Published at 4th of June 2024 11:41:42 AM

Chapter 419: False Heaven, Real Hell

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Chapter 419: False Heaven, Real Hell

The interior of Meteor City had very clean streets and neat and beautiful houses.

It was as if the difference between heaven and hell was once again divided between the inside and outside of Meteor City!

It was very obvious that those who were qualified to live in 'heaven' could not be good people. Only those with power in Meteor City were qualified to live there. And often, these kinds of people were covered in blood and were not good people.

But even so, it still could not stop the people outside from yearning for 'heaven'!

Clean water sources, soft bread, sweet jam, and fresh air.

However, more than ninety-five percent of the residents living in the outer area of Meteor City could not enjoy it in this lifetime.

The people in the outside world only treated Meteor City as a garbage dump, a waste area, a place that was abandoned, and so on.

But in fact, after so many years of development, Meteor City was also full of power and had always been under the secret jurisdiction of the Elder Council.

Where there are people, there will be fights, and if you want to develop, you must have rules!

Therefore, although Meteor City was terrible and chaotic, often because of a little bit of food, people would die, but the real order had always been hidden under this chaos.

For example, trading!

Anything of value could only be traded for money, and only then could it be exchanged for food and weapons.

Otherwise, it would only be trash!

Therefore, the biggest contribution that the Elders Council had made to Meteor City was to build a unique economic system. The collected waste would be recycled to produce economic value. Then, they would buy the materials they needed from the underworld forces and even transport talents.

It was precisely with the perfect economic system that Meteor City could support nearly ten million abandoned people!

From small to small parts, to large to a scrapped car, all of them were clearly priced and could be exchanged for anything they wanted!

Of course, the Elder Council also used this opportunity to gather a large amount of wealth, and their strength continued to grow.

However, there was a thorn that was stuck in their throats, causing them to feel unhappy, but at the same time, they didn't dare to pull it out.

That faction was called... Phantom Troupe!


The Sixth Street of Meteor City did not belong to the inner or outer area, but it was a very special area in the middle of Meteor City.

Originally, this place was like the other blocks, filled with garbage. People lived in the dirty and messy streets.

However, the Sixth Street now was unusually clean and tidy, and it was almost difficult to see those disgusting garbage.

In the middle of the Sixth Street, there was even a small square. There was no music fountain on the square, and there were no statues of celebrities. There was only a huge black stone tablet rising from the ground!

If you looked closely, you could see many words on it, and they kept changing. REad updated stories at n/ovel/bin(.)com

Shizuku slapped Haru's arm and said with difficulty, "Phew. I can't breathe anymore. Haru."


Only then did Haru let go of her and tidy up his messy clothes.

"Very good. You saved your job in the last second. I hope you can keep working hard in the future."

Haru bluntly drove Shizuku away from the seat and then sat down.

Because this was his seat!

Shizuku, who was a little naturally dazed and seriously forgetful, started to become stunned again. In less than three seconds, its eyelids began to fight.

"Hey, are you listening to me?" Haru had no choice but to slap the table a few times to wake up Shizuku.

"Huh? Is it time to eat? Eh? Why are you sitting in my seat?"

Haru gritted his teeth. The veins around his temples bulged and a few words "Well" appeared!

"I am your boss. This is my seat!"

"Oh, since you like to sit, then I'll give it to you."


Haru accidentally crushed the solid wooden handrail.

"Eh? What sound? Forget it, it's not important. Oh right, what do you eat?"


Why did I hire a naturally forgetful person to be my assistant

Haru grabbed his hair in pain, looking like he was doubting his own life.

"Phew... The world is so beautiful, but I am so irritable. This is not good, not good."

After pulling out two strands of his hair, Haru finally calmed down. After all, he had long been mentally prepared, wasn't it?

"Shizuku... Hmm? Where is she?"

When he looked up again, she had already walked out.

Then, Haru heard the sound of Shizuku coming from the first floor. "It's time to eat. Are we actually eating fish today? Speaking of which, where did this fish come from? Is there any fish on Meteor City?"


This time, the entire chair was broken into pieces.

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