Published at 4th of June 2024 11:42:27 AM

Chapter 402: Codename - Ninja

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Chapter 402: Codename - Ninja

In the summer of 1998, it was hotter than before.

However, in a town south of the Kukan'yu Kingdom on the Yorbian Continent, an indescribably eerie aura pervades.

On the streets and houses, there were men in suits hiding everywhere, armed with all kinds of weapons, nervously watching the empty street outside.

Three days ago, when their Boss Donald received a parcel on the table that he did not know from where he get, nearly a thousand people in the gang were all gathered.

Then there was a rumor that someone had hired a killer to assassinate their Boss Donald.

And that package was the 'advance notice' that the killer had specially sent, and it was also proof!

In the world of killers, there were almost no people who would inform the target in advance that 'I am going to kill you'.

But from ten years ago, a killer with codenamed 'Ninja' had appeared!

For the past ten years, the mission completion rate was one hundred percent!

Regardless of whether it was the government officials, the boss of the mafia, or anyone else.

As long as they could afford the price, and the other party was in a good mood, they would definitely complete it!

Moreover, before killing the other party, they would deliver an exquisite small box to the target three days ahead of time.

After opening the box, one would find a death notification letter, which stated the time of death marked on it.

The target could use these three days to seek shelter or hire bodyguards and so on, as if they could survive after the time of death.

Of course, this was only a guess from the people of the outside world, and it had never been confirmed, and no one had ever done it!

It seemed that as long as he opened the box and saw the death notification letter inside, he would die!

Moreover, no matter how many people protected him, they would only be implicated and die tragically. It was as if opening the box was like opening a nightmare and releasing disaster.

Thus, people began to call it 'Pandora's Box'.

So someone asked, what happens if you don't open it? Is it okay?

No matter how terrifying he was, the other party was just a killer. Could he still have three heads and six arms?

There were a total of a thousand members of the mafia armed to the guide outside, including rockets, bombs, and other weapons. Even thirty heads would not be enough to hit them!

Logically speaking, it should be like this.

However, at this moment, Donald could not calm down at all. The expensive cigars he imported were smoked one by one. Not long after, the crystal ashtray in front of him was full of cigarette butts.

"Boss Donald, no matter what, you are the godfather of the biggest mafia in the entire Kading Kingdom. Are you scared out of your wits by a mere killer?"

At this time, there was a man in casual clothes sitting in the room, holding a goblet in his hand, shaking his head and tasting the high-level red wine that he could not drink normally.

"I didn't care about face when I was seven years old, and now, living is the most important thing for me! So as long as you can protect me, the reward I promised you before will immediately be transferred to your account. In addition, you can also gain my friendship, money, power, status, and woman. I can give you anything you want."

Donald did not care about the other person's sarcastic tone at all. He just pressed the one-third burning cigar on the table.

It was not because he had a good temper, but because he still needed the other party.

In order to save his own life, apart from gathering all the armed personnel here and dispersing everyone around him to ensure that no one could get close to here, he also spent a lot of money to hire a hundred bounty hunters!

The relationship between killers and bounty hunters was almost natural. When the two sides met, they would fight to the death.

So, asking bounty hunters to deal with the upcoming killers could be described as a divine stroke!

A thousand armed gangsters and a hundred experienced bounty hunters had already turned this place into an impenetrable wall!

As long as he could safely pass this crisis, what was losing face? He had plenty of opportunities to settle accounts later.

In addition...

"Don't let me know who hired the' Ninja' to assassinate me. Otherwise, I will make that bastard regret living in this world!" Donald's eyes were bloodshot, like a beast about to eat people, fierce and ruthless!

Sitting opposite him, the man who had just spoken could not help but confidently say, "What bullshit Ninja? What era is this? Could it be that he can still wear tight clothes and fly the sword in his hand to kill me later? Hahahaha."



Amidst the maniacal laughter, a huge sword in his hand broke through the wall on the outside with a thunderous force and nailed him to the other side of the wall!

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