Published at 25th of May 2022 08:42:13 AM

Chapter 107

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"Don't be so anxious, don't say it's the magic wood dun. Even if the ordinary wood Dun wants to practice, it's not overnight. You have to be prepared for long-term cultivation and failure." The Buddha said.

Lei Yin tilted his head: "it's not as difficult as you said?"

Buddha kindly smile: "do not believe it, you try ah."

When Lei Yin heard the speech, he did not speak any more. Instead, he concentrated the chakra of water attribute on his left hand. When he wanted to concentrate the chakra of soil attribute on his right hand, he found that he could not do anything.

"This What's going on? " Lei Yin's face is muddled.

Buddha: "ha ha ha, it's equivalent to drawing a circle while drawing a square by hand. It's absolutely impossible without a few days' hard work."

"So it is."

Next, Lei Yin tried several times, but all in vain.

"Don't waste your time. I told you it's going to take a lot of effort to do it."

Buddha said with a straight face.

Lei Yin's hands hung down and his face was a little disappointed.

"You go back first, practice this well, then come to me, I will guide you to open the immortal mode." Buddha said.

"Oh, I see."

When Lei Yin turned to leave, Buddha stopped him again: "wait a minute, boy."

Huh? Lei Yin turned around again.

Buddha: "well, what's your name again."

Completely faint!

In other words, the memory of Buddha is really nobody.

Once again back to the world of pirates, Leiyin fell asleep directly to the next day.

The next morning, just as it turned a little white, two marines came to the propulsion city.

"There is an order from our headquarters that brigadier general Lei Yin should immediately escort Jeremy to our headquarters for public execution. No mistake is allowed!"

Lei Yin, who got the order, immediately packed up and set out with two navies.

In this way, Leiyin's journey to promote the city is over.

Among them, the saddest is Sadie: a beautiful man in the deep sea prison left. It's a sad story.

From the propulsion city to the Navy headquarters, it was basically the sea area managed by the Navy. The warships had a good journey. Within 20 minutes, Lei Yin escorted the prisoners back.

Soon to be sentenced to death, Jeremy looked as if he had given up any idea of hope.

Later, Lei Yin learned that this jerev was a newcomer to the new world. At that time, he was ambitious and wanted to become the fourth emperor or even the pirate king, so he went to one of the four emperors [big mom] Charlotte Lingling to challenge him. Unfortunately, his strength was poor and he was beaten. He didn't expect to meet two generals after he came back. It can only be said that he was exhausted.

Before he challenged the big mom of the fourth emperor, he burned, killed and looted in the West Sea, and did almost all kinds of evil. By chance, he got the Griffin fruit of the animal species. Since then, his strength has greatly increased, and he has done more than before.

Today is what we deserve.

When Lei Yin returned to the Navy headquarters, he was not the deputy director of the propulsion city. Originally, he went there to maintain a stable order for the time being and prevent another riot like that of Kaido. The navy was caught off guard again.

Now Lei Yin has mastered two kinds of domineering power. The domineering power awakens in the actual combat exercises on the island of animo, and the entanglement and hardening of chakra can be regarded as his own unique armed color, which can still contact the entity of the natural demon fruit ability.

In the past, he was almost busy. After he came back from Qianjin City, Lei Yin may have realized this. If he can predict the enemy's attack, his strength will be improved.

So, he went to find Karp and asked him to teach him the way to awaken his lust.

As for Leiyin, Kapp naturally has no reservation. "This kind of domineering power is a potential power possessed by all human beings in the world. It can be said that this kind of power is an innate ability, just like the same momentum and deterrent power, just like the instinct of eating and drinking water. However, the vast majority of people are not aware of this power, or will not be able to exert it all their lives. It can detect the breath of surrounding creatures, the domineering of emotional changes, and can also be used to foresee and avoid danger. On the empty Island, this kind of power is also called "heart net."

Hearing these words, Lei Yin's head was full of black lines: "I said, old man, I know what you said very well. The important thing is cultivation, the method of cultivation."

Kapp scratched his head: "ha ha, I thought you didn't know. I'm glad that you have such a progressive mind. In that case, I'll teach you. I hope you will keep it in mind. "


Then, Kapu taught Leiyin the cultivation method of seeing, hearing, lust and domineering without reservation.

In this way, Lei Yin not only practices seeing and hearing, but also practices the "Mudun" taught by civet cat Buddha. Different from seeing and hearing color, seeing and hearing color thunder only took less than three days to master. However, Mu Dun's cultivation was far from as simple as he thought. As the civet Buddha said, it was like drawing a circle with one hand and a square with the other.However, he believes that one day, he will master, open the immortal mode, and use the powerful [Magic Wood Dun - real thousand hands], even the most powerful form of Yu Zhi Bo ban, which can be played by Su Zuo, who can almost disappear

The cultivation is put aside first. When Leiyin comes back from the propulsion City, the happiest thing is that the two women, weierdan and Tina, see Leiyin's face like spring water: "I haven't seen this guy for a long time."

Weier Dan, in particular, can't restrain his emotions and takes the initiative to find Lei Yin.

"Hey, I went to that big prison for three months. How can I feel that you've lost weight?" Wei Er Dan asks a way.

"Ah, well, maybe there's a lot of exercise."

There, Lei Yin broke the boat to cultivate herself. Although she was thin, she grew some curly muscles and improved her physique.

In fact, Wei Er Dan also has no words to look for words, don't know what to say, "Oh, there must be terrible? I've heard it's horrible. "

Speaking of this, Lei Yin certainly has personal experience.

"Every prisoner who goes there has to be disinfected with 100 degree boiling water, and every layer is like a real hell."

Said here, Wei Er Dan's pretty face appeared obvious discomfort: "how How come that kind of thing really makes people shudder when they think about it. "

In addition, Lei Yin also told her what kind of crimes the prisoners at each level were experiencing, and weierdan was just like watching a horror movie. Although she was cruel, she still listened to it word for word.

"Really, if it was me, one point I can't stay for a second. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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