Published at 4th of June 2024 11:43:33 AM

Chapter 359: Black Zetsu’s Compulsion

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Chapter 359: Black Zetsu's Compulsion

The great battle was imminent, and even Haru did not expect that the Third Ninja War would be so early, and it would be personally drawn by him.

But to tell the truth, the five great countries were only so!

When the strength of an individual reached a certain height, the advantage of numbers could be completely ignored.

Third Raikage faced tens of thousands of ninjas, fought for three days and three nights, and finally died without any injuries.

Then what if someone stronger than Third Raikage appeared?

Could they kill a few more people and destroy tens of thousands of ninjas?

If they were a little higher, would there be any meaning in numbers if Rikudou Sennin, Madara, and Otsutsuki Kaguya appeared?

Anyway, after Haru finished reading the original story, he felt that the Ninja Alliance Army had something eye-catching. It could not be said that it was useless, but when Juubi was absorbed, there was an enemy of Rikudou Sennin Level. The Ninja Alliance Army, which was known as 80,000 but had lost countless people, was basically a burden!

Even forcing Naruto, Minato and the others had no choice but to think of ways to save people.

So in the end, what merit did the 80,000 Ninja Alliance have?

It was probably because they had exchanged some points with the 100,000 trash White Zetsu.

The actual effect was not even as good as Orochimaru alone.

After all, Orochimaru had wasted a container to release the souls of the past generations of Hokage. Then, he used Edo Tensei to resurrect them all.

Senju Hashirama, Senju Tobirama, Namikaze Minato. When he heard these three names, and looked at their brilliant performance in the last battle, Orochimaru had at least scored half of this credit.

Eh, it seemed that someone had fallen.

Forget it, it was not important!

In the end, they had to rely on the seventh squad that had forced a cheat to finally obtain a stability. Get your favorite novels at novelbin(.)com

An entire 80,000 ninja army was really dispensable, just like buying soy sauce!

And at this time of 37 years, how many Ninja Alliance troops could the major countries gather?

In total, it was only 10,000 to 20,000!

Don't forget, Ninja World fought for four years in the Second Ninja War and only ended three years ago. This amount of time was not enough to recuperate, let alone 'Explosive Soldiers'!

However, Haru just didn't like this!

If that was his own Rinnegan, it would be fine, but that was Madara's eyes, and now it was for his own disciple's eyes. So his answer was the same as before, and he would not change his eyes for strength.

Moreover, he was not interested in becoming Juubi, Jinchuriki.

In particular, this might become a huge weakness of his, and there was also a great risk. If there was a choice, he would rather rely on his own strength to go on, rather than take such a shortcut.

Therefore, Black Zetsu could not bewitch him.

Perhaps it is like this, but it is not too challenging. Moreover, isn't Madara's original plan to wait for Nagato to grow up and resurrect him? If I take Rinnegan back, do you want me to use the Outer Path to resurrect Madara? Or do you not care whether Madara can still live?

Haru looked at Black Zetsu with a faint smile.

Black Zetsu immediately felt a little awkward and quickly explained, "You are thinking too much. It is my lack of consideration. I just feel that this opportunity is a bit unfortunate."

"Pity? What is a pity? Do you think I will lose?"

Haru continued to ask aggressively.

Black Zetsu almost broke out in cold sweat.

It was a pity that Haru did not fall for it. Otherwise, Juubi would be able to revive very soon.

Moreover, he was not worried that Haru would lose. Instead, he was worried that this guy would really unify Ninja World.

Then it would be awkward.

Was Inifnite Tsukiyomi still going to be carryed out?

Before Madara was resurrected, he had no way to deal with him.

However, if he were to help a few great powers defeat Akatsuki, it would mean that all his previous efforts would be in vain.

Therefore, at this moment, Black Zetsu was in a dilemma.

At this moment, he suddenly regretted that he had not killed the other party back then. He also regretted that he had not been able to repair his relationship with the other party all these years.

Otherwise, why would he be in such a difficult situation right now? He would just directly destroy the five great countries and then smoothly collect Bijuu!


Black Zetsu sighed in his heart, thinking about how to convince the other party.

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