the incident. How could that bastard arrange a child to complete such a dangerous task?

Did he get cheated again?

It was a pity that Kakuzu woke up too late. Because of a beautiful play, Akira, who had successfully deceived Kakuzu, had already taken the 500,000 ryo pocket money.

But at this moment, he finally remembered what someone had entrusted him before he left. He could only endure it and pretend to be a chicken.

After all, the financial director was in charge of money, and the dishes were understandable.

On the other side, Guren finally caught up with the baby and hugged him in her arms.

However, something was wrong!

The weight and the feeling were all wrong!

Looking down, she found that it was actually a baby made of mud. Looking carefully, the inside of the swaddling clothes showed the corners of the Exploding Tag.

At this time, how could Guren not know that she had been deceived again, so she instantly threw away the mud child in her hand and wrapped herself up with the Crystal Release as fast as possible.

There was a loud bang!

A huge fireball exploded in the sky.

Onoki looked up and sneered. Dust Release was ready again, but when he aimed at the last position, he hesitated and moved down a bit.

"Dust Release: Detachment of the Primitive World Technique!"

The terrifying Dust Release directly destroyed the blue crystal dragon at the waist, but the blue lotus at the top, wrapped in the crystal, was saved.

However, the aftermath of the Explosion Tag and Dust Release's double explosion, coupled with the force of falling from the sky, still made Guren' blood surge and her mind dizzy.

The moment she landed, she spat out a mouthful of blood. Then, before she could catch her breath, Onoki flew over at high speed, his arm condensed a circle of thick and hard rocks.

Earth Release: Fist Rock Technique!


Guren, who was unable to resist, was directly hit in the abdomen by a punch, and the whole person was sent flying. After plowing a tunnel on the ground, she barely stopped as she had completely lost consciousness.

Onoki snorted, "Take all of them back, lock up the traitors first, maybe they can still be useful. Then immediately inform Akatsuki's people, and say that our Iwagakure helped them take back the people they wanted from the traitor Guren."

"But we paid a great price to make them accept our proposal and let them go."

"Yes, Tsuchikage-sama."

Although the battle started suddenly, it ended smoothly. This should have made people happy, but Onoki felt that it was going too smoothly.

Could it be that because of the child, Guren had really lost her most basic calm judgment?

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