Published at 25th of May 2022 08:42:11 AM

Chapter 109

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Amazon lily, daughter island.

"Lady snake!"

"What's this, cosmos?" The woman, known as "Snake Lady", pointed to a clay sculpture and asked.

"Oh, it's a clay sculpture carefully made by the children in the village for Snake Lady. It's also colored... It must have taken a lot of effort. And in order not to damage it, they carefully moved it to the city, not to mention how lovely it is. "

"Snake Girl" looks at the clay sculpture and thinks, "is that right? With clay, the statue made for me... "

when you look at it carefully, the figure of the clay statue's clothes is very similar to her, but the appearance is a little worse, but anyway, it's all children's heart, which shows their respect and yearning for her.

All of a sudden, her face changed. She raised her slender foot and crushed the clay sculpture with one foot: "such a shabby thing, it's too bad scenery!"

This woman, who is called "Snake Lady", has black hair like lacquer and skin like jade. Her whole body looks like the carving of a famous craftsman. More is more, less is less. She is beautiful and amazing. She is Boya hancook, the Amazon Lily emperor and captain of the nine snake Pirate Group, offering a reward of 80 million Bailey.

"Ah, lady snake ~"

The Empress hancook disdained: "don't move that dirty thing into the palace, throw it away and clean the floor! By the way, Cosmos... "

" Lady snake? "

"Hasn't the ship that went out to hunt the sea king come back yet?"

"Not yet."

Just as she was saying that, an old woman about one meter tall came in: "Snake Girl, I still hope you will think about it carefully."

This short and frustrated old lady is the first emperor of Amazon lily. People call her "mother-in-law Zha".

The empress's eyebrows were lightly raised, with a high posture: "as I have said, I'm not interested."

"Snake Girl, this time is not your wayward time. Even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about so many lives in daughter island. This time, the world's political commissar can come to you to discuss this matter. It's a heaven sent opportunity. You don't know how to cherish it. "

The more she said, the more excited she was: "our security may not be guaranteed. Do you really think our daughter island can compete with the world-class army?"

Smell speech, female emperor Jiao voice angrily drinks: "shut up for me! You old lady, I don't need you to tell me anything about me! "

Zha's mother-in-law also refused to give in: "Snake Lady, this is a matter of life and death of daughter Island, you can't do it like this..."

at this time, the empress could be said to be furious and annoyed. She grabbed my mother-in-law's hair and threw it out of the window.

Maybe the soldiers of daughter Island thought that she had gone too far, and the guards around her said: "Snake Lady, is this too...

The Empress suddenly put on a very charming and attractive posture, and peach blossom appeared around her:" even if I do anything, I will be forgiven, because I am so beautiful...

the soldiers under the empress see it The empress looked like a peach heart in her eyes: "Lady snake!"

"Yes, yes!"

"Lady snake is so beautiful!"

"Why, mother-in-law, she deserves it!"

It has to be said that the female emperor's charm value is really explosive, her attraction has no gender boundaries.

Amazon lily, 20 miles away.

"Hey, it's said that the emperor of nine snakes, though a beautiful woman, is a monster that can petrify people."

"Yes, yes, I've heard about it, too."

"Don't pull it. This kind of ability only exists in legend. How can it exist in reality?"

"I'm not sure. There's nothing impossible about the ability in the world."

Is about to enter the daughter island of the navy are talking, a pirate ship appeared in front of us.

On the highest mast of the pirate ship, the flag of nine snakes and skeletons was hung.

No need to ask, this is the nine snake Pirate Group.

The warship slowly approached the pirate ship.

"Navy, you must not be near daughter Island, otherwise, we will be impolite!" A woman on the pirate ship yelled at the warship. The female pirates on the ship were ready with bows and arrows.

On the warship, Lei Yin took a look at his adjutant, craven. When Craven understood, he went up to the bow and replied, "soldiers of the nine snakes, don't get me wrong! We are here to talk with your leader about something. Please make sure she gives us a response! "

Listen to Craven say so, a woman stepped on the bow: "I am the leader of this ship, have any words, tell me."

Empress, are you here?

At this time, the navy have run to the bow, want to see the legendary world's largest beauty empress's face. But what I saw was a woman with long green hair, a head twice as big as her body, and a very scary look."Is this... Is this the legendary Pirate Queen?"

"Sure enough, it's far from what is said."

"It's terrible."

"I said, after all, hearsay is only hearsay..."

when people were talking about it, Leiyin also stepped forward and looked at it carefully. At a glance, he understood that the woman was the second of Gore's three sisters, Boya sundasonia, the younger sister of the empress, not hancook.

This ship is only sent out by jiushe island to hunt sea animals and sea kings and reserve some food for jiushe people, so the empress is not on it.

Seeing this, Lei Yin sent someone to pick up a loudspeaker and said to him, "on behalf of the world Navy, I want to meet your emperor of nine snakes. Please cooperate and ask her to come out to see me!"

Smell speech, nearby of Cleven some wonder son: "brigadier general adult, how do you know she is not the empress?"

Leiyin solemnly replied: "because of the reward order of the empress, I have seen it."

Hearing that Lei Yin wanted to see the empress, Sandra Sonia couldn't help laughing: "hum, who are you? Is our emperor what you want to see? "

Hearing this, Lei Yin did not flinch: "as I said just now, I am acting on behalf of the world government. We will not hurt you. It's good for you and me to ask her to come out. "

"Well, it's just a smelly Navy, arrogant at night! I'll ask you, "are you going or not?" Cried sundasonia.

The smell of gunpowder on both sides became stronger and stronger. The female soldiers of the nine snakes on the side of the pirates each took arrows on the string, while the Navy also held up fireguns, and each stood ready for the enemy.

"We won't leave until we finish the task." Thunder tone light way. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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