Published at 25th of May 2022 08:43:48 AM

Chapter 11

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Andering, five million Bailey. As mentioned earlier, with the influence of the "wolf Pirate Group", he was extremely arrogant in Zhendong and Zhenxi villages.

Not only did he rely on the power of his Pirate Group, but also on the fighting power of anderlin himself. The decapitation sword in his hand alone weighed no less than 150 Jin. It can be said that among the three islands, there are no rivals except the "Guardian" Miller and his brother Anderson.

Not only that, anderlin is cruel and has a bad temper. As long as the villagers dare to disobey him, they will be brutally executed.

He killed no less than ten people in Zhendong and Zhenxi villages. In this regard, people are afraid of them.

Despite the villagers' scorn and ridicule of the new thunder, as soon as andrein came in, people didn't dare to breathe, and the people who used to talk and laugh immediately fell silent.

Andering came in and laughed boldly: "ah ha ha, everyone pay attention, this month's protection fee should be paid again? Everyone is ready for money. Ten thousand Baileys for each person. You can't lose a cent. "

Hearing what he said, there was still silence in the restaurant, and everyone was eating with their heads down.

Seeing these villagers who had already surrendered themselves, anderlin nodded with satisfaction.

At this time, the minion next to andrein said to him: "second brother, weierdan and the immortal farmer are also here."

"Wei'er Dan is really getting hotter and hotter. She's only 15 years old. If she grows up to 20 years old, I don't know what kind of seduction she will become..." he says, and his mouth is watering.

On hearing this, anderlin also looked at weierdan with a trace of Yin profanity, and then said to the second minion: "isn't elder brother going to fight? When he comes back, I don't know how many pretty girls will come back, so I don't care about one or two of them. "

The second brother said, "ha ha."

Weierdan is the daughter of the village head. If she were an ordinary villager, she would have been taken away by them.

Anderson, the captain of "wolf Pirate Group", has long wanted to catch weierdan and become his own woman. However, because farmer is the head of the village and has a high prestige in the two villages, in consideration of the overall situation, in order to better collect protection fees. So I didn't start with weierdan.

When they passed by Wei'er Dan, the second one whistled to her.

Then, andering went to the front of the bar and said to the boss, "Hello! If you have good wine and good food, please give it to me! "

The boss was terrified and nodded submissively: "yes... Yes..."

for the arrival of anderlin, Lei Yin didn't care at all. She wolfed down a plate full of fried rice with eggs. At this time, she had already seen the bottom.

"Boss, give me another one!"

Lei Yin shouts at the boss holding a plate, which attracts people's attention again.

At this moment, andering was beside him!

Compared with the silent people, Lei Yin's practice is so out of place.

The arrival of andrein was like a bear. Everyone was very careful, for fear that the terrible Taisui would be offended there.

This guy, to what extent does he have to live or die? Everyone thought about it.

Sure enough, as expected, Anderson was very angry when he heard the thunder, "where did you come from, Tama? Dare to shout in Laozi's territory? "

Over the years, all the people who dare to disobey him have died miserably, and the villagers have also turned pale at him, which makes him very arrogant. Even the villagers would feel uncomfortable talking loudly in front of him.

"You're the one who yells, aren't you? You don't own the restaurant. You should shut up! " Lei Yin didn't even look at him and said coldly.


Shit, is this guy from that place? Is life twisted?

In the eyes of everyone, Lei Yin has already stepped into the gate of death. Everyone looked at him in shock.

However, what shocked them even more was still behind...

the minions nearby were worried: "Hello! Damned kid, do you know who you're talking to? "

However, andrein showed a ferocious smile, pulled out the chopper on his waist, and cut it mercilessly towards Lei Yin's head...

suddenly, a deep blood hole appeared on his neck, and the blood light splashed everywhere!

At the next moment, many diners in the restaurant screamed out in fright...

however, it was not thunder's neck that bled.

One second before anderlin raised his sword, he saw a white energy ripple in the void...

white blade!

This move is Lei Yin imitates "white teeth of wood leaf" and gathers chakra on the index finger and middle finger of his right hand, releasing a sharp blow!

After the previous water treading practice in no man's Island, Leiyin has a certain degree of control over chakra, and this move, Shanzhai Baiya, is not as powerful as before. Lei Yin named it "white blade".It's a long process to say, but it only takes a moment.

With a flash of white light, it directly cut andrein's throat, and the blood immediately gushed out. His body, like a bear, fell heavily on the floor of the dining room, convulsed a few times, and then he was no longer alive.

From the beginning to the end, Lei Yin didn't look at anderlin.

When the two minions saw that the vice captain was so easily solved, they were so scared that they ran away.

At this time, the four seats were shocked, and all the people's Chins fell to the ground!

"This... This is..."

"what did that kid just do?"

"Isn't this guy an ordinary kid?"

Some people's views on Leiyin have changed a lot, and weierdan looks at Leiyin with surprised eyes...

but there are also many people who criticize Leiyin's behavior.

"This kid killed andering."

"Now we're going to have a disaster!"

"[wolf] Anderson will not let us go if he comes back!"

"What shall we do?"

We all talk about each other. Some timid people are ready to run away and leave the village.

However, there are still some people who appreciate Lei Yin's practice.

People have long wanted to kill andering, but they don't have the strength.

Among those who appreciate Lei Yin, the head of Zhendong Village, FA murmured.

Farmer walked slowly to Lei Yin and said, "I think your skill is extraordinary. Can you do me a favor?"

At this time, Lei Yin was eating the second dish of fried rice with eggs like a nobody, and said, "what's the matter?"

"Old man, please help to kill Anderson and save the people in the village...

" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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