Published at 25th of May 2022 08:42:17 AM

Chapter 103

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For Lei Yin, the second level of Warcraft has no challenge, so he extended his "magic claw" to Sadie.

To be exact, it's the four monstrous warders that Sadie is in charge of.

The Minotaur, the shy rhinoceros, minorino kellos, the koala, Minotaur, and the zebra, minozhabra.

While Sadie is interrogating others, Leiyin will disguise herself, change into prisoners' clothes, deliberately annoy them and let them attack himself.

To deal with them, Lei Yin would never use Ninjutsu. Instead, he would use some physical skills such as Liushi and shiziliantan to fight against them.

Although they are all strange animals, they are very powerful. They are in charge of the fourth floor. There are more than 50 million level prisoners, close to 100 million bounty. Any one of the four jailer beasts can crush them (easily beat Mr. 2). You can imagine what level the four can attack together.

At the beginning, Lei Yin used pure body technique to draw with the four. After continuous training, Lei Yin gradually gained the upper hand.

If you want to be unknown, you have to do nothing. Lei Yin was found after a long time.

They wear prison clothes all day long to hang and beat these animals. Sometimes they say hello to the guards and jailers in advance, and everyone turns a blind eye. Within a week, Sadie found them.

Sadie stood in front of Lei Yin, with her hands on her waist: "Mr Deputy Director, it's too much for you to do that. Look at how my little babies are bullied by you." Then Sadie's face changed, and she was close to Leiyin. "Do you like torture, too? If you don't mind, little Sadie would like to be your prisoner. Please whip me

With that, Sadie handed the whip to Leiyin.

Lei Yin saw this, a face of ignorant force: this woman, not only has a serious tendency to abuse, did not expect, or a masochist. This guy, what happened when he was a child

A director who likes diarrhea, a Toby deputy director who wants to be the director, and a woman who likes to torture people. I don't know if I will become a big Teaser when I stay with this group of abnormal guys every day. Lei Yin smiles and shakes his head helplessly.

Sadie learned about Lei Yin's beating a jailer beast these two days. She thought Lei Yin liked to bully nue and treat animals. She was a fellow of her own. Moreover, there were almost no normal men in the city, whether in character or appearance (think about the appearance of Magellan and Hannibal). In addition, Lei Yin's appearance is relatively handsome, and Sadie himself has some masochistic tendencies, so he is willing to let him whip himself to seek some pleasure.

Of course, Lei Yin would not be interested in this kind of thing. Since Sadie's "whip little Sadie," he never bothered the four jailers.

Lei Yin thought about it and thought of a faster way to improve her strength.

The guy with a reward of over 100 million may not have much challenge to Lei Yin. So, he cast his eyes on the bottom of the city

Level six, infinite Hell!

All the prisoners here are world-class big pirates. Many of them have done a lot of extremely cruel things. Even the newspapers dare not publish them.

In the deputy director's office, turning over the prisoners on the sixth floor, Lei Yin focuses on one name. After thinking for a moment, he takes four guards to the sixth floor.

The sixth layer of infinite Hell is no better than the other layers. Once you go in, you feel extremely gloomy, which gives you a shivering feeling.

The prison of this layer is no better than that of other layers. There is only one person in each prison. Moreover, there is a big gap between the prison and the prison, and almost no one can say a word to anyone.

There is neither the heat of high temperature nor the cold of low temperature in this layer. Except for the humidity and darkness, the prisoners in this layer hardly suffer from skin and flesh.

What is infinite Hell?

These ferocious criminals are either sentenced to death, suspended or imprisoned for life. Although they do not suffer from physical pain, they have to endure loneliness and loneliness all the year round. Even no one speaks. Until they grow old and die in prison, the world government will not build graves for them, and no one knows their death. It's like a person is always in the endless darkness, never see the light and hope.

I'm afraid it's much more painful than the physical pain. This is the living hell.

It's so quiet here that we can only hear the thunder and the footsteps of four guards.

Walking to the door of a prison, Lei Yin said, "open these."

After the guard opened the door, Lei Yin continued: "open his handcuffs and shackles, too."

The four guards were startled, and guard a said, "deputy director, are you kidding?"

Guard B: "yes, sir, he is..."

Lei Yin glared at them: "there's so much nonsense there. If you open it, I'll be responsible for anything."They didn't dare to argue any more. Guard C took out the key and walked over, shaking his hands to open the prisoner's shackles.

In the dark, the man suddenly opened his eyes and walked out slowly. The four guards were too scared to move.

When you look closely, this man's beard is in the shape of "W", his hair is green, and his body is very strong.

"Wald, I have something to ask you. Let's talk about it." Thunder sound looks at him light way.

That's right. The man released by Lei Yin is Bondi Wald, the world destroyer. Superman is the one with Momo's fruit ability, offering a reward of 500 million Bailey!

"Are you going to let me out?" Wald road.

Lei Yin turned to the four guards and said, "you guys go first. I'll try him alone."

The four guards heard that they dare to stay here, one by one faster than the rabbit: anyway, if they are killed, they are also released by your deputy director, which has nothing to do with us. Just don't involve us.

This is the common voice of the four.

After the four left: "Wald, I'll make a bet with you."

Wald did not understand: "bet?"

Lei Yin: "I want to compete with you. If you lose, I'll lock you in again. If you win, I'll let you go."

"Ah ha ha," said Wald, loosening his muscles and bones, "boy, I don't know what kind of nerve you have or what kind of conspiracy you have, but I want to tell you that since I'm released, you can't lock me in again!"

Smell speech, thunder tone light smile, made an offensive posture: "that depends on your ability how." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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