Published at 4th of June 2024 11:43:13 AM

Chapter 370: Aerial Fortress Irkalla

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Chapter 370: Aerial Fortress Irkalla

Haru gave a brand new name to the new flying machine. It was called, Aerial Fortress Irkalla!

It was once the ultimate weapon to protect Yuri, famous for its powerful firepower and destructive power.

Countless members of the Ninja Alliance looked at the giant on top of their heads in a daze, and their heads fell into a jam.

All they thought about was the powerful destructive power that even Bijuu could not resist!

There were even people who were shocked to find that Amegakure was not in a rare sunny day, but because the rain was blocked by the air fortress above their heads!

But how was this possible?

They had clearly seen the blue sky and white clouds before, and there was no shadow of the flying machine. Were they all collectively blind to such a big thing?

However, how could they know the magical use of a large-scale projection machine!

That's right, the flying machine in the air, Irkalla, had been floating in the air above Amegakure from the very beginning.

The blue sky and white clouds that the Ninja Alliance Army saw were just a false image projected by a large-scale projection machine!

It was the same reason as the Four Seasons Transformation trick that Haru had played before.

At this time, Namikaze Minato was very upset. He had felt that there was something wrong with the clouds in the sky, just like a motionless painting. However, his common sense had restricted his imagination. In addition, Sarutob Hiruzen had interrupted his thoughts. Otherwise, he might really have seen through it in advance.

Shukaku was very angry at this time!

Although he didn't know why suddenly he couldn't use Bijuudama, it still opened its mouth wide.

"Wind Release: Drilling Air Bullet!"

A huge wind ball containing a large amount of chakra flew out with a whistling sound.

The densely packed muzzles of the air fortress, which were exposed by Irkalla, once again shone with golden light.

Under the premise of zero-tailed, the second-tailed, and the fourth-tailed as energy, the entire charging process was almost fleeting!

Light of Destruction!

Three hundred and sixty laser beams directly disintegrated Shukaku's Drilling Air Bullet, and then once again submerged Shukaku who was roaring in anger.

It seemed that Shukaku who was unable to use Bijuudama was completely not a match for this war weapon!

After all, Shukaku was relatively against the zero-tailed, the two-tailed and the four-tailed, it was normal to not be able to fight, if it casually able to fight, the construction of the flying machine Irkalla simply meaningless, and there was no need to lock the two-tailed and four-tailed inside.


Confusion, trance?

Or regret?

All sorts of emotions emerged.

Sarutob Hiruzen did not know what he was feeling right now, but he knew that it was not over yet. He had not lost yet.

Since even Bijuu, this trump card, could not let them escape unscathed today, then he could only fight to the death and fight to the death!

"Minato! Carry out the last plan and send us there!"

Minato, who was still far away from Yellow Flash in the original work, quickly nodded and placed his hand on Sarutob Hiruzen and Onoki. In the next second, a golden light flashed and the three of them disappeared in an instant!

When they reappeared, they were already below the tower.

At an unknown time, a strange-looking Kunai was inserted in the corner of the hidden wall.

After using Flying Thunder God to bring Hokage and Tsuchikage over, Minato did not stop. He once again shuttled between the two camps and brought Jiraiya, Kato Dan, and Iwagakure's Explosive Corps over as quickly as possible.

The frequent use of Flying Thunder God could not help but make the young Minato feel very tired, but he still gritted his teeth and persevered.

Seeing that Minato was already at his limit, Onoki no longer hesitated and immediately made a seal and slammed the ground.

"Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall!"

A huge earthen wall suddenly appeared beneath their feet, sending them up to the tall tower. At the same time, they also separated this place from the battlefield on the outside!

After the plan to break the momentum with force completely failed, the last chance they could fight now was to seize the opportunity when Senju Haru was alone and defeat him.

As long as they caught Senju Haru, Akatsuki's attack would immediately collapse!

Whether they could reverse the tide of the battle depended on this gamble.

However, there was one fatal problem in this operation, which was that Flying Thunder God, who was taught by Second Hokage, could easily get him out of the battlefield. No matter how many people attacked him, it would be futile.

However, the other party's character would not easily flee without fighting!

And this was an opportunity that they had to seize this time.

Even if there was only a 10 chance, they had no other choice.

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