Published at 25th of May 2022 08:43:49 AM

Chapter 10

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Later, Lei Yin learned that the girl's name was weierdan. She was the daughter of the head of another village on the island. She was 15 years old and she was a real beauty. Don't look at only 15 years old, like a doll's delicate face, graceful figure has been outlined incisively and vividly, let the man feel the kind of blood spray. Later, she had some stories with Lei Yin...

these are the afterwords.

Lei Yin learned from an old woman that the pirate was offered a reward.

The old woman is about seventy years old. She looks kind and approachable, which makes Leiyin feel very kind. She is the only one who hasn't run on Leiyin since she went to the island.

The old woman told Leiyin that there were three islands nearby, two of which were villages inhabited by civilians, and the other was the location of the Pirate Group.

The village where we are now is called Zhenxi village, while the island village only six nautical miles away is Zhendong Village.

A year ago, a group of Pirates invaded here. The people of the two island villages united to resist. The leaders of the resistance were farmer and Miller.

Farmer is the head of Zhendong Village, which is weierdan's father.

This miller, nearly 40 years old, is a retired major from the Navy. He knows some physical skills and is known as the "Guardian" of Zhendong and Zhenxi villages.

This pirate group is called "wolf Pirate Group". The two leaders are a pair of brothers, and the younger brother, andrein, is the vice captain. He offers a reward of 5 million Bailey. He is more than 2.5 meters tall and has boundless strength.

And his captain brother Anderson is even more extraordinary, offering a reward of 10 million Bailey, is a demon fruit ability.

A year ago, the "wolf Pirate Group" invaded the village. With the appeal of village head farmer and the strength of Miller, they led the villagers to fight. The battle was extremely fierce, and they almost drew with the "wolf Pirate Group".

Although the village suffered a certain degree of damage, neither side did anything about it. At first, the two sides were in a stalemate, but later, with the growing power of the "wolf Pirate Group", Anderson did more and more too much.

At the beginning, the two sides reached a "non aggression" treaty, but with the growth of Anderson's team, they even asked for protection fees from the two villages, otherwise they would be slaughtered.

After all, the villagers are peaceful residents, and even if they resist as they did a year ago, the village will suffer huge damage again. Moreover, if they fight again, with Anderson's strength now, the villagers will be in danger.

Helpless, the villagers can only obediently pay Anderson protection fee, 10000 Bailey per person per month.

If anyone dares to refuse to pay the protection fee or resist, they will be executed mercilessly.

And for this, the so-called "Guardian" Miller is helpless.

But even so, the villagers also said that it was Miller's existence that made Anderson dare not be too arrogant. Even if he paid the protection fee, it was better than destroying the village. So we all rely on Miller and respect him.

After listening to the old lady, Lei Yin was puzzled: "Anderson, if they are so arrogant, will the Navy just sit by and ignore them?"

According to the world, Lei Yin speculates that it will be several years before Lufei goes to sea. Therefore, at that time, 10 million yuan should be a high reward in the East China Sea. At this time, the reward of clown baki is only 6 million.

The old woman suddenly laughed: "they collude with the Navy. It's well known, but no one dares to say it."

In this way, Lei Yin understands that this is similar to the situation of ah long in Hoh Ya Xi village in the original work. At that time, ah long was domineering and overcharging in more than 20 villages, and he was also known as the strongest reward offender in the East China Sea, with a reward of 20 million Bailey. Such arrogant figures are ignored by the Navy.

Of course, this is the story of the future.

Although the old woman said so much, a lot of information, but Lei Yin is very clear.

This also shows that when he went to the island and asked the reward offering prisoner, the villagers were coldly opposed. Even Miller's master didn't do anything to these pirates. Where did you come from? Don't go back to pee and take care of yourself...

after finding out something about this island and thanking his wife, Lei Yin left.

After a period of sea journey and fighting with sea king, his stomach began to cry for a long time.

But I can't even get half Bailey out of me. What should I do?

So, a great plan was born in his heart...

eat overlord's meal.

In this way, I found a nice looking restaurant, went in and began to order, "boss, I'll have a super large amount of fried rice with eggs!"

Several diners in the restaurant knew him, because Lei Yin asked them where there was a reward prisoner just now.

One end of the fried rice with eggs came up, and Lei Yin wolfed it down.

So Lei Yin sat there and attracted the eyes of many people."This boy is the one who just inquired about the reward offender."

"It's ridiculous. This guy really doesn't know the heaven and earth."

A beautiful girl is watching Lei Yin, especially when she sees his embarrassed appearance.

The girl is Wei Er Dan, who just said the same thing.

She looked at Lei Yin and said to her father farmer, who was sitting opposite to her, "Dad, this guy just asked me where there was a pirate. I think most of him has some brain problems."

Listening to her daughter say so, farmer can't help but look at the thunder in front of the bar.

Lei Yin is a little delicate, with a little white complexion and a little thin. At first sight, he looks like a scholar who has no strength to bind a chicken. How can he compete with the pirate who adds blood to the blade all day long?

People usually judge strangers by their appearance.

Looking at Leiyin eating like gluttonous food in front of the bar, it attracted everyone's contemptuous eyes.

"It's true that not only is there something wrong with your head, but you're not well-educated, and you look so ugly."

Lei Yin turned a deaf ear to the ridicule of the public's pointing and continued to eat his own...

suddenly, there was a huge knock on the door, and a huge body came in at the door of the restaurant.

Everyone's eyes can't help shifting from Lei Yin.

It's the vice captain of the wolf pirates, Anderson's brother, andLin!

His height is two meters five, and he is also very fat. Standing up, he looks like a hill. His face is full of flesh, and the hair in his nostrils is more than half a foot long. He carries a big chopper, followed by two thin minions, and strides in with his head held high... , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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