Published at 4th of June 2024 11:43:00 AM

Chapter 380: You Don’t Deserve to Die Together!

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Chapter 380: You Don't Deserve to Die Together!

"Do you have any last words?"

Haru reluctantly asked.

Sarutob Hiruzen said seriously, "I still don't regret my choice. The peace brought by using force to suppress is not real peace! At that time, Hashirama-sama didn't do that because he saw the essence clearly. After Hashirama-sama passed away, the First Ninja War was enough to prove that the peace brought by force was unreliable!"

"So I want to say that even if you really unify Ninja World, you can only bring temporary peace. One day, you will grow old or even die. At that time, all the illusions you create will eventually become bubbles. And the more you suppress them, the more terrifying they will be when they explode."

"A hundred years of hard work may only take one day to destroy them!"

"Are you done?" Haru nodded without any surprise.

"If you are done, prepare to go. As for the things you are worried about, I just want to say it. It has nothing to do with you!"

"Fuck, do you really think you are a saint? Do you want to play with me like this? Why didn't you foresee today?"

"I'm not afraid to tell you that what you can't do doesn't mean that others can't do it. What you are worried about is nothing to me!"

"Since I dare to boast about this, then I will definitely be able to achieve this!"

"It's a pity that you can't see it."

Haru's generous character reappeared.

Sarutob Hiruzen's face turned green, then white. In the end, he could only take a deep breath and say, "Since you are so stubborn, there is nothing to say. Even if you give up your life, you can't expand the disaster to the entire Ninja World."

After saying these high-sounding words, Sarutob Hiruzen immediately began to quickly make a seal.

Haru saw through the other party's intentions with a single glance.

At this point in time, there was only this one move that he could still use.

However, wasn't it too disrespectful of him to use the seal of the Dead Demon Consuming Seal in front of him?

Haru silently took out [Beam Sword]. In a flash, he arrived in front of Sarutobi and stabbed in!

However, what surprised Haru was that in the face of his sword, Sarutobi actually accepted it indifferently.

He had only twisted his body in advance due to his preconception, but he had actually managed to barely avoid the fatal vital point.

Seeing the resolute look in this guy's eyes, Haru could not help but chuckle. He was betting his life on a chance to make a move!

No, in any case, even if he used the Dead Demon Consuming Seal, he would still die, so it didn't matter, right?

"Come with me to the Underworld!"

As a result, he coincidentally threw it next to the merman.

Samehada was also a cold creature. First, it twisted its body and curiously nudged the Fish Sword on the ground. Then, it actually opened its mouth and swallowed it!

After eating it, it still stuck out its tongue and swung it twice.

Then, its entire 'muscle' did not seem good. It started to hiccupnon-stop. It seemed to be in great pain. It rolled on the ground and wanted to vomit but could not.

When Samehada swallowed [Fish Sword], Haru already had a bad feeling. This guy was really too good!

Why are you eating everything in your mouth?

This is good, you must have eaten something bad!

He wanted to ignore it, but in the end, he still couldn't bear it.

Therefore, he could only temporarily put down the dying Sarutobi and run over to see the situation.

When Samehada saw that his savior had arrived, it immediately struck and tried to crawl onto Haru, looking dispirited and dispirited.

"Eat, eat, eat, eat! You only know how to eat in a day! Do you still want to eat next time?"

Samehada frantically shook its head. It probably knew fear.

Could the things that [Myriad Realms Monolith] produced be ordinary?

Haru shook his head helplessly. Then, he pursed his lips and stretched his entire arm into the large mouth of the merman.

Samehada had just eaten it, and the digestion ability of Samehada was not that fast, so he just needed to take out the Fish Sword.

This was what Haru thought and did.

However, a minute later.

Fuck! Fuck!

Samehada had been dug out and Haru kept retching, but he still couldn't find anything.

What the fuck, a big Fish Sword, how did it melt in its mouth?

Isn't this nonsense!

It was unknown if it was because the strength from before had subsided or if it was because it was too uncomfortable for Haru to pull it out, but Samehada suddenly became sluggish. He spat out Haru's arm in one bite, then stretched out his tongue and climbed onto Haru's back, pretending to be dead.

This was really.

Looking at the saliva on his arm, Haru was at a loss whether to laugh or cry.REad updated stories at n/ovel/bin(.)com

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