Published at 4th of June 2024 11:45:19 AM

Chapter 309: One Against Zero is Just a Basic Operation

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Chapter 309: One Against Zero is Just a Basic Operation

On this day, the sun was shining brightly. It was a rare cloudless day. When one looked up, one could see the blue sky.

When Third Raikage bring hundreds of Kumogakure elites to the Land of the Moon, Haru had been waiting for a long time.

The signature fiery cloud robe was lined up, and Kakuzu, Guren, Fuu, and Sakumo were lined up on both sides of Haru.

Although there were only five people, they were extremely calm when facing enemies that were ten times more powerful than their own, and they were even not at a disadvantage in terms of momentum.

As for Kagami and Tsunade, they were too busy, so they ignored this small matter.

The two sides were separated by a hundred meters and looked at each other from afar.

At this time, a strong man with dark skin, light yellow long hair and a long beard walked out. There was a lightning-like scar on his chest, and there was a "lightning" tattoo on his right shoulder.

This was Third Raikage, who had the "strongest spear" and "strongest shield", who could suppress the eight-tailed with his bare hands

At the same time, it was a terrifying monster that could fight against ten thousand Iwagakure Ninjas for three days and three nights before finally dying of exhaustion!

"Kid, I admire your courage. You dare to stand here with only these few people. So I will give you a chance. Surrender and bring your forces to join the Land of Lightning. I will give you everything you want in the name of Raikage!"

Although Raikage looked rude and irritable, if anyone really regarded him as a brave and incompetent guy, then they would be in big trouble!

Onoki and others were waiting to watch the show. Didn't he know?

But he was the first to run out and take the lead, taking the initiative to bite the hard bone of Akatsuki. Why?

In addition to having confidence in his own strength, Third Raikage also had the idea of winning!

If he could conquer this Akatsuki in one fell swoop, then wouldn't he be able to swallow him whole!

While Onoki's men were still playing attention to follow him for soup and meat, he was ready to take the pot home with him.

However, all the people who regarded Akatsuki as a fish on the chopping block and could be trampled on would pay the price for this idea!

After hearing this, Haru laughed directly. Raikage saw that they only came to negotiate or surrender?

"What are you laughing at?" Raikage frowned without anger.

"It's not impossible for me to bring Akatsuki to join the Land of Lightning, but can you really give me everything I want? I'm afraid that your name, Raikage, is not important enough!"

"What is there that I can't give you? As long as you are loyal enough, after I die of old age, you can also compete for the next Raikage! This is my promise!"

Raikage's words were powerful and full of confidence!

Even the Kumogakure Ninjas behind him were convinced by his personality charm. They all revealed fanatical eyes and hostility toward Haru.

It had to be said that even Haru, who originally wanted to ridicule Raikage, did not expect that Raikage was actually playing it for real. No matter what happened in the future, it was already very difficult for him to dare to make such a promise in front of so many people!

A bang was heard in an instant!

The two fists collided, and no one retreated. Then, the earth actually could not withstand this pressure and began to crack apart layer by layer.

Sakumo and the other three also spread out at the first moment, far away from the center of the battle.

Because Haru had said from the beginning that Raikage was his prey, they naturally would not interfere.

However, the task on them was not easy. At this time, hundreds of Kumogakure Ninjas had rushed up with full morale.

Fuu revealed an eager look. When she looked at Guren, she deliberately provoked, "Do you want to compete with who kills more enemies?"

"Boring," Guren said.

Sakumo was silent.

Only Kakuzu revealed a bloodthirsty gaze and asked, "How much will you pay if you win?"

Fuu suddenly felt bored. It was really boring!

Then, a pair of wings grew out of her back as she flew directly into the sky.

"Scale Powder!"

Seemingly ordinary scale powder began to sprinkle from the air, and then in the moment it touched the object, it suddenly began to spontaneously combust, almost like a white phosphorus incendiary bomb!

This initial show of strength immediately made the Kumogakure Ninjas, who had victory in their hands, fall into a panic.

But the nightmare had just begun!

A large number of crystal hands were thrown into the crowd like free swords, and countless black lines suddenly appeared on the ground. Anyone who could not dodge in time would immediately be caught, and then take out their hearts and die.

Sakumo suddenly felt that there was no need for him to take action, and he did not know where Haru found so many experts.

In the face of Kumogakure's attack, the five of them were enough.

After observing for a while and staring at a strong Kumogakure, the dagger in Sakumo's hand suddenly emitted a familiar white light.

"White Light Blade!"


A white light pierced through the crowd and accurately killed a Kumogakure Jonin!

Only then did someone react, revealing a terrified gaze.

"Ko... Konoha White Fang"

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